The latter to ADHD – 579 points –

My superpower is pulling shit out of my ass (figuratively speaking, literally speaking I just poop like a normal person).

Same, in high school I did a last minute science fair project and got 3rd place in LA county

I'm the type that didn't become good at anything

I start off well intentioned with 1.

Then I switch to 2 and lord knows how that goes.

Successfully far more than it should

Both actually. I swing wildly back and forth.


Now, if I could easily arrive at which one was going to be the optimal choice, that would be something.

The thing I'm very good at improvising is new ways to procrastinate.

I plan ahead and then often can't bring myself to do the plan because of some kind of executive dysfunction so I'm good at improvising too. It got really bad for a while I remember I couldn't get into the shower before a long road trip so I just cried in the bathroom and eventually got in there but it made me leave a day later.

I'm getting better at it, but it still flares up when a big plan gets roadblocked by me.

It depends, if it's something I like doing I'll probably enjoy planning it as much if not more than actually doing it.

Something I don't wanna do, yeah we'll see what happens.

No idea if I got ADHD or not but these memes are very relatable...

I do both: I worry about every detail and try to account and plan for everything which all usually falls apart because it feels like too many things and then I'm left with improvising everything on the last moment.

Now, I can't speak as to the memes you've seen, but I can say, could be worth talking to your healthcare professional about it. But I'd try not to worry about it much until then (especially if it's only memes making you think this), because a lot of the things us ADHDers do are actually quite "normal". Happens with a number of mental disorders. A good example would be how being a neat freak or worried about germs doesn't mean you have OCD. The issue those of us with ADHD have is that we do these "normal" things so excessively that it usually causes us serious complications with life. (Should also add, not everything we do is "normal", but for the most part, yeah it is.)

When I was in third grade, were were assigned a presentation about a random country. We were supposed to make a poster. I didn't do that and did the presentation without.

The teacher praised me for not needing to look at any notes while presenting...