BREAKING NEWS to Lemmy – 523 points –

Someone please help, I really have to pee and I'm too drunk to remember where her grave is, someone give me directions before I piss meself

On one hand, it feels a little cheap.

On the other, a way we can all feel like we're "watering" Thatcher's grave several times daily is a nice morale boost.

I like how this covering the Mar implies that she changed her name to Garet, presumably after transitioning.

Then again, I don't like the part where that would associate trans people with one of history's greatest monsters..

Thatcher, Kissinger, who's next?

Don't forget Ronnie "Forever On The Wrong Side Of History" Reagan. Why do people always forget about Ronnie "Forever On The Wrong Side Of History" Reagan.

Paul Manafort, Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, Erik Prince ... just my speculations.

I don't know anything about this woman. Was she really that bad? She was a leader in her party up until the year I was born.

Yes, famous mostly for her brutal and violent crackdown on labour union protests and for taking away milk from school children.

She's also responsible for bring Raegans trickle down economics to the UK and why we've been trapped in a neo Liberal hell hole ever since.

Even in her time she was wildly unpopular, until the Falklands War happened and gave her a massive spile in popularity ( even though it only happened in the first place because of her sweeping cuts to the military, including decommissioning our carriers. And we were lucky Argentina decided to attack early so we were able to put the carriers back into service pretty easily. If the had waited 6 months, there would have been nothing we could have done.)

Honestly no worse than any other popular Western capitalist in the late 20th century.

I've always wondered what she would be like if she was in porn instead of politics...

"Openness is good if one happens to be a cake shop or a pair of legs, just not so much if you're a tiger cage or Margaret Thatcher's legs." - Ben Yahtzee Croshaw

It wouldn't be my proudest fap.

Isn't this a bit misogynistic? To say this about a villain because she's a woman? Or is there a relevant event I'm unaware of?

Well, yeah, maybe it's because she's a woman 😂. I was just kinda wondering what kinks she would be in, like BDSM, bondage, stuff like that, just... interesting to know if you could turn back time and watch a completely different timeline unfold right in front of you.

If necromancy was a real thing, she wouldn't. Too many people longing for her.