Airport executive shot in firefight with federal agents at his home in Arkansas to – 205 points –
Airport executive shot in firefight with federal agents at his home in Arkansas

He said Bryan Malinowski collected guns and other weapons, as well as coins, lived in an upper-middle class suburb and earned $253,000 a year.

“When someone makes that much money, there’s no incentive to do anything wrong,” the brother said. “He has so much to lose."

His brother seems willfully ignorant here. Plenty of millionaires and billionaires commit crimes for more cash.

its a lot of money but it's not crazy money. you couldn't live la vida loca in NY or LA for that.

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Retracted: There was a piece of the story I missed which kind of destroys my complaint here. Missed it when I read originally.

They did shoot him in the head, it's really just dumb luck he's not dead.

🤦‍♂️ I did read the article. Have no idea how I missed that part.

Matthew Malinowski said his brother was on life support and doctors haven't performed surgery "because they don’t think he’s gonna make it."

You could update your meme and put Airline Executive in the "killed by law enforcement" section pretty soon.

He has a bullet in the head. If that's not "shoot to kill" I don't know what is

The article says he is likely to die from the injury. He was shot in the head.

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Wild man. Nothing about the warrant. That's when we find out wtf went down.

"Neighbors also told KARK that on Tuesday evening they saw guns and ammunition being loaded onto a trailer, while firefighters carried a circular saw, crowbars and other tools into the house."

Considering it was the ATF he probably was manufacturing or illegally possessing NFA regulated items. (Machine guns, Short Barreled Rifles, Short Barreled Shotguns, or suppressors)

Or he posted something online to pop a dozen red flags and have ATF come calling.

Also considering the ATF it's quite likely that they just accused him of doing that and have no real proof. It's happened before.

Considering they were also interested in the tools, that seems highly likely.

The firefighters had the tools, presumably necessary in order to open up a Gun Safe or three.

I was today years old when I figured out conservatives hate the ATF because they shoot white people too

Conservatives have been hating on the BATFE for decades. They don't hate them because "they shoot white people too" they hate them because they are a bunch of thugs with badges who run around violently enforcing unpopular laws, many of which they create themselves.

It's why they refused to seat a permanent director for 16 years and continually starve them of money. There was a strong push during the Trump Presidency to abolish the BATFE and fold their duties into the FBI.

Conservatives ain't great but you're wrong about why they hate them.

they hate them because they are a bunch of thugs with badges who run around violently enforcing unpopular laws, many of which they create themselves.

What do you think "they shoot white people too" means? What you wrote here is exactly that. It's a bunch of thugs with badges who shoot (violently enforcing) conservatives because of laws conservatives wrote. 90% of them wouldn't give a single shit if the ATF was only shooting black people over the laws they created specifically to oppress black people. They hate that they are being targeted by their laws when those laws were intended to target others.

90% of them wouldn’t give a single shit if the ATF was only shooting black people over the laws they created specifically to oppress black people.

Federal Gun laws weren't "specifically created to oppress black people." Some State level ones were but the Federal ones apply to everybody and Conservatives have always hated them and the Agency that enforces them. The undeniable fact is that Ol' Whitey hated the ATF before BIPOC folks even knew that the 2nd Amendment applied to them.

This idea that literally everything from laws to the reactionaries who are against them is racially motivated is one of the dumbest fucking things to appear online in the past decade.

Get it straight, there is no struggle but the class struggle.

Get it straight, there is no struggle but the class struggle.

BIPOC here. Do I do that before or after I liquidate the useful idiots who got the brown shirt on for people-like-me-killing without questioning their billionaire masters?

Don't get it twisted yourself. You're not wrong in the nuance. But nuance is exactly what they took out back and shot first. Doesn't make the lies lethal.

I get your anger, as the stupid gets in the way of real conversations regarding race--that is, that it does not matter, class does.

By design dude. Yell out and disengage because of the "stupid" and you too become an unwitting catspaw in the class war.

Fuck the ATF. ACAB Fuck over reach that takes autonomy for anything other than protecting the autonomy of others.

Fuck the dragons but more than anything else, fuck the willingly complacent and the empathy pretender.

...the Federal ones apply to everybody...

That's how the racist ones work, my man. The laws apply to "everybody", but somehow most of the enforcement is on black people. Black people aren't in prison disproportionately because the law says "black people carrying drugs is illegal".

Get it straight, there is no struggle but the class struggle.

Ahh. "No issues, but white issues."

As a lefty pro-2a, you nailed it. We gun owners don't hate the ATF because "white people get shot" we hate them because they're fucking thugs who create their own rules.

You're wrong.

Proceeds to argue the exact same point the parent comment was making. Why have reading comprehension skills just fallen off a cliff amongst the general population here?

So you agree that conservatives hate the ATF because they're a personal threat.

Yes. The BATFE is a clear an present danger to every American and has been for a very long time.

I think you're just myopic, they hate them for all those reasons and hate CPS and the atf because they effect whites on roughly the same level as others.

It's level playing ground and their super upset about it, sure that ground may have a beautiful sheen of shit and muck but it's flat as fuck.

Preach. They unilaterally decided that a .22 rifle I bought, perfectly legally, like a few million of us, was now a "short barreled rifle" and a federal offense. That was my first taste of their bullshit.

They invited public comment, which resulted in much, "Uh. No. BS." And then did it anyway.

This wasn't like the EPA making a call to stop pollution. This was a call to make a wimpy gun a federal offense. Now we could have registered them, hell, even skipped the $200 tax stamp if done by $date.

And if any of you see no issue with registering guns, let me leave you with this: Trump might win.

Generally the ATF cannot be brought up without a conservative making a joke about them killing dogs which is in reference to the Ruby Ridge standoff where they entrapped neo Nazi Randy Weaver into selling sawed off shotguns. He missed his court date and when they went to arrest him, US marshals came across his son, the son's friend, and his dog while in the woods. The marshals claim the dog was coming toward them to attack them and shot it. After the friend shot and killed a marshal, the son ran away up the hill and the remaining marshal shot him in the back and killed him.

So the joke does not even make sense since it was the US Marshals who killed the dog and started the standoff.

Conservatives also tend to go on and on about how if victims of law enforcement violence would have just complied, they would be fine. They don't recognize their cognitive dissonance with Ruby Ridge though since had Randy simply complied and made his court date, the stand off would not have happened.

This is not to defend the actions of the ATF, the US marshals, or the FBI, BTW. The ATF did a terrible operation. The US Marshals escalated it when it did not need to be escalated, and the FBI shot Randy a second time when he was retreating but the bullet also killed his wife who was holding their 10 month old.

I don't think it's that deep in that particular, the ATF just likes shooting dogs, like all cops.

From the people I asked, they specifically references Ruby Ridge. I probably have asked a good dozen people whenever I have heard the reference.

Odd that they seem to sympathize about the dog being shot but not the wife or son.

Don't know who you're asking but it's from police and feds shooting dogs all the time. There are tons of videos online of cops just popping dogs for no fucking reason.

Generally it was conservatives and/or gun nuts on reddit. Not one of them mentioned law enforcement overall and would downvote me when I mentioned police shoot a fuckton of dogs. Conservatives joke about the ATF specifically doing that.

That's odd cause I'm on the gun subs on Reddit and minus the few FUDD dipshits who love daddy turnip and thin blue dicks, most of them are pretty "fuck the police" and "fedbois can suck it" types.

I think most of them would fall under the FUDD category.

They conducted a sting, there's a lot wrong with how it was handled but he never denied making unlawful weapons and to add to that he was convicted of doing it prior to ruby ridge.

Let's not whitewash either side of this fence please.

Check out * Long Shadow - Season 2: Rise of the American Far Right*

Pretty disturbing how clear the line is from the past to now.

I feel like you don't really need to show up at 6 am to serve a search warrant. Making a commotion and trying to barge into someone's home when they've just awoken is kind of a recipe for them to make bad decisions. If you need surprise to make sure they don't destroy evidence, just get them when they're out of the house. Wait until he goes to work, then send the crew to the house and a couple agents to his work to serve him there and escort him to the residence? It might take a little longer to figure out when the house is empty and you can secure it, but it means fewer people get shot.

Police shoot Airport Executive while attempting to arrest him


They weren't even trying to arrest him, just search his house.

This can happen when the PoPo roll up with a warrant and decide to just barge in without announcing themselves. I'm not saying it happened like that in this case but there's plenty of examples out there.

Do not trust the BATFE or their version of events. Ever.

Also, he ended up with a bullet in the head. 😶

“We don’t know if he’s going to make it in the next 24 hours," Matthew Malinowski told NBC News by phone in his first public comments. "He was shot in the head."

Sounds like he took at least one shot at the ATF which goes a long way to explain how he got shot in the head...

Wonder what the search warrant was for.

I would guess weapon/drug trafficking? Airport exec, ATF and the guy likes guns anyway..

Looking at him? CSAM.

(yes there is a phenotype)

But reading the article it's an ATF response so probably 'scary guns.'

That said... I've definitely seen gun weirdos who were also CSAM weirdos...

That "(yes there is a phenotype)" is just like when people say that the covid vaccines are poison and follow with "yes, there is proof". Produce proof that doesn't stink of confirmation bias, make me a believer.

Because honestly, I have seen so many confirmed pedophiles thanks to my former line of work, and most of them would shatter your view for that so-called phenotype.

And if we are just going to point at men with no chin, lack of facial hair and an androgynous/somewhat effeminate body fat distribution, we might as well just incarcerate people for being born with Klinefelter syndrome, dumbass.

I don't know what a CSAM weirdo is, but they can't be worse than people who use obscure acronyms without explanation

Child Sexual Abuse Material.

You know - kids being raped in videos.

But sure, acronyms suck!