What's changed in lemmy and the fediverse in the past 3 months?

ZenkorSoraz@lemmy.ml to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 59 points –

Fewer posts about beans?

Yeah, but a noticable increase in inappropriate jean applications!

Content diversity seems like it slowed down. Back when the Reddit exodus happened about of niche communities were created. A lot of them have been abandoned now.

Lemony is still good as it’s tech and privacy centric (which I love). But the excess of US related news, furry stuff, commie/cappie arguments are everywhere. You can always block communities and instances but it gets tiring after some time.

I think this sort of unfulfilled promise has been the biggest obstacle of my full scale adoption of a reddit alternatives.

As a non-typical Lemmy user (No interest in privacy, piracy, Linux, FOSS, Web Dev, SW Dev, Veganism, or discussing political theory with strangers online) finding active communities in topics i am interested in (basketball, football, hip hop and rap, martial arts, boxing, mma, PC building, relationships, kink, and the specific humor and nuance that comes with being a Black person on the internet) has been a struggle.

Many of those communities have two people or less posting in them or don't exist at all.

People are talking here but not about things i wanna discuss and that's disappointing so i have a hard time "sticking" if that makes sense

That's true. There are a lot of fringe types of users here that aren't interesting (weed, curries, conspiracy stuff, etc). General average Joe discussions aren't much here tbh.

I do enjoy privacy and Foss discussions, but another issue here is that alot of posts are either reposts by users, or bots. You can check that same post on Reddit and you will see a lot of comments around it. Some positive and others negative but still higher in numbers.

I never bother with "general" opting for the boring special interests I have like comic books and tech stuff, so I haven't looked for one, but do we not have a "the lounge" or "off topic" like every forum type thing in history? If not, we should totally make one I guess. If there is one, post in it a bunch and help it grow!

I became the typical Lemmy user with interests in the topics you dislike because of the nature of the reddit migration, but I have to agree with the lack of skinfolk humor. It's kind of a bummer.

Yeah i hear you. Reddit was white on average but Lemmy/Kbin feels like baby powder on top of fresh snow

So white someone will make a trending post on a Linux memes community about "coonfigers" and no one has a problem with it.

Honestly looks like it sailed right over everyone's head too. I guess that's a good thing?

Bruh I saw that shit, but I didn't feel like walking into the comment section to fight that day.

Reddit has the worst most awful userbase (it was literally created to be a hangout for pedo-nazis) but has the benefit of normal people diluting the toxic shitheads, so as long as the moderators aren't actively suppressing a community they tend to be pretty normal on average.

Only problem is that it's nearly impossible to find a subreddit that isn't suppressed to shit by both the mods and astroturf bots.

What do you mean by "actively surpressing a community?"

Do you have any articles on the origin of Reddit? It came out of Digg, right?

Actually, I'm kind of curious:

What do you mean "because of the nature of the reddit migration?"

I mean that I became more interested in FOSS, privacy, and cybersecurity because I was (and remain) angry at reddit and all walled garden ass social media platforms.

That's what i thought you meant. Thanks!

in my case, the diaspora didn't change me so much as it displaced me.

Now I'm here and there. Much like Twitter and Masto where i do more content viewing on the legacy site where there's more content, but more posting on the FOSS alternative because of ideological imperative to see it grow even if its content doesn't serve me (yet?)

I kinda do the same thing. I'll go through spurts of posting in music communities here (as well as commenting, for better or worse) and I use Beeper to check my discord and twitter group chats, but I mostly bounce between Lemmy and Bluesky, if only to avoid "the algorithm" and the non stop scrolling that comes with it.

A lot of them have been abandoned now.

Indeed, we should definitely consolidate

Consolidation is another thing. There are many communities that are similar on different instances, firefox for example.

Would be nice if lemmy supports something like multi Reddit with the option of hiding duplicate posts.

There are many communities that are similar on different instances, firefox for example.

Sometimes they are identical and should merge, sometimes due to the specific audience of the instance, it's better to keep them separate.

I wouldn't suggest merging !movies@lemmy.world and !movies@hexbear.net

Would be nice if lemmy supports something like multi Reddit with the option of hiding duplicate posts.

Mbin does support multireddits, but this doesn't seem to be interesting enough for people to switch to it (while Lemmy communities are fully accessible from Mbin)

Yeah, frankly the fact that they're separate is sort of the point, if .ml and .world both have X, and you get banned from one (or hate one's mods, or rules, or defeds, or...), you can still use the other. I like it this way personally.

The Star Trek memes community couldn't even stay together, it splintered under the pettiest nerd drama I've ever seen

If you want to see an example of how the federation fails smaller communities look no further than almost every comment section in c/vegan is full of people who are vocally and vehemently against it. There's just nothing to stop dominant culture from flushing out the others.

The algorithm is great for serendipity but absolutely useless at protecting the more niche subjects from the most annoying comments.

Influx of libs. It's a sign of success for the platform, but holy fuck lemmy.world posters are annoying

Hmm... Today I learned that lemmy.world is the biggest Lemmy instance.

It's usually the first listed in any guide on how to start using Lemmy, so it tends to get a lot of new-to-the-fediverse users. It's presumably where I would have ended up, if there wasn't a country-specific instance for me

Honestly, the constant tankies, US politics of “both sides are the same” or “voting doesn’t matter” are far more annoying. The infestation of completely insane political views trying to pass as legitimate options just shows how bad it is, especially from the .ml instance.

What sort of things out them as "libs"?

Hmm. Let me check my inbox. One lib is complaining about leftists. Another is talking about "harm reduction" in the context of genocide

I don't know if I want to know more about this second person... I'm gonna go with not

Edit: i shouldn't have scrolled further

Anything that suggests you believe the current state of the world is acceptable outs you as a lib. Saying things like "Yeah Biden's got some problems, but at least he didn't do a few of the things trump did." If you believe that things would have been fine were it not for trump, you're a lib. Or a moron, I cant always tell the difference.

Heres a great summary of liberalism: "If we put forward good policies into the politics machine, then other people will too, and because I have absolute faith in the system established by a bunch of slave owners, whatever comes out MUST be just and good." Which of course implies that if the result you want or need DOESNT come out of the politics machine, it is right and just that you should not get it.

Like, they fundamentally don't realize that the politics machine is capable of breaking, and that it has been broken for a LONG time (basically the moment it was asked to value the needs of someone who wasn't wealthy, white, and male.)

1 more...
1 more...

Seems things have shaken out (for now) regarding defederation, including less chatter about Threads than there was. I don't anticipate much change on that until the next big influx of users, whether it's people coming in directly through Lemmy/Kbin/Mbin or a new player joining the Fediverse.

Other than that, I've just seen steady growth in my communities.

The level of aggressive comments....

It's devolving quickly into Reddit. Everything is either black or white, dog shit or a miracle... No nuance

Increasingly people attack people instead of ideas when commenting

Please report aggressive / toxic comments as a rule 2 violation here. We can and should do better than reddit when it comes to being respectful and kind to each other.

I think it's worse here than on reddit when it comes to this. Redditors these days (*takes out the walker and cane*) are shitty, but I feel like I'm somewhat insulated from a lot of it due to where I lurk/participate on reddit. But on Lemmy, I see it pretty much everywhere. Smaller userbase compared to reddit, so maybe the rudeness is more visible.

I'm getting banned less since moving to Beehaw?

So for me it's personal growth.

I've no idea how offensive you are man, but made me laugh

I'm not, really. I admit I cannot tolerate people who make political ideales their whole identity, and when pointing out the hypocrisy I'm often put upon the wall as an example to those who may question authority.

That, and maybe one or two fart jokes too many.

Yeah it is an ongoing issue I'm having with lemmy as a whole too, the overmoderation seems heavier handed then Reddit sometimes

That, and maybe one or two fart jokes too many.

What? Fart jokes? Blocked! /j

Pretty much. Beehaw has a default political ideology (neoliberalism) if you're on that train than perfect, if not you won't last long.

I would assume it's because you're now blind to the communities that enjoy banning people. Beehaw was pretty clear that they want to keep things nice.

Exactly, and most of the the negativity is gone, a lot less anger-bait to browse through, and waaaay fewer extremists & shills.

Basically what my mental health needed.

More bot content, spam and paid agenda posting from what I can see in /r/all or how ever the aggregation of all instances is called

Do you have an example of paid agenda posting? I haven't noticed anything that would suggest that. I've noticed agenda posting but it's most likely purely passion.

While not going to go digging for any, it seems a tad naive to assume that there will not be any unnatural/paid posting on a platform this open and easy access. You should practice good information hygiene either way.

I'm not assuming there is 0 I'm saying I don't think it's a huge issue here and would like to see an example of what they consider paid posting.

On reddit for example I would see astroturfing on the front page almost every day.

Personally the recent sharp and sudden increase in Tankies is likely a symptom or an expression of it. While that could be a knock on effect from astro turfing elsewhere, see my last comment lol

Redditors have been showing up, and lemmy mods are behaving more and more like the very thing redditors wanted to leave reddit for.

People with unchecked power being unreasonable! I'm shocked! Shocked!

There's concerted efforts by actual nazis to shit this place up because they see it as a genuine threat.

Well feddit.de is down for quite a while now.

Only the front-end of feddit.de has serious problems, right ? Why would the maintainers not run another front-end (e.g. Elk) on the same server and redirect their broken front-end link to that as work-around for web users ?

Lots of support for a genocide, thought this place was better than Reddit.

I don't have an account long enough but browsed through the different instances enough and I've never seen anything about genocide.

They're talking about Gaza, fam. Specifically, continued funding for Israel and babbling about "realpolitik"

More like lots of having to refute dumb arguments that imply choosing harm reduction is the same thing as endorsing harm.

"harm reduction" in the context of genocide is absolutely wild. It's a genocide, not a heroin habit

I want no genocide. My choices are: vote for a candidate that would make the genocide worse, while complaining they're supporting a genocide, or vote for a candidate that would more or less do nothing about it, while complaining they're ineffectual at stopping the genocide.

How can you not see one of those two options is better?

Biden isnt "doing nothing", he's actively making it worse. He is directly complicit. How do you not see this?

Okay, does that actually change the choice you make? You only have two practical options when it comes to voting. I said do nothing because the government's policy on Israel effectively hasn't changed now that they've started a genocide (or rather, really ramped up their genocide). In that sense, he's doing nothing. But again, does that change the choice you make in order to end up with the world closest to what you want?

That genocide supporter oughta Genocide Biden and the other do nothing one oughta Peaceful Trump I see.