Reddit: IP Address Disclosure Puts User Anonymity At Risk * TorrentFreak to – 306 points –

Man, how bad do movie industry execs have to be to make us root for Reddit

Nah, fuck both. I'm not going to cheer for the lesser evil in a crowd.

May they attempt to sort their differences on an ill-designed submarine, and let nature take it's course!

Loving the upvotes on this Lemmy World, let's make sure we apply it to political discussions as well!

So how would that work with Lemmy? If a company demands the IP of users?

Guess that depends on the instance. Mine will sadly have a technical issue which corrupted the database.

Instance owners would have way, way fewer resources and almost definitely need to just capitulate. Assuming they even had the info to share, though.

You can offer access to Lemmy over Tor

Don’t browse lemmy with your naked IP. This isn’t the 90s. When using the Internet, wear a condom.

As long you don't do the "known illegal" stuff you don't need a VPN.

However if you upload copyrighted material a vpn is one of very many steps to ensure that the police won't get you. A VPN alone does not provide any security. It delays at best the police

Ah yes, give your browsing history to the shady VPN company instead.

Although that would help in this situation.

Shady? I only use VPNs from known companies, like Sony.

A VPN either:

  1. Logs access/usage so it can be given to authorities. (And/or sold/stolen etc)

  2. doesn't log usage data and willingly accepts that some disgusting stuff will be done using their service.

1 might have to give browsing data if sued by a media company, 2 is ethnically bankrupt and shouldn't be trusted at all.

Doesn't mean their not useful, just be aware of who you are giving your money to and the limitations of their protection.

At most you will get some targeted ads (if you use "free" ones), compared to fines and jail, I say it's a good trade-off.

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surely it costs more to fight this dogshit legal battle, both in money and PR, than to simply let enthusiasts watch your films. they're already handsomely profiting, why do these fucking pigheaded hogs think it is their right, it is their duty to wring out every cent they can? fuck off.

Because as lawyers, the longer the battles, the more money they make.

As Chairman Mao used to say: punish one, educate 100. Same mindset.

Man even in the 90's nobody was scared of having their IP address known because there's not a helluva lot you can do with one anyway, and the average regular person is using a dynamic one that resolves to a local CO and not usually their actual home address.

It was quite normal to scare the normies by having a forum signature that displayed the IP address of the machine loading the page because something that basic was enough to make them think you were a hacking wizard.

Those who were especially paranoid, used proxies (maybe VPNs but I never even heard that term until NordVPN started advertising all over the place).

In the 90s everyone could find out your address by looking your name up in the white pages.

Americans became crazy after 9/11 and the patriot act.

Also, don’t use NordVPN. Worst VPN service by a long shot.

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Mullvad/IVPN/Windscribe/Orbot is the way

Reddit blocks those now.

When was this? I switched to proton a couple of months ago, buy I've never had to deal with this.

Now. I also use Proton. See my other comment with a screenshot

Weird, they must be A/B testing or something. I've literally never seen that page before.

Never had a problem with

Are you logged in? I always get the "whoa there, pardner" page.


I use the app, maybe thats why

Just like having something to protect yourself if you go to a sketchy area, make sure you only visit Reddit from behind a VPN.

I don’t know if it was VPN or using uBo but the last time I tried viewing content on my Linux setup all I saw was the whoa there pardner page.