YSK: Lemmy All Third Party Clients List (Android/iPhone/Web) with status of that apps!

meetpateltech@lemmy.world to You Should Know@lemmy.world – 452 points –

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/1025004

Hello Lemmy community!

I'm excited to introduce the Lemmy Apps Directory, a comprehensive directory of Lemmy clients across various platforms. This directory will help you discover and explore a wide range of Lemmy clients to enhance your browsing experience.


  • Material UI-inspired responsive design (Dark/Light Mode)
  • Filter by Supported Devices: Android/iOS/Windows/Linux/Web/MacOS
  • Open/Closed Source
  • URL/GitHub Link
  • Client Status (beta/development/stable)

I welcome your feedback, suggestions, and bug reports to improve the directory further. If you encounter any issues or have ideas to enhance the user experience, please let me know.

If you find the Lemmy Apps Directory useful, please consider sharing it with your friends and fellow Lemmy users.

Thank you for your support, and happy exploring!


For those looking and trying new apps, Ive had the most success with Liftoff on Android. I've had the least bugs with this app and otherwise has been a smooth experience. Just know to expect bugs at this time on pretty much everything as they all are pretty early in their builds.

I've been testing out several apps simultaneously to find my favorite one, liftoff is the only one I'm logged in to. It's pretty good, but I've noticed that liftoff seems to get more 502 errors than others like Summit and Connect when loading comments, posts, and refreshing. Other than that, it's a pretty great app and very comfortable coming from RiF

502 is a server issue. Any difference you might have noticed is purely by chance. Or the other apps conceal server errors better.
In general clients can't do much about 5XX errors.

Yea, if I had to guess liftoff is displaying the error every time and the other apps are silently failing and retrying the connection. Unfortunately all other apps I've been trying except jerboa are closed source so I can't confirm that. I have the most trust in the FOSS options, but that also requires more patience in QoL features

I feel like, of the handful available to try, Liftoff is the most feature complete - comparable to Jerboa. Everything else always seems to be missing some key functionality (as of writing this). I do keep getting 502 errors periodically, but I know that's Lemmy and not the app itself. Highly recommending Liftoff at the moment.

That said, Sync was my bread and butter on Reddit, so I'm hoping it can be my go to on Lemmy as well. Crossing my fingers. But Liftoff will suffice otherwise, for sure.

They're working off the abandoned Lemmur project so they kind of had a head start. Not to undermine the great work they've been doing though.

Interesting. Liftoff has been the most problematic for me. I saw a meme yesterday about how slow it was. I'll have to try it again.

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I'm using Liftoff, I like it a little better than Connect which I tried for a day or 2. As far as I can tell, most issues I've experienced are related to lemmy.world and not the app.

Once Sync is released I'll reevaluate but I'm good for now!

Same, although my attempts at the other ones were pretty brief. I like liftoff a lot because it has the swipe anywhere to go back gesture, which I love.

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I am currently using wefwef working great and inspired from Apollo ✨

I tried it and wasn't the biggest fan, mainly because it's designed like an iOS app. Probably great for former Apollo users but as an android user it's just not for me. It definitely is a pretty slick web client though and I'd use it over the official reddit app any day 😂

I mean.. that is the goal of the project, to be similar to Apollo, and that’s why ex-Apollo users love it so much 🙂

Yea exactly, no hate for the app ofc just not for me personally. I know a lot of people are grateful for it

I agree. They said they’re working on an Android theme though.

Memmy, ftw. Loving this mobile client

testflight beta is full, sadly.

I tried Memmy and it’s not bad I just don’t understand how to comment to a comment (or if the feature is implemented at all?)

You mean replying to a comment? It’s by swiping left until the reply icon appears and releasing :)

Well.. that is odd. On Apollo I used to click on the list and just hit reply.

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Been using Jerboa and Connect interchangeably for a couple of days to compare and contrast. Honestly Jerboa takes it, super stable and it's been rolling with all the punches lemmy.world has been throwing it much better than Connect. I'd honestly recommend both, but Jerboa has been just slightly better in just overall UX. I'll probably keep testing out the various apps for Android, but Jerboa will likely be my daily driver.

I'm doing the same, I have Jerboa and Connect, switch between them to try. Last days had a lot of network or html errors, it's more stable now, I'm still not decided...

What I like from Jerboa is the kind of official app and open source. What I like about Connect is the developer is superactive and sometimes release multiple times a day, bugfix, new features, etc, really impressive.

I'm also waiting for Sync because I am a 10yo SyncPro user.

I also have a PWA shortcut on my screen because in case apps are badly crashing or whatever, the PWA link works pretty well.

lol, I tried Jerboa, as it was the first recommendation and only had issues with it. Removed it from my phone not even an hour after installation because it was just frustrating.

Like most of the apps at the moment, it's under active development and improving rapidly. Don't give up on any of the apps you try too quickly.

Yeah, it could have been your instance having problems, not the third party app. That's what I've been dealing with all week... it's hard to judge apps when the platform itself is creaking under the weight of the influx of ten of thousands of new people literally overnight.

It was mostly UX stuff and weird bugs like the post contents blanking after switching between apps.

Jerboa seems to have better navigation IMHO. You can swipe back. I don't like how you have to use the back button on Connect. I also noticed that Connect has changed its icon for the 3rd time since I installed it last week.

Connect just got the 'swipe to go back' gesture in its latest update (among various other things)!

The dev is extraordinarily active. Give a suggestion on their lemmy community and be assured that it'll be implemented within a week or so.

Nice, looks like the icon is updated as well!

I installed Connect, Jerboa and Liftoff. Those are the three that are on the Play Store (so easy to install) and look professional (sorry Lemmotif).

I opened each one and Liftoff immediately stood out for how cleanly it presented the information. I am not a huge fan of the navigation style, I assume that's the iOS style with the buttons on the bottom. I'm sure I can get used to it.

Connect was pretty good too. Easy to tell posts apart, though I like Liftoff's presentation slightly better. Connect put the pic/preview above the header info, while Liftoff always has the header first. I much prefer Liftoff's style there. [EDIT - Connect has a setting to change this! Score!] Connect uses a very familiar navigation bar on the right, which I really like. The color scheme is ass, hopefully that changes later.

Jerboa... I literally can't tell when one post ends and another begins. Completely unusable IMHO.

So I am going to mess with Connect and Liftoff a bit and see which is better from a day to day usability perspective. They both have pros and cons at first glance so it's time to dig deeper.

EDIT - Okay gave Jerboa another shot and it's not that bad. It's actually pretty decent within a given post. I'll mess with it some more too.

Liftoff does look the nicest, but it's not registering my upvotes (at least from what I can tell).

I also couldn't figure out how to add other instances.

Overall though, glad we have a few nice options on Android. Using both Liftoff and Connect daily.

I've only tried Jerboa and I didn't dislike it. My only complaint is threading can be a bit unclear as the indentation is not huge but, the colours help there.

Looking forward to try boost for Lemmy as I was a Boost user on Reddit. But who knows, I may just stick with Jerboa for the name alone

How does one go about getting a Beta invite to some of these iOS apps?

This is really needed. Only WefWef is the only good option I know off but assumed other projects were in the works.

I’m using the iPhone 13 with TestFlight for the Memmy app. I’m pretty happy with it. It reminds me a lot of Apollo. There are things I miss, but it’s growing and just got a new update.

Very happy with the app too. Whenever there is something it’s missing or a bug, I have to remind myself the app is literally in its infancy. Imagine what it will be like a month from now…

It’s going to be great! And this creator seems very open to suggestions from us. While I have none (lol), I appreciate the openness.

Wow. So many new choices. "Fennec" is already taken tho isn't it?

Anyone have recommendations for an app (iOS) that doesn’t have slide interactions with comments? I keep upvoting like 4 comments every time I try to swipe out of a post with wefwef/Memmy/Thunder…

Connect has it by default, but you can turn it off.

Right, even if I got it reset randomly a couple of time. Other than that works perfectly

I've tried a bunch, Liftoff and WefWef seem best.

I'm sticking more with Liftoff as it feels pretty good all round.

Update: I added hot badge for popular apps! ,If you have any features/suggestions to improve this site just tell me!

And Thanks for Supporting!

Also I'm thinking to make specific community for this site anyone help me with logo/cover pic for this if yes then contact me!