Stormy Daniels wore a bulletproof vest to Trump’s hush money trial, attorney says to – 525 points –
Stormy Daniels wore a bulletproof vest to Trump’s hush money trial, attorney says

Earlier this year, porn star said she accepted hush money so Donald Trump could not have her killed

Stormy Daniels’ lawyer has revealed that the porn star wore a bullet-proof vest to Donald Trump’s hush money trial  because she feared what “some nut might do to her”.

Clark Brewster, Ms Daniels’ attorney, told CNN that testifying in the historic trial had taken its toll on her, revealing that she cried herself to sleep the night before taking the stand.

“She wore a bulletproof vest every day until she got to the courthouse,” he said.

“She was paralyzed with fear – not of taking the stand or telling her story, but what might some nut might do to her. And I’m genuinely concerned about it as well.”


Hey is “porn star” the best way to describe her?

I seem to recall we were saying “adult film star“ or “adult film actress“ and now the verbiage has shifted. If I’m right, then maybe it’s an attempt to destigmatize?

(“Porn” should also be more accurate given the number of adult films which are not pornographic)

Haha, people choose the language that supports the narrative they're peddling.

When emphasizing how bad Trump's actions were, he cheated on his wife with a porn star. When trying to make it no big deal, he had a fling with an escort.

When trying to humanize Stormy Daniels, she's an adult film actress. When trying to tear her down, she's basically a hooker.

It stood out to me because I happened to hear one of the talking heads refer to her as a porn star - but the guy was definitely left of center and was overall bashing the twice-impeached president. So I thought oh maybe we’re trynna normalize porn star as a phrase!

Its already the norm though, I've always heard the term porn star, the others I've been only hearing since a year or two. Albeit I don't live in an english speaking country.

I mean to me it's already normalized. He, she, we, porn star

It is normal, isn't it? "Adult film actress" is a euphemism, I can't imagine hearing anyone I know say it.

It's interesting that when talking about films and TV we often use actor to describe both men and women, but in porn women are always actresses haha.

Also, wasn't she actually a Producer for some adult content? Can't exactly do that while being a mindless "hole & a heartbeat", which is what their narrative is...

She doesn't even star anymore. She's a director and producer now.

She does a handful of shoots as a performer still. Porn isn't the only thing she produces, either. She also does ghost hunting/paranormal investigations.

I still cringe when I hear someone call a sex worker a "hooker". Even sex worker seems a bit broad tbh

She's a brave woman. Imagine knowing you need a bullet proof vest and still going.

She didn't NEED it since nobody shot at her, but it's still smart. I would have worn one as well.

You're not so bright, eh?

I guess you wouldn't have worn one? You didn't NEED to say that either, lmao.

But hey, what if I wasn't? Is that how you get your jollies? Going around and piling on those you perceive to be less than yourself?

Well if she is wearing one in this picture, then its a horrible vest that exposes all her vital organs.

It's possible that you and she have a different definition of which parts of her chest constitute the vital organs.

I think the heart is generally agreed to be a vital organ.

It's a Four Seasons bulletproof vest; I think that model is called the Yardmaster.

It is sad but I understand. Trump cultists are willing to do anything for that man.

Trump cultists are willing to do anything for that man.

They don't do that on their own though. Trump actively directs people to use violence.

He does. I thought he was joking with that quote about him being able to shoot someone and people would cheer but he was 100% correct. When it comes to avoiding accountability, he is in a league of his own.

Russia usually helps people "fall" out of a window. She might be better off wearing one of those motorcycle air bag vests.

Check out Catch and Kill a tell all by Rowan Farrow about the mechanisms big media figures use to eliminate PR threats like Daniels.

The biggest player in the industry is an Israeli firm called Black Cube, an organization with deep ties to Israeli and US intelligence and third party terrorist organizations.

There's been a long friendly relationship between Russia and Israel wrt counter-intelligence in the Middle East, but it's more often Russia buying and ex-IDF selling.

Watching family feud on my lunch break at work. So steeve asked who would star in the disney movie sleeping booty, and the only answer no one got was stormy daniels lol.