An astronaut is landing on the moon. For the first time, it won't be an American to World – 105 points –
An astronaut is landing on the moon. For the first time, it won't be an American

Headline: "the astronaut landing on the moon won't be an American"

Article: "some non-Americans will be accompanying Americans on an American mission to the moon"

Those claims are not the same.

The first non-American will step foot on the moon. How is that not what the headline says?

The headline implies that only non-Americans will be landing on the moon.

It doesn't.

Then it's odd that so many people, myself included, interpreted it that way.

It doesn't mean it's true.

I'm pretty sure what something implies is dependent upon the reader's interpretation. And it looks like many readers think it implies that a non-American is about to land on the moon even if you didn't think so.

The writers intention. You can read there being an implication, but it doesn't mean it is implied.

Please tell me how you are able to figure out what the writer's intention is from a headline.

Because I would think that would require reading the article and no one is complaining about the contents of the article.

Tell me how you can, perhaps? I can figure it out because... I can? And the article backs that up.

"I can tell the author's intent because I can" is circular reasoning and is not rational or logical. What that tells me is that you know that the author's intent cannot easily be discerned from a headline other than taking it at face value, but you've been backed into a corner and refuse to admit it.

No. The article also says you are not correct. You didn't tell me how you can understand it other than what you think. The same logic.

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you’ve been backed into a corner and refuse to admit it.

Another example which is wrong.

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It says "an astronaut is landing on the moon" implying there is only one on this mission.

Furthermore, is implies it's imminent. Which is also not true.

It doesn't. Present Continuous is used for future plans.

If I say "my brother is traveling to France," that doesn't mean "at some point in the future, my brother will travel to France."

At least I've never heard anyone use "is" followed by an action that way.

It's very clunky in its usage. Which isn't good English, but neither is the title, so I'm over it.

Perhaps you're not a native speaker, but it absolutely is used that way in real life. My brother is travelling to France in August, for example.

So you mean if you add a qualifier, that changes the meaning?

Are you saying that as he goes to France in August, you would never say "my brother is traveling to France?"

And you still haven't answered me about The Wizard of Oz and Fargo.

Because I do not care for weird analogies.

You added an example, I made it make clearer sense for you, someone who had never heard of Present Continuous for plans in their lives, apparently.

I'm waking up early tomorrow, so I'm done.

So you wouldn't say "my brother is traveling to France" while he's on the plane? What do you say? "My brother is will be were traveling to France?"

And you claimed you could infer an author's intent from a title. Therefore you can tell me that you knew for a fact before seeing or hearing about the movie Fargo just from the title alone that only a few seconds of the film took place in Fargo. Correct or not?

It doesn't, it refers to one but can be of many. A person is attending a football match for the first time today. It doesn't mean no one else is.

No. The sentence you posted implies a football match was never before attended by any person.

If you want to say one of many, you should say Some person/someone.

Or you can qualify the person. E.g. A non-american astronaut will be landing on the moon for the first time.

Nope, because you know football matches have been attended by people. Ignoring basic facts doesn't make your understand correct, it's silly.

Yes, so we are talking about a sentence in the headline where we don't have extra context, yet you make an sentence where it is clear the sentence is stupid based on outside context and argue it should be interpreted the other way around because otherwise we know it is stupid. Amazing logic.

Just because I can deduce what you actually meant does not mean the sentence is correct.

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Imagine Kennedy gave an amazing speech about "landing an American on the moon" and then sent him up aboard a Russian rocket. I'm guessing most people wouldn't have been like "Well, technically that's accurate. Well done Mr. President."

This isn’t about the rocket, it’s about the national origin and the space agency that sent the person

Ok, but the space agency in charge is...still NASA. These aren't American astronauts doing a ride-along on a Japanese mission, it's literally the opposite.

It only mentions the person, not the agency.

The article mentions the agency and OP brought agencies into the conversation in the message I replied to. I wouldn't have hit on it otherwise.

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Michael Collins covers the White House. Follow him on X, formerly Twitter, @mcollinsNEWS.

Can we just talk about the fact that the guy who wrote this article has the same name as the Apollo 11 Command Module pilot?

How did they solve the static dust problem?

Ah yes! It's Pepe Julizio Del Bardon y Paz. I know, long name but the guy can tell you if anyone has ever pooped the water you are about to drink or the dust in any room. If they can get him fresh lunar dust he can tell us if indeed no one has ever lived on the moon and for how long. This is what I like to call the best Sarcastic Journalism of the night. (It's night here). Anyway, for just a reply and 5 easy payments of 1$, I can keep bringing you up to date with all the bullshit floating in my brain. Operators are standing by...sorry I meant Surgeons, it's the translation. Sometimes words translate but stripped of their meaning.

The USA is in the lead we allredy have the tools and know how to make the trip and back and its being improved upon by elon musk and space x who is allredy setting up the trip getting things ready for frequent trips carrying cargo and such

You're either a bot or completely clueless. Which is it?

SpaceX leadership has entire positions dedicated to keeping Musk away from their projects so that he doesn't screw up all of their actual work lmao

To be fair: spacex is doing amazing things and Elon is just the face of things.

Is "allredy" a USA thing?

Seems nobody is has the brains to comunacate thare thoughts just a bunch of NPC yelling into eco chamber

Learn to fucking spell before you start denigrating other people's intelligence.

Yes, I am being condescending. And in case that is too big of a word for you - It means I am talking down to you.

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