garule to – 656 points –

This recipe calls for 4 garlic clove bulbs.

4 cloves? What is this, a recipe for white people?

TL;DR: Probably.

Some facts

  • I did, in fact, come across a recipe shortly before I saw this post that called for four cloves of garlic. A dish I've since made, and blatantly disregarded the quantity of garlic.
  • I found the recipe on a search engine. I have it set to "all regions" but anecdotal evidence suggests it prioritizes my region.
  • I live in a country with majorily Caucasian people, of which I match the majority.
  • In skimming over my reply I noted I was being vague about the search engine and nationality, which seems silly. DDG and Conflicted States of America.

You measure garlic with your heart, not in cloves or bulbs.

The only time I've regretted this is when I first made hummus

That's when I amended the rule to only apply to COOKED garlic, not raw.

Tbf though, if the recipe doesn't already call for a shitload of garlic, it's not a recipe for hummus.

Brb making a batch of aioli.

I used to be a completely garliholic until one time a family member made a dish that was so unbelievable garlicky that I haven't been able to eat it in excess since.

but I don't like being stinky :c

garlic is super delicious, but the moment I'm done eating I have to deal with the aftertaste and smell for hours, and it makes me really uncomfortable