Trump Media stock erases all gains since it began trading as DJT shares fall again to politics – 310 points –
Trump Media stock erases all gains since it began trading as DJT shares fall again

And is still valued way too high

He still has like 5 months before he can sell his shares and make money.

Not sure if it'll be before or after the election, but right now valuation only matters if some bank is dumb enough to use the shares as collateral on a loan.

Unless the board allows him to sell before the six-month mark. And considering the fact that the board is made up of his children and other sycophants, there’s a 100% chance they allow it if he asks. He just has to determine if he wants to sell a major stake in the company and potentially tank the stock, which I don’t think he’s shy about doing.

I really thought the 6 month thing for IPOs was a law...

But I really don't know, I just no it was a weird and probably not intentional loophole when redditors were able to immediately sell their stock they got before the IPO.

Like. I don't think its a "good faith" thing, if you get in before the IPO because you work for the company, theres no way around the wait.

But I might be wrong

The stock wouldn't be subject to IPO laws because there was no IPO.

Trump Media 'went public' by being bought by another, already publicly traded, company. That company changed its appearance to become the current Trump Media thus bypassing the IPO process.

...and bypassing a whole bunch of SEC oversight, which is why they did it that way.

I heard it mentioned that even if the board approved an early sale for Trump, the company may still be in trouble for failing it’s duty to share holders (since allowing a Trump dump would pretty much finish off the company).

I am also learning here, but I always thought that any short positions or intended divestures had to be part of the prospectus. Otherwise the principals are open to a flurry of lawsuits. Not that those would scare him.

Bank of Putin has entered the chat. This is all a gigantic money laundering scheme.

Trump is Trump Media’s biggest shareholder, with 57.3 percent of the company, or 78.7 million shares — a stake worth about $2.9 billion based on the stock’s closing price Monday.<

Through an “earnout” provision, Trump stands to receive another 36 million shares if the price stays above $17.50 for 20 days, which could happen as soon as April 26 and would raise his total stake to $4.2 billion.<

I got my eye on that April 26 date. We're on track to see the mustard hit the wall on that day. God speed the short sellers!!

Hey! How else is Putin's Cock Holster supposed to get his rubles!!? Actually do proper business?

Pffft. As if.

If it's worth anything at all at the time he can sell, he's made money, likely Billions, Hundreds of Millions, Tens of Millions? I dunno, more than I'll ever see. Money funneled to him for the express purpose of racial hatred, and to destroy American secular egalitarian Democracy. That he was able to do this, at all, is an indictment of how corrupt our institutions are.

It will be a penny stock, maybe even unlisted by the time he can sell.

Extremely unlikely with how Maga's give their life savings to their prophet.

I have absolutely zero faith that this will be true. None.

Not if he wins the election. "Mr president we'd like you to hear us out on why our company's industry shouldn't have to pay taxes. Also, unrelated, we've bought $100 million in ad space on Truth Social. Back to that tax thing..."

The President has little to do with taxes, they will bribe the House for that. It's way less than $100 million as well. The wealthy would be bribing Donald to put wholly unqualified far-right judges on benches, but he'll be doing that anyway.

Foreign adversaries would again have an avenue to purchase up-to-date state secrets, I suppose funneling ad money through Donald Social is a decent enough way to launder money to him.

Not taxes literally. I meant it more as an example. There's a reason Saudi Arabia spent way too much on Trump's DC hotel.

All the money in my pocket vs all the money in yours, says that's not going to happen, there are far more people willing to throw good money after bad, to say nothing of institutional investors with money to "invest" in the support of Trump for what they can gain from Trump in the long term, than there are those who will tank the stock by shorting or selling out. Yours is a wish I too would like to see come true, though sadly, as we've seen, is only wishful thinking, with no basis in our communal experience thus far.

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At the rate it's going, these won't even be penny stocks by the time he cashes out. Anyone with a functioning brain knows what's coming. The only people who are even interested in the stock right now are either the truly stupid/gullible/MAGA rubes and people who think they can make money shorting the stock.

The first category are why it won't be a penny stick.

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This is one of Trump's biggest grifts.

The stock market is reality and Trump's minions have just received the most expensive reality check of their miserable lives.

However strong is my desire for DJT to tank, the statement "stock market is reality" does not reflect the said reality. It is the definition of fantasy, where valuations are driven by nothing fundamental. Only beliefs and expectations matter, and these change daily. Say, if Trump actually manages to win the election - and there is a terrifyingly high chance for that, - this joke of a company can actually skyrocket in valuation, as someone with money can try to buy his favour. Not that it will hold high for long, of course - just saying that manipulation is a reality (see what i did?).

It's only a matter of time before Trump complains that Biden and his Tech Bro friends are manipulating DJT's stock price to hurt him politically....

he only took this company public so that he could short the stock

And he can't sell it for 90 days, so everyone else gets to short it and leave him with dust lol

Would that not be illegal?

highly.. that's why he went to a shady Russian "bank" to get enough money to keep that miserable failure afloat long enough to be traded openly.. he and his Russian pals are using proxies to short it, because that's how you make BIG money FAST.. and it's perfect, because he's going to leave a bunch of True Believers holding the bag for it..

What? No.

Trump owns (iirc) about 58% of the shares in the company. He wants the price to go up. He at least wants to have the price up when his sell window is open (although a big sell off will crater the price because it both puts more shares on the market and because it signals disinterest/lack of faith).

Short sellers don’t own shares in the companies they’re shorting (with a couple of exceptions for hedging purposes). They borrow shares via their broker to sell XYZ at $50 and then buy the actual shares when XYZ hits $40.

The short interest in the company is insane, from everything I’ve read. It seems like most of the market is betting on it going down in flames probably this year.

Still, Trump’s going to walk away with what’s at least a billion or two. We need better regulation.

It entered the year worth $17/share, now it's worth $37/share. Yes, it was always insane to say it was worth more than Reddit but it's similarly not a flex when the valuation goes down from being worth more than Reddit to...still a lot of money.

So, what's stock in a company that loses ten time what it makes worth?