Biden to announce US will build port on Gaza shore for large-scale aid delivery to politics – 184 points –
Biden to announce US will build port on Gaza shore for large-scale aid delivery

Sincere thanks to the uncommitted voters out there, we wouldn't have gotten this without some pressure

The other day I saw a comment that essentially read "You have no leverage, how dare democratic voters try to vote uncommitted" I want to express my deep thanks to everyone who rejected the apathetic pity party and, while acknowledging they'll probably vote for Biden regardless, tried to hold his feet to the fire.

Politics is very appearance based, Democrats are often terrible at this and hesitate to call votes that they know will fail to force people to be on record. Your voice does make a difference even if it doesn't feel like it will.

Do you want Trump to win?!?! /s

But seriously, we need to keep the pressure up until a permanent ceasefire.

I know /s, but what those uncritical white liberals don't recognize, is that Biden can't win without pivoting 180 on his prior position of Gaza.

Failing to be critical of the candidate and holding them accountable ensures their failure.

Pivoting on Gaza will be the start of Biden rebuilding his campaign, because right now, he's made all the wrong moves and has around a 1-10, 1-20 chance of actually winning. He needs to be beating Trump nationally by 5 points to have this thing locked up. He's trailing Trump nationally, outside of the margin of error. That's not just 'bad' that's DISASTROUS for a Democratic candidate once you account for redstate gerrymandering and the fact that Trump consistently outperforms polling.

Biden needs to cater to his actual base, not Republicans. He wont win if he doesn't.

Presidential elections are nearly all statewide and therefore nearly immune to gerrymandering.

And Trump is underperforming polling.

Polling on Trump consistently underestimates his real world performance.

Going into 2016 (our best corollary for this election. D in office, Trump from outside), Trump was losing within the margin of error and he massively over performed the polling.

He's currently leading in the polling, outside of the margin of error.

Biden needs to get to 55% in the polling nationally to be secure in a national election. He has to make up 12 points. That's basically never happened for an incumbent.

With Biden as the nominee, Democrats have lost this election.

Your own link points out that Trump underperforms his polls.

Trump fared below polling numbers in the New Hampshire, South Carolina and Michigan primaries

And how is Bidens polling doing in those same states?

Its the difference in polling that matters, and what matters, is that when there is an actual election, Trump outperforms the polls.

If Biden isn't at 55% going into the general, its Trumps V.

If the election were tomorrow, Trump would win every contested swing state.

Stop deluding yourself into thinking that Biden is going to win.

There were actual elections in several states this year, and Trump underperformed his polls.

Biden is getting 80-90% of the vote in his primaries (MN excepted) which is also what Obama got in 2012.

And I'm not deluding myself, the election could easily go either way.

But Biden does not need to poll 55% to win. He never polled that high in 2020, yet he won.

And what was Trump polling in 2020? He was a 34% approval rating. Not too far from where Biden is polling now. And yes, Biden was at 55% in November of 2020.

Trump was FLOUNDERING in the polls and any one with eyes saw Trump was going to lose that election. Running 'as the president' versus someone who gets to be critical and unaccountable is a very different position than being the incumbent. Probably any President in power would struggle the next election cycle after governing through a pandemic.

and 55% represents where Biden would need to be to be 'secure' in his victory (national polling).

50% is still a Biden victory, but he'll be fighting for some of the swing states, maybe wins, maybe loses.

45% and Biden is fighting for his life.

40%? Biden has lost.

Biden sub 40%. Its not even a question.

He has a 1-10 chance to win? You are out of your mind. He’s got problems but he is not that far off from winning, if at all. This change on Gaza is a great step forward but don’t act like he’s just terrible otherwise. He’s no where near ideal but don’t forsake mostly good to ok for bad.

People on here live in tiny bubbles thinking the better option is to primary Biden for some no-name person who has probably already conceded. As if the tiny American progressive vote can outnumber the incredible centrist bloc and mostly apathetic Americans who vote on surface-level politics and name recognition.

You are delusional if you think right now Biden has a better than 1:10 chance of winning. Its probably closer to 1:20 at this point.

This isn't hyperbole. Hes lost all support he had 1 year ago in the polling, which wasn't even that great. He's losing among Democrats. Trump is holding steady. Not gaining or losing. The fact that this "uncommitted" movement is even happening should be a break glass, hair on fire, "holy fuck" moment for Democrats. But they are too committed to the project of white liberalism to see the writing on the wall.

And rather than try to re-position and appeal to Democrats, he's re-positioning to appeal to Nikki Haley voters. Its beyond stupid. Bidens gone from bad to worse in terms of electoral strategy.

On his current course, we're looking towards a 1984 Reagan level victory for Trump.

The port will be built by US military engineers operating from ships off the Gaza coast, who will not need to step ashore, US officials said.

The White House said that the operation would not involve boots on the ground, as the port and its temporary pier could be built from off the coast.

This seems to be a key aspect of the thing, if there are no US soldiers in Gaza accompanying aid shipments, the IDF can keep attacking the shipments "by mistake", right?

Even if they are, Israeli forces have attacked and killed Americans before

Probably eventually what's going to be needed is escorted aid shipments and a public statement that any aggression by Israel against American actions in Gaza will get a proportional response against Israeli armed forces.

aggression by Israel against American actions in Gaza will get a proportional response against Israeli armed forces

I'd say that's heavily implied after the Liberty tbh and Israel would know it. Fool me once and all that.

I'd imagine the US will ensure the food reaches Gaza, the issue is that Hamas may still intercept it before it reaches civilians. In war zones like this you really need peacekeepers on the ground - ideally in kitchens where civilians can be allowed to eat in peace. As soon as people leave the safe site there's a risk someone with a gun will just take the supplies from them.

And just to clarify, I don't like either Hamas or Netanyahu... none of this shit would be necessary if the IDF wasn't purposefully blocking aide from being shipped over ground connections. This is a solution to a problem the IDF caused.

We get to spend money BUILDING the port AND Destroying the port!

We are helping Israel use less bombs by gathering everyone in one location. Come on silly 🪿

So this is a roundabout way of saying the Israelis were about to add famine to their list of war crimes.

The flour massacre shows they were already doing that. Corralling them all into small areas, denying aid is just slow starvation.

The UN and IPC have been trying to tell you this since mid January. IPC are the guys who track food stress and actually declare a famine.

Why you're supporting the destruction and recreation of the same place, we may never know

PR. It's like the bully in an 80s movie telling the teacher that the kid he's giving a wedgie is actually his friend.

Money. Training. Supplying the post genocide settlers.

That’s cool n shit, but probably better to just cut off all foreign aid and weapons sales to Israel.

Yes I'm sure feeding these people who are literally starving to death will make no difference to them right?

Ignoring the rhetorical, if the us doesn't also run the distribution of said aid, it won't make much difference to those starving people since the IDF will simply shoot them when they go to get the food.

So the answer is "no"

1 more...
1 more...

This new significant capability will take a number of weeks to plan and execute.

I hope the Palestinians can hang in there until then. The children have already started dying of starvation.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

US forces will build a temporary port on the Gaza shoreline in the next few weeks to allow delivery of humanitarian aid on a large scale, Joe Biden will announce in the State of the Union speech.

This is a moment for American leadership,” a senior US official said on Thursday, reflecting growing frustration of what is seen in Washington as Israeli obstruction of road deliveries on a substantial scale.

“Tonight, the president will announce in his State of the Union address that he has directed the US military to undertake an emergency mission to establish a port in Gaza, working in partnership with like minded countries and humanitarian partners,” the official said.

In his State of the Union speech, Biden will also announce the opening of a new land crossing into the occupied and devastated coastal strip.

Biden has been fiercely criticised within his own party for the failure to open up Gaza to humanitarian aid, with a famine looming and 30,000 Palestinians dead already since the start of war on 7 October.

“We will coordinate with the Israelis on the security requirements on land and work with the UN and humanitarian NGOs on the distribution of assistance within Gaza,” a senior official said.

The original article contains 435 words, the summary contains 205 words. Saved 53%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

So we are annexing Gaza now?

Troops will have to be on the ground to protect the port..

I for one would be totally on board with the American military providing the Palestinian state protection from Israeli aggression. Honestly, there's a good argument that we owe that to the Palestinians at this point given how many of the weapons used on them came from us.

That would indeed be an actual solution, but if it actually happens I will eat my unleavened hat.

If you're making a matzah joke, please don't. It's a wonderful food from a wonderful culture that doesn't deserve to be tainted by association with this evil murderous government.

Point taken about the unlikeliness of this, but I would have thought "we are not waiting on the Israelis" to be an impossibility before this, so who knows, maybe their conduct has finally been outrageous enough and public enough this time to change things.

Please don't learn from AIPAC, most people here are highly critical of Netanyahu and the IDF but bear no ill will towards jews - hell - most of the jews I know are highly critical of Isreal themselves. The unleavened hat line reads as a pretty innocuous association joke - it's not antisemitic by nature.

AIPAC has put us in an awful situation by refusing to distinguish between real antisemitism and criticism of Netanyahu - this is a false dichotomy being pushed by a hate group and we need to reject it. Sadly, AIPAC is directly responsible for the resurgence of social acceptance of antisemitism in the modern US.

There is no such thing as an innocuous association with Israel, that's like an innocuous association with the Green River Killer or something. I doubt that commenter had ill intent, but making even very lighthearted or positive jewishness jokes in the context of a story about Israel is just going to lead to irrelevant tangents like this one at best, and it ends up feeding anti-semites and AIPAC ammo at worst.

Isn't unleavened bread eaten by all semitic people? I'm pretty sure unleavened bread is eaten by the whole region, not specific to Jews