Congress Is Hurtling Toward a Government Shutdown to politics – 134 points –
Congress Is Hurtling Toward a Government Shutdown

Mike Johnson wants a shutdown. The loony bin inside the loony bin that the loonies put the loonies too loony to be in the regular loony bin has decided that a government shutdown is a good thing. And they put him in his position.

This guy once dead ass compared himself to Moses, and he's been doing everything in his power to call down plagues on America ever since.

Correction: The REPUBLICANS in Congress are causing Congress to be hurtling toward a government shutdown. Headlines like this are misleading; giving the appearance that some amorphous faceless thing - Congress - is somehow doing this hurtling, with no cause.

Name the cause. It's Republicans.

Am I supposed to care? This seems to happen like every other Friday now.

It's a good way to force a recession, which most people will blame on the current president.

PS: Blocking the Ukraine aid also helps push us toward recession. Most of that aid money would go to US manufacturers to make munitions. It's all part of the same plan.

Shutdowns threaten recession, threaten SNAP and other assistance. Shutdowns have indirect implications for society at large, and the longer one is, people will begin to suffer. Most people don't realize how much money affects their lives that directly or indirectly came from the US Federal government.

Let them shut it down, all the aged people on the SS bankroll will stop getting checks and they will be like they took my money over the gays(the R's seem to be pushing this over some LGBTQ2S+ laws), do that on someone elses dime. Plus going into election season it wont look good on those that did it.

They'll just blame Biden.

It's probably why they are trying a shutdown right now. Get negativity off of their most recent shitstorms and onto Biden via a momentary distraction

This is what they do every year or two. Instead of fixing things properly by removing the limit on the debt ceiling among others, they wait until it's time to pass a budget and then try to get the most ridiculous things passed or the government shuts down.

We probably need to just call their bluff and let it burn. See how long their people can go without getting their government checks before they turn on them.

if he would just let us be bigots this would have never happened!!

Sadly this is way too optimistic. The maggats will blame the dems for not making a deal. Remember that they don't care about the truth, only what fox, breitbart, etc tell them is true. The dems have let the right paint them into a corner. They (the right) threaten to burn down the house if they don't get what they want and the dems have never called their bluff. That has only emboldened them and they are willing to see their own supporters suffer if it "gets" the libs.

Plus going into election season it wont look good on those that did it.

Have you forgotten how stupid the majority of the electorate is? 100% it will get blamed on Biden cuz he's president and not the pond scum that shoots it's own legislation down for political reasons. Even when there's no possible chance to get something better than what was agreed.

Its hard to think like that, when shit hits the fan I dont just goto the local whipping boy, I look and see whos the shit clogging the pipe.

oh look it's that yearly thing that they do. if only there was punishment for it happening, but alas nothing will ever change.

I swear I see this story more than once per year.

Because it happens more than once a year because they pass what's called a Continuing Resolution here and there, which kicks the can down the road to these chokepoint dates. This is the same budget argument they didn't settle all the way back to October 1.

This has gotten much worse in the last decade as well.

🎵It starts out easy, something simple, something sleazy, something inching past the edge of reserve🎵

I wish they would shut it THE FUCK down because it's pissing me OFF

Again? This happens like 50 times a year.

Who gives a fuck.

We all should. Republicans sabotaging our government and then running on the platform that government doesn't work (meanwhile, they continue to pass draconian laws and remove our freedoms) should terrify you.

That’s cool. All I hear from people these days is constant fear mongering.

Go live your life in fear and terror. I will not.

There is a large spectrum between apathy and living in "fear and terror".

The 24/7 news cycle has you in a constant state of fear. Go touch some grass and take a break from the internet.