Gaza war protesters shut down Golden Gate Bridge, block traffic in other cities to – 654 points –
Gaza war protesters shut down Golden Gate Bridge, block traffic in other cities

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If Americans want the protests to stop, they should stop supporting genocide.

Mm and how has the average San Franciscan contributed to a war on the other side of the planet?

The same way the average American contributed to black oppression. By being silent observers to your government's actions.

In the same way we all do. Those weapons can't be built without a reliable economy. Interruptions in labor produce ripple effects which disrupt the atrocities of the capitalist class.

Except these morons protest everywhere except where the weapons are made and shipped from. Curious.

Well yeah people tend to get shot when they protest around military bases.

Okay, so why haven't you, as I assume an American, stopped working to disrupt the atrocities of the capitalist class?

It is easy to condemn obvious wrongdoers, but what about the supporting cast of complicitors: business partners, employees, investors, news organizations, and others? Whether we’re aware of it or not, almost all of us have been complicit in the unethical behavior of others and have not always used ethical decision-making skills.

Complicit: How We Enable the Unethical and How to Stop

With a portion of their taxes.

Well, many of them voted for Biden and plan to do it again, for one thing.

As opposed to?

"None of the Above" which... like it or not is a vote against genocide.. not FOR Trump.

It's not the voting populations' fault that the judiciary is dragging it's legs punishing Trump. Americans have ruined their country.

Only one of two people will win. Donald wants Israel to "finish the job." Everyone abstaining or voting third party wll be doing a shocked Pikachu face when this genocide expands to other countries under a nakedly fascist administration.

Voting for one of the three candidates who don't support genocide

I have you tagged as Kremlin shill, so it's no surprise to see you here trying to get Trump elected.


Come again now?

Stein, West, De La Cruz

Seriously though, learn a tiny bit of history and political science. Look into the origins of the two-party system we currently have and the history of third parties winning the presidential election.

You should know very well that in a FPTP system, particularly the type the US has, additional political parties do nothing to help democracy. Arguably they make it worse:

  • 30% vote for liberals and hate fascists
  • 30% vote for leftists and hate fascists
  • 40% vote for fascists

60% of voters hate the fascists, but they still win the election. This is exactly how the Nazi party took over a democracy.

You have to play big tent politics in FPTP. We need a ranked choice, parliamentary system before adding parties will improve democracy. And that happens by taking gradual control of a party and pushing it that way. It isn't going to come from a third party entering the fray --

UNLESS, one of the the main two parties fractures away. And we are currently in a dynamic where Republicans are close to doing so. Firmly beating them in November may lead to a total breakdown of the party, and then Greens could attempt to assume their role as the second major party in the US. That's the fastest way we can get to national ranked choice voting.

Oh. Hopefully you're picking candidates with a chance of winning in your state and municipal races. But if not, you could skip the line and throw your ballot directly in the trash.

No I'd rather tell Genocide Joe to fuck off

I am voting for Biden. I sure as heck am not voting for the other guy.

I sure as heck am not voting for genocide. Fortunately, I have options: Stein, West, De La Cruz.

Voting third party gives more power for the former president to win. I am not taking that chance. I think we have a better chance at working with the current administration to intervene positively after the election. If the orange menace gets in he will likely take the Israel/Palestine war to new levels.

If Biden doesn't change course, all the Palestinians will be dead from famine before Trump comes in to office.

If all these losers love palestine so much, they should go live there, and see for themselves what a beacon of western liberal values it is.

The Hamas genocide of 1200 civilians in Israel? Or using their populace as human shields in Gaza?

So you solve school shooting by bombing the school?

You go where your enemy is hiding. The glorious freedom fighters of Hamas, who have been holding an infant captive for half a year now, use the civilian population that they're supposed to protect as human shields, slave labor, and conscripts.

Ah yes collective justice. Punish the population for what their government did. Hmm this feels familiar, is something like that happening somewhere else in world right now?

Be wary of fighting monsters, lest you become a monster.

yes bro. Your morning or afternoon commute becoming an hour longer is equivilant to having your people wiped off the face of the earth. Truly they can't see this hypocrisy for what it is!!

It shows how little some people value the lives of brown people on another continent. How many people would have to die before they'd consider foregoing their mocha latte?

One thing has nothing to do with the other. Hurting one person doesn't help another.

Sure it does, these protests certainly help the Kremlin.

So Biden is a Kremlin cut-out for supporting the genocide? Stop getting this logic from Dollar General and shop at Costco.

Ah yes Schrodinger's protest. It is at once not a big deal and at the same time a big deal that will cause change.

Hey just curious, when you were being taught in school to raise awareness did they maybe mention something about how the process of abstraction works? No? Ok, guess it is my job. A =/ B, just because A does not equal B does not mean have nothing in common.

Edit: never mind, just noticed you are using an alt-account. Makes sense now.

This is so ignorant and entitled. I watched so many videos of kids watching their parents die in front of their eyes in gaza. It's horrible to even imagine. How can you be so heartless?

[Looking at protesters blocking traffic] is this genocide?

If you want to be taken seriously, try not to speak in meme-speak.

[Guy who thinks blocking a road is genocide]: If you want to be taken seriously...


Both acts are punishing a civilian population for the actions of their government. That doesn't mean they are morally or on the same scale equivalent, it does mean they are examples of the same kind of behavior.

You seem really preoccupied by how you are seen.

One is a state entity committing genocide and the other is a small group with zero legislative backing committing a traffic obstruction. You are really preoccupied with your idiotic classification tho.

[Teacher holding all the kids in from recess] "hmm this is also genocide hmm same behavior."

You used the word genocide btw not him. not all collective punishment has to be to the death.

[Sees a child taking his ball home after being teased on the playground] "wow this isn't quite genocide but it is the exact same thing Israel is doing (if you ignore the scale, the actors, the severity, the racial motivations, and so forth). Some children are being punished despite not actively teasing him. This is a useful categorization for concepts. Blocking traffic is the real genocide."