Twitter is dying rule to – 621 points –

Just so everyone is aware, this tweet is from December. This isn’t regarding the recent changes.

Yeah, but the "won't happen again" part is relevant.

Could you refresh my memory, what was the policy change then that spurred this tweet?

He started putting polls for things like Twitter Blue, other "governance polls", and eventually, on whether he should resign as CEO. He responded to the result of every poll with "vox populi, vox dei" (Latin: The voice of the people is the voice of God) when it went his way, except the poll for him to step down went against him.

He has not stepped down and he stopped doing the polls.

This is the opposite of what I asked.

I asked what spurred it. Your comment is what happened after it.

He banned the jet tracker, so people began moving to mastodon to track his jet after mastodon's Twitter account posted a link to the jet tracker on Mastodon. In response, musk banned mastodon's Twitter account and also made it against policy to post any links to non-Twitter social media sites on Twitter. This decision was hated by everyone and the first poll was wether to keep it or roll back.

And people voted to roll it back, and then Elon like "oops, I didn't set the bots up properly, let's vote again."

What a loser.

You know what, i didn’t even notice that! Musk’s ramblings age like fine milk.

Too late deleted my account, also sounds like a desperate discord mod

Honestly I knew Elon was, to be quite frank, to be an absolute idiot of the highest order. But the current shenanigans just has me feeling like "Our expectations for you were low but holy fuck"

Yeah, honestly I'm a bit ashamed that I didn't realize just how stupid that man could be, even after hearing that he leaned over to his new wife while dancing at their wedding and whispered in her ear "I am the alpha". Like, for a long time I just assumed the guy was an arrogant incel-esque asshole who was visionary about things like electric cars and reusable rockets and stuff. Now I realize he's just a rich egomaniac who stood on the shoulders of scientists that he hired so that he could act like their work was his own. He's just another rich fool who gets to cosplay being smart.

Is this real?

The fact that you have to ask says everything there is to say about Twitter.

That fact that unedited screenshots of Twitter's CEO's posts can be posted directly to 196 and fit in completely with memes about femboy twink hypnosis says a lot about our society.

Well, he didn't really specify who would be voting

“Sorry guys, pinky promise I won’t do it again”

I've been here a few weeks now, but never asked what it means to add "rule" to a post

The rule in the community and the old subreddit is you have to post one thing before you leave, putting rule in the title means you're following the rule.

he did say it was 'temporary' and it seems almost like it's sorted out now maybe... ? but people would be so much less pissed if he just led with 'for the next 24-48 hours server uptime will be spotty due to [compulsive lying / etc]'

What a wanker, make (sensible) decisions and stick to them, he's the boss.

Elon Musk is such an ignorant spoiled man-child. The world would be much better without 🤡s like him

There will be a vote. When I remember to do a vote. But only on MAJOR changes and I get to define major!

To everyone who thinks this Tweet is in reply to the shitstorm over the past 24 hours: it isn't. Check the date.

I’d bet $10 he tries that, doesn’t like the result and blames it on bots or smthn then vows to never do democracy again.

Or he’ll only let Twitter blue subscribers vote. Musk’s version of democracy is pay to win, makes sense for a billionaire tho.

Eat the rich.

This was from last year and he just made a unilateral change with no vote.

I'm starting to think think Elon guy is full of shit.