"Don't put garlic in your nose": The dangers of sinusitis misinformation on TikTok

Chris Remington@beehaw.orgmod to Science@beehaw.org – 64 points –
"Don't put garlic in your nose": The dangers of sinusitis misinformation on TikTok

People are fucking dumb sometimes. That's all.

People on TikTok are also very naive, the amount of doubt or double-checking facts is very low. Someone can upload a video of “real audio from Titan submersible implosion” and people eat it up.

Then they’ll make fun of boomers posting “Amen” on Facebook’s relentless AI-generated soldier/Jesus pictures without realizing.

Do you know how many people have told me that tik tok is their only source of news and they can't trust anything else?

At least 5 separate people.


Love em. Also the “I made this with my hands” and “why don’t these pictures ever trend???”

I think these ones are particularly interesting because yeah it's stupid, but not entirely baseless. Garlic has antibacterial properties, as well as (I think?) antiviral (!), antifungal, and antiprotozoal properties. So it is plausible, and it seems like the reason it doesn't work is that it's additionally an irritant, which ends up stimulating mucus production and inflammation, exacerbating the problem.

Did we already forget about the Tide Pods? This isn't new, it's just a different social media platform.

You mean another fad that was blown out of proportion by one generation trying to prove the idiocy of another?

I wouldn't call idiocy leading to ER admissions as 'blown out of proportions'. That aside, I still don't understand what you prove by consuming something as distasteful as tide pods.

I would call it blown out of proportion when it was treated like an epidemic when it was little more than a few people who ever did it. Most just joked about it, and taunted the old fogeys who got bent out of shape about it.

Yeah this sounds like the sort of hokey home cure idea my 60 year old dad would do.

Please learn elementary anatomy and physiology. You don't have to get a medical degree. High school level knowledge will do.

This dangerous misinformation wouldn't get shared around, if people knew about mucous membranes.

Please learn elementary anatomy and physiology. You don’t have to get a medical degree. High school level knowledge will do.

Or failing that, learn enough critical thinking skills to be able to tell the difference between a reputable source and a wannabe celebrity influencer who will say anything for attention.

I don't have a huge level of knowledge of anatomy or physiology, but I can tell the NHS website is going to have more accurate and trustworthy information than an attention-seeking influencer.

Now I'm just imagining Pliny the Elder with access to TikTok:


The human bite is also looked upon as one of the most dangerous of all. The proper remedy for it is human ear-wax: a thing that we must not be surprised at, seeing that, if applied immediately, it is a cure for the stings of scorpions even, and serpents.

If a woman takes the first tooth that; a child has shed, provided it has not touched the ground, and has it set in a bracelet, and wears it constantly upon her arm, it will preserve her from all pains in the uterus and adjacent parts.

For the cure of cataract, it is reckoned a good plan to apply a wolf's excrements


lol I was confused for a moment because Pliny the Elder is also the name of a beer. I was like, I am pretty sure Russian River Brewing has access

Back in my day no one had to tell us not to put a banana in our ear, I'm telling you, the youth of today... Shakes fist angrily at clouds

(sorry, it's the first thing my brain pulled up when I read the title 😂😂)

I'm beginning to think that organized religion as opiate for the people was not as bad as an idea as I once thought.

How about religion-backed traditional garlic treatment? Not joking. A lot of pseudoscience is backed by dogma.

Yeah, it wasn't really a serious idea, however if the crazy gets moderated by a sane and respected member of the community, that speaks about the virtue of solidarity and gives aid to the crazy ones (the way religion used to be, where I'm from)...

Im still staunchly against it, but people 'doing their own research' had to learn to read first, that's preferable.

Wear the garlic as a garland when you sleep. Make sure to explain to your help that it's important and handcuff yourself so you don't take it off in your sleep. It's the only way to keep Dracula away.

fyi it's the garlic flower that protects from vampires, not the bulb.

And more important that ensuring you don't accidentally take it off is making sure your mother doesn't. Also, make sure she doesn't open the windows because you seem "stuffy".




I’ll probably get downvoted for this, but….This is a good example of why banning TikTok might be a good idea.