‘The machine did it coldly’: Israel used AI to identify 37,000 Hamas targets

boem@lemmy.world to Technology@lemmy.world – 180 points –
‘The machine did it coldly’: Israel used AI to identify 37,000 Hamas targets

The machine didn't do anything. They built a targeting "AI" that is trained on bullshit data, which likely doesn't distinguish between Hamas targets and civilians, but it's ultimately these genocidal bastards who decide when to kill and they choose to do so far more often than not. They're throwing the "AI" buzzword in to add a layer of abstraction between themselves and the genocide they're perpetrating.

And knowing some Israelis, people to say this know full well what they are doing, just think everybody else is either a bastard or an idiot.

It's a real cultural problem, they have a very simplistic society in terms of discussing politics and morality, seems like some small town, only it's a country of 8 million.

Human life dictated by a machine on who to kill. You need to be so fucking cold and evil to be okay with this.

Not only is it heinous it’s also obvious this is just a testing ground for it. Think about it, a testing ground that the test is how many you can kill using AI. We need an amendment to the Geneva convention

Even if you got US and Israel to sign it, Russia, China and The Saudis would never.

Who do you think is selling this capability to Israel? Hint: it's not the Saudis.

I actually have no idea who sold what in this case and it's actually not even remotely relevant since the discussion was about updating the Geneva convention and who wouldn't sign.

However, you seem to imply that Israel lacks the knowledge and resources to create the Lavender system themselves. Intriguing! Please elaborate with some links supporting your claims.

Nah mate, I'm quietly suggesting that the US arms Israel to the teeth to preserve US interests, influence, and economic strength. They ain't going to do anything that rocks that boat.

Ai is trained on input data, and if their input data is on past idf strikes then it's no fucking wonder they've killed so many journalists.

The AI in question: targets.forEach(target => target.isHamas = true);

ClassCastException: Cannot cast null to Boolean

Beep boop beep. Wirrrr. Targeting backup test data due to failure in main subroutine. Target acquired.

targets.add(civilians).add(aid workers).add(journalists)

Brrr beeep boop bop

1 more...

The purpose of a system is what it does

According to the cybernetician, the purpose of a system is what it does. This is a basic dictum. It stands for bald fact, which makes a better starting point in seeking understanding than the familiar attributions of good intention, prejudices about expectations, moral judgment, or sheer ignorance of circumstances.

The AI is "supposed" to identify targets, but in reality, the system's purpose is to justify indiscriminate murder.

Woo hoo, Weapons of Math Destruction meet Weapons of Mass Destruction. (good book by the way)

It sounds sinister until you remember that Hamas wipes it's ass with the Geneva convention and regularly disguises fighters as civilians.

Go back to reddit, Hasbara.

This. I hope no one supports Hamas here, but certainly almost no one supports either Hamas or IDF.