Mod That Makes ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Less Gay Gets Nuked After Players Revolt

nanoUFO@sh.itjust.worksmod to – 393 points –
Mod That Makes ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Less Gay Gets Nuked After Players Revolt

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I have no problem with a mod that changes someone's sexual orientation, someone's race, someone's species, or just plain removes or adds new characters. Why would I care how someone else is playing a game?

Neither do they have a right to a platform, hence, deleted off of the platform.

Exactly this. Play the game you want, but that shit shouldn't be platformed.

It's honestly surprising to me the bigots haven't set up their own mod hosting site. They've done it for everything else when they've been told that they're asshats.

It's free to host a mod on github. Mods like this and the pride flag remover for Spooderman are just trolls seeking attention and outrage, so they have to make sure to be very visible and find-able. Nexus has no obligation to host those files and if the modders actually wanted to play the game with the changes (and enable others to do so) it's totally possible to do that without Nexus. They upload to Nexus (which has a clear policy against this) so that they get exposure when "journalism" reports their mod being deleted (since talking about this is free Engagement™)

You don't have to care. No one does. No one is blocking this from working.

It's just not being listed on Nexus.

Moreover this mod wasn't giving options to players to choose how they wanted to play, it was changing very specific things and advertising it. Nexus doesn't care to let them use their platform to advertise a mod made for a very specific audience of really shitty people.

No one does.

This is patently false because if no one cares, it wouldn't have been removed. It was only removed because enough people cared and spoke up about it. Even just reading this thread makes it clear that plenty of people care about it.

This comment would mean anything if they had said "no one cares," but what they said was "no one has to care"

I'm an idiot who can't read. Potentially.... I see they edited their post.

I feel like there's a smidge of ambiguity in the phrase

You don’t have to care. No one does.

Which could parse to

You don’t have to care. No one has to care.


You don’t have to care. No one cares.

I actually don't think it is ambiguous. "You don't have to care" implies that some might, but it doesn't matter. "No one does" is clearly reinforcing that point, rather than making a new point which contradicts the first part of the first point.

Not if you read cardfully, but it is easy to gloss over. I'd give them a pass, especially since changing your opinion when presented with different information isn't nearly common enough.

Yeah I already admitted I'm an idiot that can't read, assuming they didn't edit this part of their post.

Literally the only care that mattered in this situation is the admin(s) at Nexus mods, and they didn't have to even care that much. The thing could be removed with about 5 minutes of work, if that. Nexus has shown that they will not platform bigotry, and this is them following through on that once again. Other people's opinions didn't even matter.

It really depends, but in general if you feel that lgbt characters or black characters hinder your enjoyment of the game enough to bother modding them away or different then it speaks about who you are in a way that tells me that I dislike you

rugged individualism is not the path to a functioning society. in any society worth living in there are certain views that cannot be tolerated. the kind of bigotry expressed by the mod creator is one of those views that cannot be tolerated.

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Right? Like who gives a fuck lol it’s their game. If they aren’t comfortable with gay characters because they are still in the closet or some shit they should be able to play a game without it if they want.

And they can, and if Nexus has a problem with hosting homophobic mods, they should be able to not host them

Yep. I just don’t get the outrage I guess. It’s like people are surprised racists and bigots exist.

I can absolutely understand these people being outraged when someone releases a mod that exists solely to erase them the same way they'd been erased from western media since western media was a thing.

I mean this is nothing new. Racism exists and it’s only natural that it spills over to mods. Just skip it and move on and fuck the haters. My point is that it’s better to just ignore than to give it attention. The attention is what the bigots are really after. Giving it to them is what they want. The mod creator that built this is absolutely loving how things are going here.

Ignoring racism and bigotry has literally never worked, outside of maintaining personal delusions. The more comfortable people are in their hatred, the more bold they become in acting on it. Slavery and genocide happen for a reason, and it's in part because people don't take that shit seriously until it's too late.

Ignoring it makes it seem like it's okay. Calling out bigotry is how we show people that it isn't acceptable.

I'm tired of being quiet about hateful content. I'll call it out and hope they get their nexus account banned if they keep it up. I'd rather review bomb it in force to show the public opinion.

Right? This is entirely opt-in. Who cares how other people are playing out their fantasies at home? I literally don't care if someone else is racist or homophobic as long as they're not pushing that shit on kids, employment prospects, housing decision, or whatever.

Nobody is preventing them to play their games how they want.

Nexus just doesn't want to have those mods on their platform.

They can just find some other platform to host those mods if they want. Or keep them to themselves.

My point isn't about them. My point is about you and media companies deciding who gets a platform and then acting like the people you silence are the ones oppressing and censoring. I'm not a Republican. I'm gay AF. I simply loathe double standards and hate seeing Facebook decide who gets heard.

This is a stupid take. You're tired of the people who own and use a platform controlling that platform to represent their morals? If you want a platform to host bigotry, you should make one. They often do so well. Just because someone has something to stupid say doesn't mean others have to tolerate it in their home or place of business.

Nexus mods is doing the bigotry through their removal here. Look in the mirror. Companies are not people.

Have fun with the political landscape being controlled by billionaires. If it's ok for us, it's ok for them. Nobody is gonna stop them with hypocrisy and less money.

Nexusmods are doing what they believe is the right thing to attain the highest profit, it's no more complex than that.

The people in charge voted on where the line in the sand should be (to simplify the corporate process somewhat) and homophobia, they decided, should be on the wrong side. They figure that inclusivity, rather than bigotry, is the way to more customers. (I mean, duh.)

They are entitled to do just that, as the modder is to mod the game how he sees fit.

It is not bigotry to be intolerant of the intolerant, that pathetic argument has been dead since before you were born.

It's fascinating watching how quickly my side has forgotten the state and corporate censorship of the 2000s. I don't enjoy defending rightoids but I remember being on the losing side and I'd rather be principled now than on the backfoot again when the pendulum swings back.

Truth and fairness take a back seat to profits. Got it.

It's not intolerant to offer an alternative game experience for those who might choose it. You're so lost in the juice that you're ok with doing things the wrong way so long as it supports your side.

My problem here is that the same mechanism that entities Nexus mods to do this is the one that lets Facebook give Trump a win. You're all blind to that though because you think this random guy is hurting gays or whatever with a game option that's not imposed on anyone.

You can't see the forest for the trees.

Truth and fairness take a back seat to profits. Got it.

I see you are incapable of reading, so I'll just restate this to make it simple for you:

It is not bigotry to be intolerant of the intolerant, that pathetic argument has been dead since before you were born.

Modding a game to suit what you wanna play isn't intolerant. Making your way the only option is. Making it only be their way seems to be what Nexus mods is doing.

There's nothing stopping the modder hosting it somewhere that is tolerant or even supportive of their ignorant beliefs.

No-one is making any way be the only option.

Nexusmods isn't the only place it could be, just to state that again, in simple enough terms it might make a dent.

Once more, just to be sure; Nexusmods has no control over other file hosting services, ergo they cannot "make it their way". They can only choose what to have on their own site, nowhere else.

Did that penetrate your tin foil hat?


Modding a game to suit what you wanna play isn't intolerant.

It is when it's stated aim is to erase the existence of a specific subset of individuals based on a protected characteristic.

It is, in fact, almost the very fucking definition of intolerance.

You're either completely ignorant and arguing for the sake of it, or you support, and are arguing for, sowing more of this kind of pointless culture wars shite.

(Which was created by the rich, solely to distract us all from the long overdue class war. Kill the fucking rich, not the other poor bastards in the same boat as you. 👍)

So private platform and private parties shouldn't have the right to moderate and regulate their own spaces?

Platforms with near-monopoly level control of public discussion should be considered part of the public forum. This weird libertarianism from "lefties" deeply concerns me.

A public forum, I assume paid for and maintained by the taxes of the public?

Nobody made you open up a social space to the public, and nobody is making you keep it open. Also I want you to explain how you can reconcile being on the left but also supporting corporate rights over those of individual humans?

You didn't answer my question.

Who would pay for the platform, and who would moderate it? Or do you just want even more hate speech to spread?

I see, you cannot reconcile being on the left with supporting corporations over people. Not surprised but thank you for confirming.

Sorry, life got in the way. I'm not surprised you're not familiar with such matters.

I am surprised how much you support spreading hate speech by removing the ability of moderation.

Major media outlets and companies should not be considered private platforms. Anyone can sign up and post while they use their money and influence to decide who gets heard. This is a problem, and I'm pretty ticked off about how people don't seem to mind when it's in their favor. Double standards are bad, no matter which side.

Do you think Facebook should get to control which posts rise up and which fall with their analytics around election time? Me neither. Sometimes you gotta put up with some ugly if you don't want people silenced for their perspective. I don't want an echo chamber.

Major media outlets and companies should not be considered private platforms.

Really? Now I'm curious, how do you imagine that?

I assume the company still pays for the platform, hosting, development, etc. Since it's public, are they now subsidised by taxes?

Who moderates the platforms then? Are is it all just unmoderated?

Will companies get compansated for lost revenue?

I genuinely curious how you imagine this working.

Anyone can sign up and post while they use their money and influence to decide who gets heard.

Yeah, because it's theirs. They own it.

If I let everyone into my house for a party, doesn't mean I lose the right to kick people out.

Sometimes you gotta put up with some ugly if you don't want people silenced for their perspective. I don't want an echo chamber.

I'm okay with an echo chamber if it means I don't have to put up with CP and jihadi execution footage in my cute cat feed.

I assume it would be no problem for you.

I'm only coming from the standpoint of how dangerous it is for a mass media outlet to control who has a voice. I don't know how we can articulate this fairly and would like help for that, but I'm not gonna find help in a sea of people who just wanna take sides and ignore the means.

Why should anyone get to own the only effective avenues of communication? Communication is what determines how the world works.

CP is illegal obviously, and jihad doesn't make sense in the cute cats category the way 'straight only game mod' makes sense in the 'game mod' category.

Why should anyone get to own the only effective avenues of communication? Communication is what determines how the world works.

Who currently owns the "only effective avenues of communication"?

CP is illegal obviously, and jihad doesn't make sense in the cute cats category the way 'straight only game mod' makes sense in the 'game mod' category.

"Sometimes you gotta put up with some ugly if you don't want people silenced for their perspective." Seems there's a limit to the ugly you're willing to put up with, and you're quite willing to silence perspectives yourself.

You cleaely still want people to moderate social networks. I assume you'd want these people to outside the company?

Hell, we're on a site where you can literally filter what content you see. No one is so pro communication that they'll happily chat away to someone that they don't want to be around.

The line should be drawn at actual harm of course. That can also be indirect.

Ah, so you're pro moderation when you personally find the contect to be even indirectly harmful.

"Double standards are bad, no matter which side."

i don’t care if someone is racist or homophobic unless it affects me

this is a libertarian fever dream. the nature of prejudice is that it does affect other people.

Did you literally just use quote notation except change my words? Go fuck yourself.

You should want to make racists uncomfortable when they do a racism, and bigots uncomfortable when they do a bigotry. It's part of the hidden contract to living in a nice society. Stand up for others who are affected even if you are not. Shit is not cool, and you should care that your brothers and sisters are being marginalized.

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