Man accidentally shot child while officiating wedding near Lincoln, deputy says to – 469 points –
Man accidentally shot child while officiating wedding near Lincoln, deputy says

A Texas man accidentally shot a child while officiating a wedding in Lancaster County on Saturday, the sheriff’s office says.

Chief Deputy Ben Houchin said deputies were sent to a wedding at Hillside Events near Denton on a report of a gunshot wound.

Deputies learned that 62-year-old Michael Gardner, the wedding’s officiant, fired a gun to get everyone’s attention.

“He was going to fire in the air, and as he did that, it slipped and went off,” Houchin said.

The gun was loaded with a blank that Gardner made with gunpowder and glue.


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They truly aren’t, this is straight up lack of brain cells that’s the issue here

So we need to decide who gets guns then, right? Some kind of control?

You'd think the "don't ban guns" people would be all for registration and background checks. After all, guns aren't the problem, people are.

I’m all for background checks, even mandatory safety classes, it’s the random banning of features that gets me. Banning firearms because they have a pistol grip or more than 10 round magazines makes no sense. The problem is most people who think like this get lumped in with the crazies.

The right was given when guns were muskets. I have no issue following the forefathers intended right. You may have all the muskets you want but if it's not needed for hunting or defending your home from an intruder then you shouldn't have it. Nobody needs a hundred round clip or full auto for an intruder.

I hate to argue against you because I agree that nobody needs a hundred round clip or full auto for an intruder, but the forefathers' intended right wasn't "people should have muskets". It was much closer to "the people should be armed in case of tyrrany by their government". The intention was for people to defend their other rights by force, making it more difficult for the government (or an invading force) to take over (this was immediately post-revolution mind you and much of the bill of rights was in direct response to british soldiers' activities). Of course they also thought we'd be reforming the government and drafting new constitutions as the culture changed, but of course that never happened.

I am not a historian, just a pedant.

I mean I get you are playing Devil's advocate but its clear we have also moved far those ideals. You are right the founding fathers didn't just say "people should have muskets" but we also have to think in the context of the times, private companies were also able to be armed with naval cannons but in the modern day I don't think Pepsi, Coke, Johnson and Johnson, or Nestle have an battalion of M1 Abrams and F22 raptors and the such. Like we are told we have the right to bear arms and in those days would be able to purchase the same arms that the military uses but I don't think I would want a world where every idiot can somehow afford and operate nukes, apache helicopters, etc. Hell while full automatic weapons aren't "technically" illegal in the US they are heavily regulated and expensive to possess and we the common people are boxed out owning such devices. So its clear we are "compromising" on the vision already quite a bit. Hell I would hope even some of the most die hard conservatives would think a private citizen owning the right such devices would be a bit much as well.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The founding father's used capitalization to put emphasis on certain terms. It seems to me that they wanted the well regulated Militia, made up of the people, to keep and bear Arms to protect the State and by extension themselves from a tyrannical federal government. If they intended the people to bear arms, why did they add the terms Militia, State, and Arms with emphasis but the people without it?

The only other place in the Constitution that speaks about what constitutes a militia is the fifth amendment, and it specifically only protects a Militia when it is in service to the government, which again is capitalized because they wanted emphasis that it was a proper militia and not a make shift one.

I agree with you, but I wouldn't read that much into their writing. The English language was even more lawless in their day.

In fact, the German-style capitalization of nouns may have just been a stylistic choice by the calligrapher:

Modern printings of the Constitution that follow the engrossed copy of the original can be identified by the many stylistic features in which Jacob Shallus's calligraphy departs from the style of the printers of 1787. The most conspicuous difference is Shallus's capitalization of almost all the nouns, in contrast to the very limited presence of capital letters in the work of the printers. The capital letters now help to give quotations from the Constitution, when taken from modern prints that follow the engrossed copy, an air of authenticity.

What exactly do modern reprints have to do with why the founding fathers capitalize certain words?

No idea, I didn't say anything about modern reprints.

But your quote was specifically about modern reprints and nothing about why they original writers capitalized specific words.

Read it again, they didn't. It was a stylistic choice by the calligrapher.

The Second Amendment was never about hunting or home defense. It was about arming yourself against the government and to defend your other rights by force. In which case you should have every feature you can afford. Also, about muskets, the founding fathers understood the march of progress would eventually create bigger and more powerful smalls arms, they even wanted the for their army to stay ahead. To think the second amendment only covers muskets is moronic.

Cool, so we'll be taking those away from law enforcement and the military too then, right?

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If they actually out-and-out banned anything, I'm sure it was for monetary reasons, not for health and safety. But idk, it seems like a small price to pay, you still get to feel like John Wayne whenever you want. Sorry you can't really fuck up that paper target like you want, but don't worry, it's dead.

The second amendment wasn’t made for plinking, hunting, or home defense. It was made to allow the common citizen to defend their rights by force against the government. In which case you should have every feature you can afford available to you.

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For what it's worth, people like you are necessary if we're going to have a future without gun violence while maintaining gun ownership. My understanding is that banning specific guns really doesn't do anything.

Most people stop at that, but I appreciate that you go on to say what will work instead. Mandatory safety classes and comprehensive background checks that include psychological evaluation are necessary. And if someone rabid comes into a safety class and says they want a gun to make a point or uses a racial slur in the process, they should be denied ownership and that should be recorded in a manner that background checks will see it. They'd be free to retake the class, but until they reform their behavior and show responsibility, they won't get a gun.

I reckon that's probably agreeable to you? I think it would go a long way. The other half of the puzzle is strengthening and enforcing the laws we currently have on the books. Police need to be held accountable if they refuse to enforce a gun law, including prosecution as an accessory to murder if warranted.

There's so many times after a shooting when information comes out that they were a troubled individual who showed some violent tendencies. That should have been caught in advance.

At this point it’s been proven psych evals don’t really work, firearms classes and background checks should be plenty to stop people with issues and allow us I not have our rights infringed upon.

Works for me. We should just have an option for a medical provider to say they don't believe the person will be safe with a gun -- this goes for not only homicidal tendencies, but people at risk of suicide.

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Your ideas are incredibly radical. We first must imagine the mindset of dead 200 year old wealthy men before we do such a thing.

Or send anyone over the age of 16 who you wouldn't trust to be safe with a gun to reeducation camp until they get their shit together.

Yeah 100% if you want to own a class of gun (say a revolver) you should have to take a class on that specific type of gun and pass a written and practical test, and renew this regularly. Want a different type of gun? Better go take that class and pass that test.

Rabid anti gun folks are just as bad as the rabid pro gun folks, but the regular ass folks in the middle all seem to agree that strong controls on who can purchase the dangerous tool is the most reasonable solution

But this is lemmy, basically Reddit but more intense. I fully expect the folks here to be rabid anti gun without any rationale arguments for that stance

Your comment seems needlessly inflammatory, almost aggressive. I did not vote on it at all, but I would not be surprised if the downvotes you received were mostly because of that and not due to disagreement with your points.

Yeah my bad. I’m tired of every single time a fun in mentioned seeing “just get rid of all of them it’s so easy” then when I reply with reasonable solutions, get shit on. Just tired of it. Shouldn’t have bothered to comment on this thread in the first place

Copy pasted for like the 6th time now:

Yeah 100% if you want to own a class of gun (say a revolver) you should have to take a class on that specific type of gun and pass a written and practical test, and renew this regularly. Want a different type of gun? Better go take that class and pass that test.

Rabid anti gun folks are just as bad as the rabid pro gun folks, but the regular ass folks in the middle all seem to agree that strong controls on who can purchase the dangerous tool is the most reasonable solution

But this is lemmy, basically Reddit but more intense. I fully expect the folks here to be rabid anti gun without any rationale arguments for that stance

You are a walking strawman factory 🤣

Cool. I don’t care. I just want to keep my family safe. If that offends you I couldn’t give a fuck less

Yeah, I'm really feeling that lack of general empathy! No surprises here my man.

Yeah nothing but irritation for you folks in this thread

I'm personally calling you out for visibly having trouble with empathy in this thread, it's just you and me, don't have to diffuse it with a we like you and I aren't people talking.

I mean you might have an opinion so stupid that you just copy pasted 26 times in the thread, so plenty of other people have noticed how weird it seems and commented on it. But like, that's a you problem yanno?

I pasted that because my inbox kept filling up with obnoxious comments that all needed a similar reply, and I don’t care enough to personalize the message a dozen times for folks that aren’t giving r the same courtesy.

Fuck me for coming here expecting to have an actual conversation. In the beginning you could actually chat on lemmy, it was nice. This thread is just like the toxic Reddit I left.

Last time I try to have a conversation here.

Oh, you think you're having a conversation by copy and pasting the same shit that makes you seem weird, yeah, that seems like everyone else is the problem!!

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Picture if he didn’t have a gun how this situation would have went.

He could have shot the child with a bow and arrow :(

He probably would have used firecrackers or something. At least then it would have probably only have been his own fingers.

Someone who makes their own blank and whips it out at a wedding near a child simply to get folks attention is so fucking dumb he’d find a way to hurt himself with his dinner fork

The issue isn’t the tool, it’s the retard wielding it

Someone who is living in a allegedly first world country who needs to carry a gun around is the issue.

Hey if you’ll pay to move my family to a safe neighborhood give you my gun

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Americans have an estimated 120 guns per 100 citizens, almost double that of the country with the second highest amount of firearms per capita.

Tell me again how that isn't a problem.

Do we have double the amount of murders per capita?

Gun deaths total, we come in at 9th place. (This is probably more correlated with poverty/wealth inequality though, which America also has in strides.)


So first of all, no we don't have double the murder rate, and secondly even looking specifically at "firearm related deaths" we aren't even in the top 5? All that with 120 guns per 100 people, nearly double that of the next country (according to the above commenter).

Yes, there are multiple factors, just like basically everything in life. We’re not the absolute worst at one statistic, so there’s no problem right?

That stat obviously won’t scale linearly, because it’s not like every 1 person owns 1.2 guns. There are a few people who own like 50 guns, and that drives up the average.

If you’re cool being the only “first world” nation way up near the top of the gun death list though, I guess there’s probably no convincing you anyway.

I am when the murder rate is on par. It shows that without guns, people just murder with other means.

It’s a tool. Blame the idiots that don’t use it correctly, not the tool itself

There are 908 motor vehicles per 1000 citizens in the US (source

In 2020, there were 5,250,837 vehicle collisions in America source

Tell me again how cars aren’t the problem.

Oh wait, that’s right, they are just a tool. The problem is people.

Exactly, we should treating guns like cars. They should require revocable licenses, registration, training, and significant financial investment.

Not to mention liability insurance. Your gun harms/kills someone? You've got insurance to pay for it. Your gun stolen and used to harm someone? Prove it was securely stored or it goes on your insurance.

Tell me again how cars aren’t the problem.

You do realise cars actually require a license to operate? You literally already have "car control".

So what exactly is your agrument again?

Copy pasted for like the 5th time

Yeah 100% if you want to own a class of gun (say a revolver) you should have to take a class on that specific type of gun and pass a written and practical test, and renew this regularly. Want a different type of gun? Better go take that class and pass that test.

Rabid anti gun folks are just as bad as the rabid pro gun folks, but the regular ass folks in the middle all seem to agree that strong controls on who can purchase the dangerous tool is the most reasonable solution

But this is lemmy, basically Reddit but more intense. I fully expect the folks here to be rabid anti gun without any rationale arguments for that stance

No, no, you're right there. Cars are a problem too. But that's a different topic, we're talking guns now.

Ah ok so any tool that can possibly harm you must be banned

Just go live in a padded cell and leave the rest of us alone

Who talked about banning cars? Don't put words in my mouth and don't be so rude.

Cars are a source of different problems: pollution, traffic congestion, lack of space in cities due to parking needs... and accidents too, yes. All of these issues can be solved with his public transport, and 95% car rides can be replaced by public transport (unless I'm transporting the furniture I just bought back to my house).

There's no need to go live in a padded cell (although if you wish to, be my guest), just stop whining online and look for solutions instead.

Ok, let’s treat guns like cars and require a training period and license to use one.

Though I would probably treat it more like a forklift, because a gun is a lot more immediately dangerous if you make a mistake than a car, like a forklift. With a car, you usually have to be doing something wrong for a while before you’ll kill anyone. With a gun you just accidentally pull the trigger when it’s pointed at someone and you probably just ended a life.

100% agreement! I world have no problem being made to take the required classes and tests to qualify for my firearms like this, and anyone who refuses or fails has to turn their firearms over. 100% agreement. I think it would help these kinds of issues as well as public perception, so I wouldn’t have to argue this hard to stand up for the right to keep my family safe

Ok, it sounds like you’re a gun owning democrat like me.

Yes sir, liberal gun owner here! Nice to see another in the wild

Nice red herring. What does this have to do with the fact that there are TWICE as many guns per person in America than the next highest country? Doesn't that tell you that maybe we have influenced too much gun culture in our society and made it too easy for people to obtain without proper vetting and safety regulations?

Copy pasted from a reply to some other asshat

Yeah 100% if you want to own a class of gun (say a revolver) you should have to take a class on that specific type of gun and pass a written and practical test, and renew this regularly. Want a different type of gun? Better go take that class and pass that test.

Rabid anti gun folks are just as bad as the rabid pro gun folks, but the regular ass folks in the middle all seem to agree that strong controls on who can purchase the dangerous tool is the most reasonable solution

But this is lemmy, basically Reddit but more intense. I fully expect the folks here to be rabid anti gun without any rationale arguments for that stance

I fully expect the folks here to be rabid anti gun without any rationale arguments for that stance

Maybe don't start off your argument with calling someone an asshat then 🤷‍♂️

I'm not anti gun, btw. I own a shotgun and know how to use it. My state recently passed a ban on semi-automatic assault weapons that I voted in favor of. But go ahead and keep insulting those who disagree with you and assuming they're 'rabid anti gun.'

Americans have all sorts of mental health issues that are completely undiagnosed and many of them are dealing with their unchecked emotions by waltzing into a Sportsman's Warehouse and back out with a cart of weapons after signing some waivers and shooting up places with large gatherings of people.

I don't even understand how people argue against this shit. It's been happening for far too long, getting much worse, and America is basically alone on top of this shit mountain we've built for ourselves.

Copy pasted from another reply

Yeah 100% if you want to own a class of gun (say a revolver) you should have to take a class on that specific type of gun and pass a written and practical test, and renew this regularly. Want a different type of gun? Better go take that class and pass that test.

Rabid anti gun folks are just as bad as the rabid pro gun folks, but the regular ass folks in the middle all seem to agree that strong controls on who can purchase the dangerous tool is the most reasonable solution

But this is lemmy, basically Reddit but more intense. I fully expect the folks here to be rabid anti gun without any rationale arguments for that stance

So you're not here to actually discuss the issue. Got it.

I came here to have a reasonable discussion, but just got standard Reddit bullshit. Thanks for being part of the problem

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