How technology breakthroughs typically go.

The Picard to – 180 points –

VHS was chosen over Betamax because of porn.

Bluray was chosen over HD-DVD because of porn.

Streaming video got figured out because of porn.

Porn drives technology forward.

Hmm... could a substantial percentage of the population develop a fetish for curing cancer during our lifetime? That would be awesome.

We usually call them scientists or researchers, but yes...

i've heard the first one but not the second two. you wouldn't by any chance have sources for those would you?

My recollection is that porn companies initially backed HD-DVD. I distinctly remember thinking it would win for that reason.

Blu-ray won at least partially because the PS3 was the cheapest next-gen optical player, while Xbox360 didn't support HD-DVD without an expensive add-on. (And stand-alone players for either were very expensive.)

Can't track it down now but I remember reading that the adoption of the printing press happened so quickly because demand for a certain collection of erotic stories was super high and it made printing ridiculously profitable. Porn again.

I will never cease being amazed that the only reason Blender (and other 3D rendering stuff) got as good as they did on average PCs is because so many people found Overwatch characters hot and wanted porn of them.

I will also never cease being grateful that they did so in order to let me enjoy some awful stuff of Chris Redfield and Mr. X.

Any good blender tutorials specifically covering such topics?

That's a very naive view on the capability of AI. AI is very good at recognizing and recreating patterns. It can help to detect cancer but cure it not so much

Don't we also use AI to fold proteins and make new medicines such as antibiotics? If not, then we should probably see if we could.

True. I have heard of AI protein folding and that's used as a tool for understanding metabolism and making new medicine. Antibiotics not such much I think but I would happily stand corrected.

My point is, it's not the one solution that fixes everything but a tool that's already applied where it can be. I'm not even sure that's a point at all since OP's post is obviously a hyperbole and more about "we use this very potent technology for porn". Don't take my first comment as a disagreement but rather as a FYI or whatever.

It also conveniently ignores that different people can do different things. While one person is using it for porn another is cataloging genetic sequences AI creates from non-carbon organisms.

It can always be both!

Citation needed for non carbon organisms but otherwise yes

Unfortunately I was just joking.

But also, can you really source a guy in his basement doing genetic sequencing? Not... Not really...

That's a very pessimistic view on the capability of AI. It is already assisting in creating vaccines and other medicine. It can certainly help find the cure for cancer.

Edit: I saw this right after commenting

Everything is used for porn but that doesn't mean everything else is impossible because of that...

2 more...

If it's good enough for porn, it's good enough for curing diseases πŸ‘... but first πŸ† 😁.

AI is used in porn? How?

Image AI is being used to generate tons of porn.

Human horniness can be a great driver for innovation, really.

Creating new porn images by teaching an AI/learning model what existing ones look like, or swapping faces on video as an example.