That number again is 1-800-O-Y-S-T-E-R. CALL NOW! to Lemmy – 304 points –

Damnit, I have 228 liters of dirty water...

Sounds like you need two oysters

Good thing the 2nd oyster is free if you call now!

But if I have 2 oysters they're gonna over clean the water or the second oyster is just gonna be wasted on only 1 liter of water.

You will have room for future expansion. The oysters filter water every day.

Will it take care of the nano-plastics for me or is that an upcoming firmware update?

Never buy a product based on a promise of a future update

it will, but please do not eat the oysters. However, even the oysters cannot save your from nanoplastics.

They are confirmed to be able to gather nano-plastics as larvae, and microplastic as adults, though no studies have looked at nanoscale particles in adult oysters from what I could find. They may ingest the plastic or package it up in mucus to expel as "pseudofeces", trapping the plastic particles in the sediment. Source: I study bivalves

does this hurt the oyster

they make pearls with the pain

Well you know what they say, can't make an omelet without excruciating pain

Not really. You probably should avoid putting heavily polluted water through them though. They are the oceans waste buckets for poo water.

One of many reasons I don't eat shellfish.

Pollution easily kills shellfish. If anything, that’s an indication that they are clean and from clean places. Oysters feed of phytoplankton, not waste/garbage and pollution.

More for me.

Shell fish is not to be harvested after storm water events due to the increased fecal matter/particulate content of rivers. So I should be good.

Yes, it can. It can clog their gills, making their feeding less efficient, or interfere with their reproduction through chemicals that leach from the plastic particles. Source: I study bivalves

Oysters actually need clean/unpolluted water. What they eat and clean is sediment, phytonutrients, and phytoplankton. Well at least that’s what I was tood by an oyster farmer. They clear the water which is good for the sea grass, and the small fish, which is good for the big fish and so on.

227? I got 2x 230. They always make it so that it is just too little so you buy another one! Slimy scammers!

This si what science textbooks are going to look like in 20 years.

What do you recommend for a 1000L IBC tank?

You might find it hard in a closed system to maintain the alkalinity needed for them to thrive long-term! Source: I study bivalves

Would a little agricultural runoff help?

Hard to say without knowing its composition. If rich in ammonium, the nitrification (oxidation to nitrate) might lead to lower alkalinity. If rich in nitrate, it might help alkalinity, but only if there's some lower oxygen area of the tank like a bank of sediment, where denitrification can happen

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All good, but it's gotta be salt water. I guess I can use it to boil pasta or blanch vegetables...