“This is insane”: RNC reportedly makes Trump’s false election claims a “litmus test” for new hires

MicroWave@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 318 points –
“This is insane”: RNC reportedly makes Trump’s false election claims a “litmus test” for new hires

_ “If you say the election wasn’t stolen, do you really think you’re going to get hired?" ex-RNC staffer says_

The Republican National Committee is asking prospective job candidates if they believe the 2020 election was stolen in a “litmus tests of sorts” following the Trump-backed purge of the party committee, according to the Washington Post.

Trump advisers have “quizzed” multiple employees who worked in key 2024 states about their views on the 2020 election, according to the report.

“Was the 2020 election stolen?” one prospective employee recalled being asked in a room with two top Trump advisers.

The question has “startled” some potential employees who view it as “questioning their loyalty to Trump,” according to the Post.


"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."

We've always been at war with Eastasia.

Having reading that book recently I totally see the Republicans wanting to use it as a guide book. Why they attack education and want to control the internet.

It's not insane, it's exactly how cult leaders operate.

You've got to deny the same reality that the cult does or you're on the outside.

It's not insane, it's exactly how cults work.

As if the two are mutually exclusive.. You can be insane without being a member of a cult, but cult membership is by definition not a trait of psychologically healthy people.

The RNC being sacked and pillaged by Trump for campaign funding and legal fees is pretty terrible for them, but watching the leopard finally start eating some important faces is incredibly satisfying. They're never going to financially recover from this.

If the fascist insurgency wins, they can plunder all they want. At this point, that's the only way they can survive.

Maybe he is draining the swamp!

Trump has literally destroyed Russia oldest modern enemy, the GOP.

Mission Accomplished

This is a very good point, one that should be made to Trump supporters

It's entirely rational when you're building a cult, to only bring in the most loyal to your control structure.

Let's be clear, here: they're not just building a cult; they're recruiting accomplices for a criminal conspiracy to try to steal the election again.

1 more...
1 more...

They should just rename it the Trump Loyalist Party and get it over with. I mean they're already there, might as well stick the orange idiot's bands on it.

Only after they get all the morons to blindly vote for the R.

Good. These people are useless morons, and it makes me happy that the Republican Party will be staffed entirely by useless morons.

Thinking these people are dumb is dumb. They're not dumb, they're evil. You don't have to believe something to say something, and they know this. Don't conflate their actions with ignorance; it's what got us into this mess.

These are smart people with an evil agenda at the top. They may hire downstream idiots, but that doesn't make these strategies less effective. If anything, it gives those at the top more power.

Make no mistake about it these malignant narcissistic people are trying to steal the country and using stupid people to do it.

Well of course they are. You won't listen to Trump when he tells you to genocide minorities if you won't even listen to him when he says the election is stolen.

My only question is if tin foil hats will become a mandatory part of the dress code, or remain optional.

The question you all should be asking is what exactly the mean by stealing the election. Does stealing mean change votes or fake votes, or does it mean they used the overall cultural and governmental system to influence the election.

The answer doesn't matter though. Any answer other than a forceful "The election was stolen." will just send your application right into the trash. (And to be fair, if you're so retarded that you're willing to apply for a job with Trump under these cirumstances, you deserve to be in the trash with it.)

They are looking for unwavering loyalty that will flow entirely in one direction. Even saying "Depends on how you define 'stolen'", or just not saying "The election was stolen!" with enough conviction will likely get you labelled as some kind of Biden psy-op there to infiltrate his campaign.

These are not rational people. The rational ones (at least, by pre-Trump GOP standards) have all left or been forced out. All that remains are the ultra-MAGA grifters and a new crop of political opportunists looking to become grifters themselves.

I am not a maga fan, but the leftists are worse. Conformity is even more strongly enforced.

Oh? So what you're saying is that the left is lacking in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion? Perhaps we should implement some of these anti-conformist ideals in the form of training programs?

The left obviously lacks in inclusion and diversity of thought. Literally they boot you if you disagree with things they believed 10 years ago.

What an outlandish comment. By boot do you mean make fun of you for saying dumb shit?

So its "dumb shit" to say trans women should not compete against women? The left used to agree with the right on that issue, and now the left says its transphobic to think they shouldnt compete.

No it's dumb shit to claim victim when people stop engaging with your dumbass comments. It's not censorship, we're just ignoring you because you make bad points.

Didnt say it was censorship (although many sites like this will ban you for voicing basic opinions), I said that you guys claim everything is a -ist or an -ism. And the people with the dumb opinion are those that claim that its a fair competetion.

The overall cultural and governmental system still heavily favors Trump.

Oh yeah totally, that is why they constantly write hit articles on him, because they are trying to help!