That'll keep the baddies out

The Picard to – 692 points –

This is how Equifax was "hacked". They had a remote server with those credentials, which someone used to steal all our info. Equifax paid like $10 per person in fines and said "teehee our bad".

If that one doesn't work try login: guest password: password.

Man "hacking" was so much easier when people knew nothing about device configurations.

They still don't. Most devices are left at default settings around here.

This is why many new routers you can buy actually ship with unique passwords as default, with the key printed on the bottom of the router.

that was done because when wifi encryption wasn't enabled by default, most people had no clue how to turn it on. so now it's the norm to enable encryption and supply the default credentials (which you should still change) to connect. this is why there's hardly any 'open' wifi to 'borrow' anymore.

this is why there's hardly any 'open' wifi to 'borrow' anymore.

Man I miss those days.

On the bright side, cellular data has become somewhat cheaper over the years.

Very true, but downloading movies over my neighbor's connection was my first VPN lol.

At least now the default settings on most routers include a unique WiFi password printed on the router, so either that password, physical access to the router, or a serious security vulnerability in software that never receives updates (gee, this list is getting long) is necessary to compromise the router.

Indeed. The default configurations have improved, not people's knowledge, sadly...

qbittorrent only recently changed from admin:adminadmin to docker logs qbittorrent to get a temp PW

Idiots. My pw’s hunter2, but all you guys see is stars.

tfw someone takes a few tries to guess the password to your system because they think it can't be blank...

I always put the previous key under the mat when I change the locks anywhere.

Or root, password

Login: root Password: toor

I remember seeing this in at least one Linux distro (I think it was Bunsenlabs but I'm not sure, might be something like Kali but I never used that one) a few years ago, nowadays they just give the live account passwordless sudo and lock the root account unless you pick a password for it

It was kali linux and few other Debian based distros for me

A regular doormat?

Or is that a little thumbtack or a firecracker towards the bottom center (and not just a piece of debris)?

I get the default credentials part…

Jokes on them, that key is longer the real one so it make contact with zapping device in the lock.