What gaming console / platform do you prefer?

Miczech@lemmy.ml to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 47 points –

I've gone from PC to Xbox 360 to Nintendo Switch and very excited about the recent addition of a Steam Deck. Curious what y'all gaming on?


All platforms. I own a Gaming PC, PS3, 4, 5. XBOX One, Nintendo Switch and an old school Nintendo, Sega Genesis, also have a Wii, Wii U, and Nintendo DS, and DS 3D.

I just love video games!

Definitely my Deck. I like being able to sit on the couch and play alongside my husband on his PS5, rather than being stuck at a desk. I’ve always played handhelds, like the PSP, gameboy/DS/switch.

Steam Deck for single player, PC for multiplayer.

PS5 and PC.

On PS5 it's usually games like God of War and Horizon.

On PC it's the occasional shooter, and I spend many hours on Satisfactory.

Occasionally I'll find a fun game to play on my steam deck, but overall I don't use it much. Make sure you evaluate the games that work on it before you spend to make sure you shouldn't wait for the supported list to grow.

PC. For the price of a single console game, I could buy 5 pc games. Nothing can beat that pricing.

Just Nintendo Switch for me, it’s enough for the type of games I want to play and very convenient to play wherever I am


I have a Steam Deck and Switch too. The only reason I got an Xbox was for NHL games. There hasn't been an NHL game on PC since 09.

Got my deck earlier this week and have been loving it for emulation.

I went PC -> Switch -> Steam Deck. Also briefly PS1 when I was a kid. I'm a PC gamer at heart, probably gonna stick with it.

I only play Block Dude and Phoenix on a TI86 calculator all day every day.

Beating Block Dude in HS Physics is hands down the greatest day of my life.

Nintendo Switch is my favourite console of all time. Almost all of my GOAT games have been released on it.

I favor Xbox but I can play on any platform as I own them all. The backwards compatible efforts and couch comfort helped it win that dominance in my life.

PC, mostly because I like KB+M. And if it's a game that uses a controller, I have the steam deck.

If we are talking strictly console, then the xbox360 is my all time favorite console and preferred console, especially since my absolute favorite controller goes to them as well.

Otherwise, PC is just more convenient for the fact I can use a 3rd party 360 controller and play console games via dedicated emulators or RetroArch cores.

I have a few other consoles, but my desktop and 360 are most definitely my picks for what I'd use if given the choice.

If I had a hacked switch and my computer had better specs to run pokemon violet at even close to 30 frames per second, you bet I'd just back up my games onto my desktop and play them on it using my 3rd party 360 controller.

My Switch because it runs retroarch and allows me to either dock it to my TV, third monitor, or play it on the go. Maybe if I got a steamdeck that would be my favorite, but I will have to wait a few more years until they're cheap enough for me to afford.

Greatest of all time had to be the Nintendo DS. Such an amazing library full of games that weren't afraid to try all kinds of crazy experiments.

Current-gen, my loyalty lies with Linux, even if the state of native ports isn't so great.

Xbox X, but I'm considering a Steam Deck for a more portable experience. I need to be able to play off line though.

I'm offline half the time on Steam Deck. It has issues with reconnecting with my router after resuming and I just ignore it. If I manually connect when it doesn't auto connect, it complains about password error, but I just keep spamming ok and it connects. I wish I knew how to fix it.

I just play the games that interest me, doesn’t matter the platform. Right now I don’t have a series S/X console because none of the current gen Xbox exclusives interest me. I play cloud, Nintendo, PlayStation, Xbox, and sega


PC for most games, but I also use it for most things in general

Steamdeck for any mid-tier games that can run on it well, or games that i'll be playing while also doing other things. Also for portability

Switch for better portability if the quality will be more or less the same, since it's lighter, smaller, and doesn't heat up much/at all. But also pretty much strictly for portability. If I plan to use it on a screen i'll use steamdeck.

I have owned most platform and by far I think the PS is the best. The exclusives are a level above everything else.

It depends on the scope - the Switch is great for playing on the go, PC is of course the most powerful of the bunch, and for the people that just don't like to tinker with everything there's the Xbox and PlayStation. And then of course there's the Steam Deck, which is roughly the best of each of the others.

I play on PC but I think I've been tricked into it. I lost the muscle memory for controllers so it's too tricky now, andI already suck on PC the controllers just make me feel bad.

I play a lot of MMOs on my PC laptop, but other than those I mostly use my Switch.

PC for Minecraft and osu!, Nintendo Switch for Zelda and Mario Kart. I'm not a huge gamer, I only focus on a few specific games. In general I do prefer keyboard+mouse over a controller, though.

I currently play games on my PC, Switch, and Xbox Series S. I buy Xbox Anywhere titles whenever possible so I can enjoy it on my PC or Xbox!

Steam deck for sure. Being on Linux is just the icing on the cake. I only play on the deck now and take it with me when I travel. I also use it to watch stuff from. I also love that valve are not rushing another model. There are many years left in the device. Also for emulation it just knocks it out of the park.

I've been a playstation fan, right up until this year when I moved to the Switch. I travel for work a lot and decided to move to a portable, durable game system. Loving it so far, and I was pleasantly surpised at the number of games available.

My only complaints are not being able to back saves up to an SD card, and the controllers are a touch smaller than I would like but overall I'm very happy.

Not being able to back up saves on an SD card is so annoying and just is just such a backwards thinking move if you ask me. I hate that about the switch. Makes me wish I had a hacked switch so I could back up my saves.

They are more or less the same piece of hardware with different software in it. There are no reasons a console wouldn't do the same things that a PC does other than the devs put limits on what you can do with these. Consoles are crap made for stealing kids money

But it does seem to have better hardware for the price which they usually get back from games so unless u buy a lot of games it's probably a cheaper option. That said I am strictly a pc gamer playing indie titles so take it with a grain of salt.

Don't fall for the trap, it's not cheaper when you consider that you can do no upgrade and no repair

It's also not cheaper when you consider the cost and limited choice of console games compared to the almost limitless choice of things to play on a PC, many of which are free or can often be heavily discounted. Also I hear your can use your PC for other things too!