Trump Trashes ‘Incompetent’ Biden Team — Seconds Before Mixing Up Two Entire Countries By a Lot

Flying to politics – 300 points –
Trump Trashes ‘Incompetent’ Biden Team — Seconds Before Mixing Up Two Entire Countries By A LOT

Kim Jong Un leads 1.4 billion people. And there’s no doubt about who the boss is.

I had no idea North Korea had the same population as China.


He confuses two obviously different places like every other day, and we're supposed to think Biden is the demented one?

Not to mention the fact that he's glorifying authoritarianism again.

Fuck this loon. The sooner he phases out of existence the better.

He confuses two obviously different places like every other day, and we're supposed to think Biden is the demented one?

The projection never ends.

If he wasn't so stupid we could just be scared about him praising authoritarianism, but no, now we've got to reflect on the fact that this idiot loves authoritarianism and he's an actual idiot and a whole lotta other rubes love him.

Biden mixes up people's and countries' names all the time too. They both need to fucking retire.

Yes it’s unfortunate Biden is still the democratic front runner. But he’s not on stage saying how old and dementia-ridden his opponent is only to have major mental fumbles minutes later lmao.

Trump is really using the GOP namesake here- Gaslight, Obstruct, Project

True, but Biden's on stage telling everybody how racist MAGA Republicans are while uttering racist crap himself and dodging questions about the racist policies he's pushed.

We need better options, and I'm tired of people telling me I am not allowed to criticize Biden because Trump exists. Neither one of them is good for this country. We could argue about the lesser of two evils, but the lesser of two evils is still evil.

Well Trump is a racist so it makes sense that he would confuse Kim and Xi.

How many dictator dicks does this guy have to suck off before Republicans realizes he wants to be them? Like if Biden was like "Ho boi that Mr Un guy" Republicans would howl indefinitely about him praising a communist or something stupid. But Trumo gets to say this shit and they just glaze their eyes over? What the fuck is happening?

They want a fascist. The rhetoric from the speaker race proves that. They just seem to secretly want their fascist to be an easily manipulated idiot despite the fact that tends to get you randomly put against the wall.

I'll just never understand it. I can't. Because I operate off the basis that we are all trying to make this place better and accessible to everyone.

They want it better for just themselves, and substantially worse for everyone else.

To be fair, I've never been to North Korea to make a head count so who am I to judge?


Who cares what this orange twatwaffle says. Throw in in a dirty cell and forget about him