GOP Congressman Stands By Accusation Some Fellow Members Have Been Compromised to politics – 260 points –

“I’m convinced there are two people Putin pays; Rorabacher and Trump.” - future Speaker of the house Kevin McCarthy in 2016

“Shhh! STFU!” - then-current Speaker of the House Paul Ryan

Does the person blackmailing them have a name very similar to a popular Canadian dish made with french fries?

I think it's funny that both Trump and Putin have names that are euphemisms for farting

Btw, I know it's recognized as a Canadian dish, and Canada likes to flex it, but just wanted to say in passing, it's a Quebec dish!

At the risk of showing my ignorance, isnt Quebec in Canada?

Currently, but they keep trying.

is it like a texas secession thing or a legitimate thing?

As far as I can tell, somewhere between the two.

well to anyone personally connected to the issue, Im sorry if I treated it lightly

A bunch of dumb fucks wanted to split a while back, had a referendum that almost passed Brexit style. it's been pretty moot since but there are a lot of conservative idiots in Quebec, like Texas.

The only key difference is Quebec has the largest power company and a huge hydroelectric power source, so we've got that going for us, which is nice..

If your electrical system continues working when it's both cold and hot, then you're miles ahead of Texas!

We were born in the cold, molded by it. I didn't see grass until I was already a man and global warming removed winters completely.

Jokes aside it breaks pretty often because of bad weather, but gets repaired within a few hours.

It’s kind of a Texas situation, except they treat it as more than a political motto.

it's a Quebec dish!

Right so... Canadian.

I mean sure, as much a Louisiana or southern cooking is from "the US". You wouldn't say "US hot sauce" lol.

Go to BC and your poutine will be shit.

Poutine is shit anywhere outside of Quebec but it doesn't change the fact that Quebec is in Canada which makes it Canadian.

I mean sure? It's a north american dish too at that point. And it's still not wrong to say poutine isn't from all of Canada, it's from one place where people are Canadian lmao.

You're just arguing semantics now which makes you look like an idiot.

Literally how I started this whole thing.

"Semantics, but it's from Quebec".

Then yall went on long rants to tell me I'm wrong. If yall don't think you look like idiots arguing semantics...keep angrily downvoting all my comments too, makes you look real subjective.

But why even argue semantics? Because you like the attention even if it's negative?

So childish.

I was actually adding to the comment. Youre the one who is solely arguing semantic. Does that mean you want the negative attention? That doesn't make sense.

Unlikely, this is more of the domestic and close ally variety e.g. Epstein's handlers/killers, or of that same caliber. The kind of people who can waive off, or prevent, an FBI counterintelligence operation from getting in the way...

compromised? JFC, they tried to overthrow the fucking government itself.. they're enemies outright..

US: We could easily destroy Russia in traditional warfare, we have the best weapons, we will never stop fighting them

Russia: Here’s a suitcase full of money

US: Oh, I love those! Never mind, do whatever you want

I read this in Ryan George's voice.

Producer Guy: "Sounds like destroying a democracy from the inside is going to be incredibly difficult." Writer Guy: "Actually it's gonna be super easy. Barely an inconvenience." Producer Guy: "Oh, really!" Writer Guy: holds up a suitcase full of money

Until lobbying is eliminated and campaign finance severely overhauled, assume they're all compromised. It's just a matter of who they're bought and paid for.

For many of these politicians, based on their actions, they're compromised, evil, stupid or insane. Quite possibly all the above.

Given how little money it takes to sway the politicians votes I'm amazed it has taken this long

I'm still all for crowd funding the buying of politicians votes at this point. The politician will think it's some private benefactor or multinational patrolling them.

“Absolutely. And other powers. It doesn’t have to be foreign powers.”

NSA has entered the chat.

I trust the NSA a lot more than, for example, the Koch brothers, or some nameless billionaire none of us have heard of.

I rich dick can do more damage than a bunch of government employees. Giant conspiracies just don’t exist.

I wonder when Putin will release the videos he has on Trump ;-)

Never. Putin doesn't need the videos he has on Trump. Trump isn't a victim of kompromat; he's a fanboi. He's betraying American democracy and doing Putin's bidding simply because he wants to, not because he's being coerced to!