Working doesn't rule to – 406 points –

Boss makes a million,

I make a buck.

Steal the catalytic converter,

Off the company truck.

Boss makes a dollar,

I make a dime.

That's why I'm shitting,

On company time.

Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime

That was a poem from a simpler time

Now boss makes a million, I don't make jack

That's why we riot to seize the means back

Always steal time at your job. It's morally correct.

Hard worker sees small talk as unnecessary.

Chad chats up management and gets promoted.

so how many of us are browsing from work?

Probably be a shorter answer if we ask how many aren’t hahah

Ayo! I'm ready to go home!

Edit: it worked, office closed an hour and a half early today!

I'm WFH, so I've been spending most of my work days playing FFXVI.

I was hard worker. All I got for it was lifelong chronic pain.

I don't think it's a fair trade.

Does smoking copious amounts of weed on company time count as being a Chad?

I know most people aren't as lucky but I like my job. It pays well and its important. So I feel kind of bad when I slack off. But I still cover for my coworkers when they're slacking off. And make sure I give others the credit when I help out. And take those breaks, people fought for those.

The chad slacker represents all the people stuck in bs jobs, where the only purpose is making some rich asshole richer, and the only reward for hard work is more bs work.

If you have a job where you do something meaningful and get properly rewarded, great, you're right for enjoying that and not wanting to slack. Most of us slackers are jealous

Yeah I feel this, most of the time I'm having enough fun at my job that my lunch break is something to just get out of the way. I still take those breaks tho

The real chad just doesn't take a clocked out lunch to begin with

fuck yeah, you don't owe your employer a damn thing.

I'm not sure which. Maybe a bit of both.

On one hand, based. On the other hand, hard worker is gonna inevitably end up having to pick up the slack as management end up holding them to a higher standard, get extreme burnout and potentially end up in a 5150 hold.

there isn't a finite amount of "work" to do. management will push everyone as hard as they can, and blame the people who aren't working as hard in a form of misdirection. this isn't an intentional tactic; just the inevitable result of a capitalist productivity oriented mindset