This is chaotic neutral? to Lemmy – 747 points –

Assuming people are intelligent enough to understand this subtle joke is very generous and faithful of you

Assume the best, prepare for nothing. #YOLO

Lawful Evil. Doing evil shit while literally obeying the law.

Huh, so what’s an example of chaotic neutral? Can you share a visual example? I am a dumb learner.

Funny, but that seems pretty lawful evil from my perspective.

This is why i delete alignments from my ttrpgs lol

That and I think acting out of alignment only hurts XP, which only works if you're keeping track of XP

Pretty sure you have to do random things without actual intent.

Like if you were an actual Eagle owner and actually lost your eagle. All the time.

You just do whatever you want when you want without regard for whether it's legal, so like, just letting your Eagle go at the dog park and not caring if he eats a terrier

"Kept the glove though. Keeps my beer from cooling my hand...and keeps my hand from warming my beer. And it looks pretty BAD ASS."

  • Dale Alvin Gribble (Rusty Shackleford)

Whistle and then point at a random persons dog.

I’ve seen dogs with vests that have fake eyes on the back just for this problem. I even get a little protective with my small dog whenever an owl is nearby.