Boebert ridiculed for fumbling sign of the cross during House Oversight Committee hearing

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 157 points –

Spectacles, testicles, wallet, and watch. Pretty hardcore atheist and even I know that one.

My wallet and watch are on the same side help

Thanks Austin.

But seriously, if you're just aware of it, you should know the gist of it. I was expecting the video to be her doing the wrong side first, no biggie. But she really found a new creative way to screw it up. I'm surprised she didn't accidentally do the Macarena.

No, for the Macarena she ends up with one of her legs behind her head while flapping her arms like an ostrich.

Yeah, but she can only find testicles when in the audience of a musical with a bunch of children in attendance.

Come on guys, just because she tells everyone else what to believe doesn't mean she actually goes to church. I mean, she's heard of it.

She might well go to church.

But given what she gets up to in public theaters, I think her attention might not be on the priest.

Not that I'm on her side, but if she's not catholic she's not going to know it. I grew up Baptist and never once did it.

I think a more pertinent question is, why is any Congressmember making overt religious motions at an official hearing?

If she's pandering to Catholics, yeah; she should know how to do it properly. It's an easy hand-movement, like jacking someone off at a public performance with children around...

I grew up protestant-ish, we stopped going to church in the early 2000s. I've been to a few Catholic masses since then, it's like going to an exercise class. Sit down, stand up, kneel, stand up, sit down.... I was watching everyone around me to know what to do haha at least you get a little snack and wine. I learned the sign of the cross from Video games though, up, down, left, right, a,b,a,b, Amen.

It's better than the konami code

Up up, down down, left right left right B A START

At least I'm pretty sure that's it from memory

Do non-Catholics not know the general shape of a cross? A lowercase T?

I grew up Lutheran and it was a common thing, but how dumb do you have to be to not know how to draw a cross on your body?

I've never been Catholic and I stopped going to our Lutheran Church when I was nine, but I can still do the sign of the cross naturally without even thinking about it. And no, we did not do the sign of the cross in my Lutheran church. It's just such a common thing you see in American society.

It’s just such a common thing you see in American society.

I can't say I have the same experience as you. I almost never see it. And I live in a town with a bunch of Catholic churches, a Catholic university with attached congregation of nuns and a monastery.

I honestly can't tell you if I've ever seen someone do it around here.

I mostly see it in movies and TV, but I see it in person as well. I saw it in person a lot more when I lived in other places in the US than where I do now, however.

Also raised baptist and although we never did it, I knew the sign when I was like 10-12

Say a prayer Boebert, literally any prayer.

You don't actually know any, do you?

How about just your favorite quote from Jesus then?

No? Don't know anything he said either?


How about just your favorite quote from Jesus then?

"I like the one where he tells Mr. Gorbachev to tear down that wall!"

How and when one makes the sign of the cross is not universal across denominations. That said, bobo's a clown.

Can you point to me which denomination makes a triangle when they do it?