Lauren Boebert rages over USA Boxing’s trans policy even though she clearly doesn’t understand it to politics – 253 points –
Lauren Boebert rages over USA Boxing’s trans policy even though she clearly doesn’t understand it

Of all the gigantic fish that urgently need to be fried, why the actual fuck do we put so much energy into legislating who can or can't play a fucking game??

It's boxing. Boxing.

Our planet is on fire. The Nazis are back. Most of us are wage slaves. Women are going to prison over their physiology. Multiple nations are currently at risk of being wiped off the map... and the folks with the power to contribute a shred of progress toward fixing any of those are wasting their time worrying about whether or not some fucker can participate in a game based on the dangly bits in their pants.

...not that Boebert would actually make the right decision on any of the actually important issues. Maybe I shouldn't complain about that dipshit fixating on sports. But still, fuck!

That's the point. All this culture war bullshit is there to distract from climate change, nazis and all the wage slavery (and regular slavery) going on in the world today.

Our planet is on fire. The Nazis are back. Most of us are wage slaves. Women are going to prison over their physiology. Multiple nations are currently at risk of being wiped off the map...

Conservatives care about all of those actually relevant things, but they're trying to make them even worse.

Of course that wouldn't be very popular, so instead they just scream about what's in people's pants and their voters eat it up

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Raging over things she doesn't understand is literally all she is able to do.

There are just so many things Lauren doesn't understand.

A high school dropout that needed several tries to obtain their GED

She finally got it only a couple of years before she went to congress.

And people elected this woman.

This is an honest question and not intended to be inflammatory.

If a man goes through puberty, then undergoes gender reassignment surgery and is able to prove that their hormone levels are within the allowed ranges for four years, will their physique be comparable to that of a person who was assigned female at birth? Do they still have physical advantages gained through male puberty?

they're gonna have physical strength similar to someone with their physique. hrt noticeably reduces muscle mass and many cis women (especially pro athletes) have higher testosterone levels than hrt levels aim for

They're also going to have a better lung capacity, more stable trunk, and in relation to height men have longer arms and legs. Men also have larger bone areas at muscle attachment sites.

There's currently no way of removing all the variables that exist in order to equalize everything. In the case of boxing, you'll always hear about "reach" or arm length/wingspan. Boxers with a longer reach usually have an advantage since they can land blows out of range of their opponents. Since a born male will have a longer wingspan than a born female, that is one boxing specific thing that any Trans boxer will have over their opponent. That and lung capacity.

true. A better measure might be something like "lifetime testosterone level"; the current rules would not prevent a motivated coach from putting a cis woman on male growth hormones as a child and ending the regiment long in advance of the hormone testing period

The medical science on it says that two years of hormone therapy are enough to lose any sort of competitive advantage in trans athletes.

Four years is overkill, and is part of why this policy is considered one of the strictest in professional sports.

It doesn't change that born males have a more stable trunk and longer reach and increased lung capacity. All three of those things are beneficial to a boxer.

The argument that being trans gives you a competitive advantage always uses Lea Thomas as an example and always omits the fact that ciswomen swam faster than her.

The whole thing is bullshit.

Not a doctor or a trans woman, but from what I understand, you lose the physical advantages of self-produced testosterone over time.

Additionally, it's not as simple as "hormone levels." Some AFAB women have higher than normal levels of testosterone, and some AMAB men have higher than normal levels of estrogen (and/or just lower testosterone levels). There will always be athletes who have biological advantages, whether that's a bigger heart, better lungs, longer/shorter legs, better eyes, stronger bones, etc.

We draw these boxes around perceived genders as if that's a guarantee of fairness, but it's not some panacea that effectively separates the able from the unable, just like gender is more than your genes.

Who cares though? It's time to stop segregating sports by gender. Sports are skill based, right? So let's break them down that way. Break out divisions by skill, not by gender or physical location. If a woman can work her way to top-tier heavyweight boxing, let her do it.

E: Damn, y'all are really afraid of getting beat by a girl!

Barbell Medicine has an excellent article about gender in sports:

For now, developing clear and equitable division eligibility policies and subsequently, allowing transgender athletes to compete in the appropriate division is prudent.

So like creating divisions based on skill instead of gender so all people can compete with any other athletes of a similar ability?

Oh my god, it's skill based matchmaking!

CoD streamers and players are gonna go WILD!

I like that this policy includes requirements for hormones over time. I don’t know the science but they clearly considered potential unfairness and attempted to account for it

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Well, nobody has ever accused her of being smart…so this makes a lot of sense.

Yeah, man, If there was some issue that Boebert clearly understood, that would be the huge news story.

Actually, that sounds like a good story for The Onion. "Lauren Boebert criticizes bill for legitimate reasons that she completely understands."

She doesn’t need to understand it. As long as she makes enough noise- she’ll get the coward’s vote she needs.

Be charitable and try to look at this from conservatives view point:

  • Massive gun violence
  • Runaway inflation, basics becoming unaffordable
  • Housing crisis
  • Healthcare in shambles, even if you can afford it
  • Regular environmental disasters
  • COVID resurgence

So obviously they need to have details on every persons genitals. It's clearly the most important next step.

What makes it even better is they hate women's sports. They have always made fun of it. None of them watch it. They don't give a shit. They only care about the trans aspect of it. Not whether or not it's fair for cis women

Why does she look like she's giving a terribly toothy blowjob in every pic I see of her?