YouTube now requires creators to disclose when AI-generated content is used in videos to – 412 points –

Will this apply to advertisers, too? They don't block outright scams, so probably not. Money absolves all sins.

Your YouTube is not working optimally if you're seeing ads there

My point was that ads are a big part of the typical user's experience, and it is hypocritical to believe AI needs to be disclosed but not apply that to paid content.

What? Didnt you know the government is giving away 6400.00 to everybody if you but only claim it by filling out this form on my sketchy website with all your personal info....?

tbf, a lot of ads are already misleading as it is, so pointing out AI isnt going to change its perception much.

That's a win, but it would need to be enforced... Which is harder to do

Harder, but in this with mutliple generations of people being trained to question every link and image on screen? Not necessarily impossible.

People will report this for sure if they feel confident.

There will definitely be false flags though

I'm waiting for the constant big drama when it turns out Big Popular Youtuber of the Week gets accused of using/not using Ai and it turns out the oppsite is true.

None of this is AI-specific. Youtube wants you to label your videos if you use "altered or synthetic content" that could mislead people about real people or events. 99% of what Corridor Crew puts out would probably need to be labeled, for example, and they mostly use traditional digital effects.

That's good, but soon every video will partially be AI because it'll be build in into the tools. Just like every photo out there is retouched with Lightroom/Photoshop.

To your point, Samsung's CEO said there is no such thing as a real photo when they were criticized for highly adjusting pictures on some of their newer cameras a year or two ago. Google's phones have had lighting and other effects that are helpful and make great improvements to shots(fixing lighting, removing photobombs, etc) that most people wouldn't say is AI but that's exactly what it is.

Creators must disclose content that:

Makes a real person appear to say or do something they didn’t do

Alters footage of a real event or place

Generates a realistic-looking scene that didn’t actually occur

So, they want deepfakes to be clearly labeled, but if the entire video was scripted by chatgpt, the AI label is not required?

Generates a realistic-looking scene that didn’t actually occur

Doesn't this describe, like, every mainstream live action film or television show?

Technically, yes... but if it's in movie/show, you already know it's fiction

Yeah, but this doesn't put any restrictions on stuff, it just adds a label to it.

Also a lot of video game footage from livestreams, etc.

this is going to be devastating for all the prank youtube channels

Wouldn't this enable, for example, Trump claiming he didn't make the "bloodbath" comment, calling it a deepfake, and telling Youtube to remove all the new coverage of it? I mean, more generally, what stops someone from abusing this system?

It’s a good first step. If claiming your AI video is real gets more views then I’m curious if the risks outweigh the cost of being caught.

You can only really pull that with older people and children. Most of us millennials can spot the patterns AI gen produces, but I've seen my dad just consume the content and be largely unaware of the fact that it was artificially generated. He constantly complains those videos say nothing but watches tons of them anyways, mostly related to non-news about sports.

I'm sure that given the 99.99% ethical nature of AI enthusiasts and users that they will absolutely comply with this voluntary identification! /sarcasm