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SSUPII@sopuli.xyz to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 619 points –

I mean, im not saying that isn't an abomination, but it probably also doesn't suck...

A fried California roll? I could think of worse.

I've HAD a properly fried California roll, actually

It's fucking good

Tasty food, fried, is still tasty?

You're not telling us what we need to know, which is where to get it.

I think your typical mid-sized town will have at least one sushi restaurant with a deep fryer somewhere in the steakhouse district.

Well I appreciate that, but since you said "steakhouse district" it sounds like you're talking about the US, so I might have a hard time getting there. I'm sure someone can make use of the info :)

Sushi doesn't last long after its made. But I don't like food waste so looked up ways to make it taste okay after it's gone stale or the avocado starts browning and getting mushy. Cut it up with scissors and pan fry it in some oil. It's not bad. Add veggies or whatever if you want.

This kills the sushi.

Looks like it's just a roll so it's not that bad. Now if this was nigiri sushi then it would be a war crime.

You can actually deep fry sushi. Obviously not like in the picture, and you have to add breading.

This is the most American thing I've heard today

Most of the Japanese and Korean owned sushi places I go to offer deep fried roll options. Do they not do this on the other side of the pacific?

Am very into sushi. Like 70% of the sushi places I go to have deep fried sushi on offer. It seems mildly sacrilegious personally but hey, it must be good

It does seem like sacrilege but every now and then I will order them. They aren’t bad.

It's very popular here in Brazil, with a characteristic overabundance of cream cheese

It's like how 95% of the "Chinese" places you go probably have General Tsaos chicken. It is not Chinese. Invented in Murica for Muricans. Deep fried sushi is the same. The restaurants in the US offer it because others offer it and the American pallet likes it.

You would be promptly murdered in Japan for asking for such a dish. Probably being the reason the restaurant puts up a "no foreigners allowed" sign from then on, which is actually common.

Same county that loves Tempura, but deep fried sushi is sacrilegious. Go figure.

Never heard of that before, but then again I'm not hugely into sushi so might have missed something

That said, it sounds very American to take some random thing and deepfry it

You swap that breading for a quick swim in tempura batter and some toasted sesame seeds and I'm in.

It looks like it's just an avocado roll. I'm not seeing any fish in those.

Ewww you just rawdog avocado into your mouth? That stuff comes from the ground where worms fuck, using animal poop to grow!

Holy shit, you're right. What have I been doing with my life?

this actually looks delicious.

You forgot to add the soy sauce before adding to the pan, smh

It's like ordering groceries but they're 5x the price smh my head

My wife doesn't like raw fish. However if I hit the sashimi with a torch for a couple seconds to brown the outside, she's all over it.

Came here to say this looks awesome, actually.

It ruins it!

Honestly probably tastes amazing

You're right, that crust on the rice looks appetizing. The fish probably ends up overcooked, though, since it's so small, but I'd still eat it.