Fear of communication gone after switching to lemmy

Tolstoy@lemmy.world to Reddit Migration@kbin.social – 106 points –

Hey, I hope it's ok to post something like this here. I just wanted to say thanks for the people here^^ A long time ago I joined Reddit and tried to post, comment and communicate about stuff I liked. Only now I noticed how much I became a lurker over the time because of the negativity at Reddit. Snappy comments, no real feedback but hate, sometimes even borderline insults... After nuking and deleting my Reddit account and switching to lemmy I noticed how much I missed it. People here are way more friendly and communicate politely. At least for now... Posting is fun again, all thanks to you all^^ That's my two cents. Thanks for reading. Love you all, keep safe. Cheers


I figure this thread is as good as any to put my first comment on. Thank you for the positive message! I felt the same way on Reddit, where I was a lurker for 8 years, just helping people when I could when I was certain I could help. I'll try to do my best to enjoy commenting & connecting with others ♥️

Whatever, nerd.

Haha just kidding. I agree. I bumped into some market study about Reddit (probably on Reddit) a couple months ago that found ~95% of the most upvoted comments were 2 sentences or less. So much for deep, meaningful conversation.

Makes sense, though. If you weren't getting much out of Reddit's vapid content it was probably easier to escape, along with old-ish folks like me, who have lived through this type of thing many times. Reddit became pretty shitty, and I don't see it getting any better. While purging my accounts, I took a peak at the new interface. What a hellscape without adblock and the old site on life support.

Welcome aboard!

You really got me first^^ Now I want to see the normal site without any adblocks etc. I never used the website, installed the "official app" scrolled 2 min and switched immediately to a 3rd party app.

Someone already mentioned in another thread, but it's also much friendlier to those of us in non-US timezones. On Reddit you'd never be heard in an 8h old thread, here you can.

After 4 years lurking on Reddit, this is so much better already and improving rapidly.

I just realized that it's hard to imagine someone saying you should speak English because lemmy/kbin is an amaerican website. I'm sure we've all seen that more than once on reddit.

Hello. I'm your local Karen. Kbin is a Polish website, so you must speak Polish, starting right now! (written in English so I can be understood, obviously, but that's not the point) /s

Yeah i agree with you, i was def more of a lurker on reddit but it feels good to communicate with wonderful humans like you.

It’s really nice coming on here and seeing 10-20 comments versus the 1-2 I often got on Reddit. It’s really nice here

Sending a warm welcome! I relate—I honestly JUST started to comment here and there on Reddit within this past year. I join kbin and within a week I’ve commented more here then the 8 years I lurked on reddit. It’s just a better overall vibe here.

i feel the same way, it was as if by saying anything on reddit you were poking a sleeping bear. not anymore. i have a shit ton of comments and threads here already and not a single rude comment

Welcome! I also came over recently from Reddit as well after 12 years. The smaller niche subs were always friendly, but the bigger subs... well, I felt the same as you, with all of the negativity, drama and trolling. More often than not I simply remained a lurker. I gotta deal with enough stress in real life, don't need to invite it into my leisure time.

The early days, during The Great Digg Migration, weren't bad at all, but it all slid downhill in later years, until it was more about doomscrolling for me and less about actual interaction. Coming here, I feel like everything is new and fresh again, and that everyone is welcoming and friendly. It's been quite refreshing!

Glad to have you with us! This place feels more like a real community. I've commented more on kbin this past week than on reddit the past two years combined.

This is true for me as well. I became very considered with all my posts, and scared to post a quick off-hand remark on reddit. Often I would get half-way through a comment, and just delete it because I had become paranoid about how it would be received - even the most mundane thoughts and opinions. It was just too mentally exhausting to deal with. And also, I 'd just like to say: the "fancy pants" editor is shit.

1 more...
1 more...

I definitely agree. On Reddit, I would comment pretty rarely, and many times I've written out comments and then deleted them because it wasn't worth the effort.

Man, the amount of time I wasted writing comments only to think, "Eh, fuck it. They won't appreciate the effort." I hated seeing the dreaded Orange Mailbox. Was it going to be a troll, a nitpicker, or OP asking me to entirely do whatever I was helping them learn.

I remember there was a specific thread in /r/darktide that I commented on and, while I will admit that the overall topic was potentially volatile given the community - or at least possibly against the collective hivemind of 'tide players - the negativity I got in that thread continually baffled me. I'd attempt to explain and re-explain over and over again and every time it was met with this..."wall" of almost.../hatred/ that I just couldn't wrap my mind around.

One guy I swear felt like he was legitimately getting off on the hatred he was spewing - to the extent that a whole other poster commented on how messed up his responses were.

I eventually /think/ I figured out people were latching on to like a single thing I'd said in my multiple paragraphs of responses but...yeah. It was like people were only looking for that one little bone they could hang on to to be as negative and visceral as possible. It legit took me aback. And I'm only slowly beginning to realize I /don't/ feel that over here.

Exactly the same thing happened to me over at r/idiotsincars.

Normally, everyone there criticizes any driver who makes even a small mistake, but when I commented that the "victim driver" was speeding themselves to block someone illegally passing him, they just fell over me, ripped parts of my comments out of context and downvoted me into oblivion. They even accused me of having some kind of agenda just because I wrongly assumed the signs were showing km/h, like the dashcam, and not mph. He was briefly doing 95 km/h in a 40 mph zone. I argued it doesn't matter if it's 40 km/h or 65 km/h at that point.

I deleted all my comments and unsubscribed from that sub instantly, not a big deal. But from then on, I was so much more hesitant commenting anything. That was almost a year ago and I'm still shocked at what random hate and insinuations can do to you.

Let's hope something like that doesn't spill over here.

kbin isn't the same software as lemmy, but they can talk to each other (the joy of the fediverse). Glad you've found your voice as a result! I also found the culture of most subreddits hard to deal with, too many egos clashing.

You're totally right, even subreddit with the same interests "fought" against each other...

Hello from kbin! i also noticed this, its so much less intimidating to express yourself here on the fediverse

Indeed. I’ve been on Reddit for 11 years and pretty much lurking all the time. Everything always felt judgemental... Now, my fear is that Lemmy will go the same way once the number of users grows. We’ll see…

Everything always felt judgemental...

I think you are awesome man!

Find smaller communities about the topics you like. They're basically always friendlier than big monolithic ones, because people on the big ones essentially need to be cranky assholes just to get any kind of attention or feedback.

This will feel a lot more natural here due to each site having its own namespace. You can join @topic instead of @topic and deal with, like, 200 people, rather than 200,000.

The default Reddit subs were generally cesspools in one way are another. And I grew to dread the red "you have a message" notice.

Some of the niche ones were really nice. One of my favorites had rule #1 of "be excellent to each other." The topic of the sub had nothing to do with movies, Keanu, or silly quotes. One of the users in particular could get pretty salty at times, but he was knowledgeable and people felt free to check him when his tone got to be too much.

A lot of the Reddit userbase issues could be solved by the "unsub" button

But it also just got worse in a myriad of fundamental ways over the past few years. The latest drama is just the proverbial straw on the back

Same about me. In here fediverse, I feel every comments I got are all living comments if it's upvoted or not.

totally, no matter of context they are all well written and polite. Even if you're totally wrong you get friendly replies with proper feedback.

For me it's the anonymity that Reddit and this site provide that allows the fear-free freedom of expression. If I had to use my real name I wouldn't post anything ever about anything regardless to whether I agreed with what I wrote or not.

This site isn't completely positive to everything. My pro-Reddit-admin-action comments seem to be getting lots of hate here.

You got downvoted, but the responses (at the time of writing this) were not vitriolic. But no forum will remain strictly positive without draconian mod action.

No, people still have their opinions. And it's not surprising that the general opinion towards Reddit is not positive here since many feel not valued by the Reddit leadership.

Think of it like a free ride on a train sponsored by Reddit that records every move and conversation of passengers (users) and offering paid drinks (rewards). There are unpaid conductors and ticket inspectors (mods) who are stripped of many tools for their job. And passengers will no longer be able to choose between preferred seats or book a handicap accessible option (3rd party apps). Why should everyone continue as before when conditions are dictated unilaterally? Without us, the trains would be empty and no one would buy any drinks or look at the billboards. If you are happy with your uncomfortable assigned seat (official app) and the conductors are willing to compensate for the lack of tools with extra work, enjoy the ride on. However, I do not presume to be able to decide for the latter.

I feel the same way as well. Seemed like a popularity contest on Reddit, but so far the people here are a lot more friendlier!

Posting here at the moment feels like posting on Reddit in the early days. The sense of true community was real, it was more organic content from everyday people instead of the corporate machine that it became with sponsored content, brigading, shills and even subs changing their nature from IAMA Bricklayer to IAMA Movie Star with a movie releasing tomorrow which I'm here to promote. The whole voting system went to crap and the vote numbers were completely out of touch with actual user sentiment.

As long as the fediverse has a more sustainable model and does not go down the corporate route we should be ok until the marketeers, SEOs and advertisers arrive with their thinly veiled attempts at self/client promotion.

I understand your worries but in my perception all non corparate instances will just way apart with something like this. There is already an agreement to disfederate with the Meta instances somewhere but i cant find the link again, sorry. I hope the concept will stay as it is.

yep I liken reddit recently to sitting on a park bench alone, shouting your ideas to the ether and the only replies you get are passerbys that want to tell you you are wrong (often in immense detail). It used to be you could have discussion, like you might have sitting round the break room at work or in bar with friends, a bunch of like minded people on a topic.

Whenever I got a notification from Reddit, there was always that half second of a sinking feeling of "oh shit what did I say to piss someone off."

I literally stopped checking my notifications there. It honestly started to trigger my PTSD at some points. Using social media shouldn't really result in hyper-arousal, but it regularly did.

This or an autocomment from a bot.

Your submission has been removed because your account is too young (requires at least 13 billion positive karma). You're SOL, never come back. You're not welcome


Ha, I used to have that same reaction! Had to turn my notifications off for exactly that reason.

I can empathize. That's close to what I felt when I had notifications on. Part of the reason I started blocking all reddit notifications.

Over here, I'm more curious than anything when I see I have a message waiting for me. Even if the person disagrees, I can be confident knowing it's a well thought out response and not a "you're a dumbass" type of comment.

So agreed.

Any time I’d get a lot of comments on something on Reddit, going through them involved a lot of eye-rolling and ignoring the ones from people who were just there to troll or to attempt to make people feel bad. I haven’t seen a single comment like that on Lemmy so far.

My most-upvoted comments on reddit were predominantly poop jokes. Not even subtle ones!

I like it here better.

Way better, tbh i dont even mind if lemmy stay this "small"^^

surprisingly i also feel more confident there are nice people. i hope this will not devolve, it'd be a shame losing a friendly community

It's exciting to see the positivity and hope everyone seems to have about lemmy/kbin and the fediverse. I think in general new and smaller social media places tend to have a more positive atmosphere. But it might last longer this time, both due to the lack of corporate interests and just because things can be small and new on the fediverse without it being as much of a problem. The fediverse overall encourages a consciousness of the types of communities you are joining and the cultural differences between them, I'm sure eventually there will be many different communities with different atmospheres and we'll be able to make informed decisions about which to join.

Yes I hear you. I guess for the most part we all want the same thing here and there is a space for everyone provided you are respectful of others. I think everyone is excited because we are building something new, a new chapter of the internet.

Welcome aboard.