He Killed His Molester as a Teenager. Should He Be Spared Deportation?

gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 208 points –
He Killed His Molester as a Teenager. Should He Be Spared Deportation?

He killed the man who had molested him for years not as revenge, but because he HAD STARTED TO MOLEST HIS 6YR OLD NEPHEW.

He should have NEVER gone to prison, much less be deported.

I mean it's a grey area. Giving them no jail time opens up a basket of approved vigilantism. On the other hand the system failed him already so why would he go back to them. This isn't a cut and dry case

I thought we all needed guns for self defense? Or are we done pretending that's a thing and are just admitting they're only for killing minorities now?

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We have approved so much more vigilantism than this. Your house is your castle in so much of the US.

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He had been strangled, then doused with lighter fluid and set ablaze.

I think that's measured. The rapist, Galdamez (let's call it for what it is) had not only raped Flores several times, but done the same to several other children. From the article it seems like the last straw was when the rapist was to move in to take care of Flores' nephew. Batshit insane.

There's so much that went wrong here but I don't think you can blame a kid for setting fire to his abuser. Hell, it seems like he did it to protect others. It's not his fault, he would've gone for help had he felt like help would be given, the fault lies with society.

Yep. If the justice system doesn't want people removing child molesters from their lives themselves then it needs to do a better job. Too many stories of these motherfuckers raping multiple children and getting a slap on the wrist only to do it again when they get out. Marco made the world a better place and should be praised.

Spare his deportation? Hell, give this guy a TV show and make him the new Chris Hansen.

Pedo shows up.

Lights shut off.

"Why don't you have a seat"

:panicked gibbering:

:neck snap noises:

He shouldn't have been arrested, let alone at threat of deportation.

Y'all are really overlooking the most important thing here, which is that he was born in another country. /s

he was in the country illegally - that's a deportation.

expedited citizenship for meritorious service

I say if they absolutely just want to deport someone, lets exchange this fine citizen with pan_troglodytes. We'd lose nothing but gain one on the side against pedos.