Stupid sexy femboys rule to – 553 points –

Don't stop tho it's funni

38 won Gay 2023, it was a tough battle but they eventually came on bottom.

gayist? is that like, the oppsoite if homophobia?


i feel seen

I have been seeing you like on every post since day 1 of Lemmy getting "popular" 😂

I just figured out the instance name lmao

I finally got my shark last week! Feels like I’ve officially joined the club after 2 years of being out lol

How did this post help you figure out the instance name? I don't see the connection

The IKEA Blahaj shark is a trans/bi/gay plushy icon. The connection of the ‘gayest shit ever’ and ‘blahaj’ in the same meme did it for me.

i didn't know there was anything /to/ figure out and now i feel extra stupid. wtf are we talking about?

Person below us posted a pic of some sharks around a table. That's a plushie that Ikea sells. Its name is blåhaj (swedish for blue shark).

i dont' feel **so** stupid now

It’s def a bit of an open in-joke within the gay/trans/bi communities. I can’t recall how it came about but it was a whole-ass big thing a few years ago and now it’s just a part of the culture. Both me (trans non-binary) and my (trans-masc) roommate have one.

I didnt realize how far spread it was until I saw my friend had one. Thought it might just have been more of an online thing before.

It's simply because the colors reminded someone of the trans flag (white and blue, with pink mouth) and it caught on

Yes yes 😌☺️✨🌸
