Liftoff! - ๐Ÿ’ A mobile client for Lemmy (Android/iOS/Windows/Linux) to – 420 points –
GitHub - liftoff-app/liftoff: ๐Ÿ’  A mobile client for lemmy

You might want to rename it considering that a company named Liftoff Software exists and has a trademark on the the term, "liftoff" pertaining to software.

Seems like their trademark is actually on SAAS offerings. I think we'll be fine

The trademark category is for "software". There's no distinction between SaaS and an app. They're the same thing from a trademark standing.

Could you be more specific a little more specific and helpful?

This was the closest I could find:

It's not a registered trademark... It's a Florida Corporation which gets an automatic trademark of sorts based on case law. It's complicated but if someone owns Foo Software and then makes a sale across state lines using that "mark" (in this case, "Foo" in the context of software) they get an automatic trademark on that name related to that good (software).

Planet Money did a whole podcast about it related to their Micro Face comic (someone sold beverages across state lines under the name, "Micro Face"). It's an excellent podcast. I highly recommend it (super interesting and funny).

But you know what? Fuck it: You can use the name, "Liftoff". Liftoff Software has been dead for several years now. Even though they sold stuff under that name across state lines many times (even internationally) that corporation is not coming back. So don't worry about it ๐Ÿ‘

Feels smooth. I wish there was an option to hide the bottom bar and to reduce the font size a bit. For now I'll keep using Jerboa, but waiting for it to be less "sluggish" while scrolling.

I've tried just about all of the current apps that are available for lemmy over the last two days and so far liftoff feels the most like a usable app to me. To ve fair, I know that a lot of rhe apps I tried are still in alpha or beta, so I'm not trying to talk bad about them, I get it. Liftoff is pretty good though.

Yep, agreed. Just tried it, and if it wasn't for the Subscribed feed not loading bug, I'd use this instead of Jerboa.

Yeah I almost forgot about that. I've also noticed lately that whenever you post a comment it appears twice as if you double posted, but in reality there's only one comment.

Which bug is that? I haven't seen that in the issue tracker, could you share details and I'll prioritize that.

The Subscribed feed is showing up empty. Other settings regarding the feed work fine, but the Subscribed feed is broken. Also, replies showing up as double replies, one below the other, once you reply to a post.

And you could make the search menu a bit more... friendly. Currently you have to add instances in order to search for communities in them. Not practical at all, there are hundreds of instances, if I had to add each one in order to search in them, that will just take way too long. Why not have instance and communities auto-discoverable, like in Jerboa (type in search the community you're lookimg for, results pop up).

About the search menu.. unless I'm mis understanding that's just how Lemmy works. You have to be subscribed or at least have search for a community outside of your instance before you can interact with it within your instance.

Actually, no. If at least one user from your instance has subscribed to a community of another instance, that other instance's communities show up in your search results (they are federated)... at least that is how it should work 100% of the time, but it doesn't. In most cases, it doesn't actually show all of the communities that would show up during a search, meaning the web UI would return a lot more results.

The method you're using is actually a safe bet: specify the instace's URL and don't have to rely on whether that specific instance is federated with my instance, just search for communities there as well. That approach is easier if you actually have a link to the community which you'd like to add and the instance on which it resides. But, if you have no idea on what instance that community might reside, it's easier to actually seach for it via the web UI, which I hoped would be implemented in an app sooner or later (having relevant results I mean).

Yeah I'm wanting to implement that into liftoff. That's the main feature I've been wanting in apps.

To clarify this app is a resurrection of an abandoned Lemmy app, when this app was active Lemmy was not as popular and we didn't have massive instances like Lemmy world. Working through this is a fun challenge but it's also a user experience challenge. What instance are you having issues with?

Well, many, to be honest. I have a few accounts, 2 on and 1 on Some communities appear in results on one instance, others don't, and vice versa. If you try to open up the community via your instance (my.instance/c/community@another.instance), it just returns a 404 ๐Ÿคท. This happens on both and For example, I can see and join the OpenBSD community from my account on, but not from either of my accounts on I can see other communities on that instance just fine, but that particular community, no.

And this happens with a lot if other communities as well, the OpenBSD one stuck in my mind cuz I really wanted to be in that one with all of my accounts, but I can only be with just 1 account.

Oh, and the pending thing ๐Ÿ˜’. The pending communities show up in my feeds, yet they're still marked as pending. Cancel pending, subscribe again, wait a few days... yep, still pending.

It's buggy, I know, but it's new and all new things are, so I don't really mind. I was meaning to make a bug report regarding some of these bugs on Lemmy, just haven't gotten around to it.

PS: All of the searches regarding the communities were done in the web UI, so it's not a Jerboa bug, it's a Lemmy bug.

Oh I saw you mentioned it. Really the button in red here shouldn't exist..

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Looks promising! Is it on FDroid?

Loving the app so far. There are bugs but its definitely the most mature and has the best UI/UX out of the apps I've tried.

Looks good!

You might want to add it to the lemmy readme (or maybe we need a "awesome lemmy" repo with a list of lemmy software and resources?)

I made a bunch of feature requests to lemmy (stuff like reddit enhancement suite features) and most notably the ability for a user to block an instance, would it be ok if i will copy paste them to your issue tracker?

alt and the left key should move to the previous page like in web browsers on linux.

I second an awesome-lemmy repo, do post the link if you make it!

I made a pull request that got merged using github GUI, it was pretty easy to figure out.

Just tried it (writing this comment from it). Generally, it feels a lot more polished and nicer looking than Jerboa, but, if you set the feed to Subsciber, nothing happens, it just loads a blank page.

Other than this, it feels a lot better than Jerboa. So I would use it, but the Subscribed feed is broken, so that's a deal breaker for me currently.

Ok, found a fix for this, on the drop down for selecting feeds, choose the subscribed feeds from the instance, not the everything section. That seems to work as expected for me.

So I am using it right now but my main issue is that it keeps repeating the same posts over and over on my all feed. I thought it was scrolling back to the top every time I backed out of a post but no it was just another dupe.

It is because it shows the posts from, and all at the same time. If you click the sorting button Up the top you can set it to only show one of them.

Using Liftoff right now. Looking good so far.

So I love it so far, but when switching to the true black AMOLED setting, a lot of the buttons stay that gray color. Not sure if intended or missed.

Slightly smaller font would be nice. Opening links in the default browser would be great too.

Looks great so far though.

So my instance has updated to 0.18 and Enabled TOTP support - I have enabled it as I want to ensure my accounts are as secure as possible. the problem, no apps support it yet.

I plan to install every app for Lemmy in order to find a good experience on Lemmy. So I have installed it, but I won't be able to use it untill it supports entering TOTP tokens.

Do you plan to add support for this?

Edit: not sure why this was downvoted. I know some people are having issues with the implementation TOTP in Lemmy - I nearly did, in fact the code didn't show up in my authenticator app until I accidentally added it twice. (Then I removed the identical second code) But the fact the implementation needs work doesn't mean it shouldn't be supported - next point release should be fixing some or all of these things, so isn't it a good idea to be prepared for that? Also I've seen a pull request in Jerboa's github that adds preliminary support for it as well - but the Devs are bogged down with requests for Lemmy and Jerboa, so I'm not expecting it to make it through in the next week, no matter how much of a priority it is.

Now I know this app is open source and run by people out of the goodness of their heart too. And I will patiently wait for the time when it's added - if not work out a preliminary way to add it and submit a pull request. But my expertise isn't in interface and app design and therefore if I do find the time to do it, the implementation will be crude at best - I know next to none of the conventions specific to app development, having only used LibGDX, which is a game dev toolkit similar to XNA for modern android.

Can't login, it says my password is incorrect

Edit: before someone tells me to put in my correct password, I use copy&paste from a password manager

Is your password longer than 60 characters? If so, you should know that your actual password was truncated to 60 chars at the time of account creation. You won't notice on the website because the login webform automatically truncates characters beyond the limit, but most 3rd-party apps don't do this because it's an undocumented thing.

Basically, my advice would be to update the password in your password manager to be truncated to 60 characters and then try logging in with the app again.

What kind of maniac would use a password that's longer than 60 characters?

I get that password managers are standard now, but anything outside the norm is just asking for trouble. I vividly remember updating a client's webfrom to reject emojis in passwords, because for some reason people started using them and it wrecked havoc in the backend.

What kind of maniac would use a password thatโ€™s longer than 60 characters?

side-eye "sus" monkey puppet meme

That was actually the thing, thanks a lot.

Oh man, the feeling of solving an obscure issue on the first try without having to ask for any extra hints: chef's kiss. I'm glad I could be of assistance!

I am very glad, also impressed by that detailed knowledge, are you working on/with lemmy? I'd whip out an award, but here are only poor men awards ๐Ÿ…๐Ÿ†

Nah, I was just playing around with the API and spent the better part of a day trying to figure out why authentication wasn't working for me (I'd been using a 64 character password ๐Ÿคฆ)

I donโ€™t understand how youโ€™re supposed to run this on iPhone

Im not the dev, but the iOS wasn't released yet, there's only the instructions how to buid it. Check it again in a few days

i see. thanks for the response. i guess i thought the post made it seemed like there was a version for iOS

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Will it be on f-Droid ?

This thread was retrieved via You are not logged in there

I thought one account in any instance is enough and thats how lemmy works. Why do I have to sign up on all these individual instances to comment?

Just ran into the same problem. I fixed it by going to settings -> accounts and them pressing and holding on each instance that I don't have an account on and removing it. Then it uses the instance I do have an account on.

It probably means that you have enabled the "everything feed" in liftoff settings. This aggregates content from all instances apparently, even those not federated with yours.

Edit: weird cause you seem to be on which is federated with

No i double checked and everything feed in turned off. I cannot up vote or Comment from other instances on front page. It says i need to login there.

There is a difference with adding an instance and accessing it that way (via their API - bypassing the server you signed up on) and via federation using the server you signed up on. Only in the latter case can you vote using the account already registered.

Try using the search feature to access the community via federation (e.g. "!") rather than adding the instance directly.

An account on one instance lets you interact with all other instances, but only via that instance, not directly. You are probably viewing the "All" feed via an instance you are not signed into. Try this:

Click on the top button:

Select "all" for the instance you are logged in for, for example I am logged in via

Using it to type this comment. Looks great and can see the potential.

One thing, when typing comments, can we have shortcuts to do links/quotes etc. Unless you know the markdown syntax you are stuck.

All in all. Good stuff

Maybe it is a new feature but I am also typing this comment with it and I can select from quite a few markdown options

I think this whole situation is going to cause a GPLv4. I hope it does so that this shit can't be pulled on a technicality.

Why do I get no posts if I choose Everything > subscribed?

Edit: just updated and this option seems to have gone

Gosh... I spent about an hour to understand and finally get an account on one of the Lemmy insurance. It odd so hard...