GOP governor says June is about understanding & accepting homophobes to Not The – 187 points –
GOP governor says June is about understanding & accepting homophobes - LGBTQ Nation

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If you could read the room, you'd think they were.

And they rightly fucking deserve it.

If you house the fascists and bigots, you become a house of fascists and bigots. It doesn't matter what the individual believes if they continue to give audience to those people. They become indistinguishable from them.

And when you're just a normal straight person who gets the willies when gay people hit on you, fuck you right?

Normal straight dude here. I've been hit on by a gay guy before. I explained the situation like an adult. All was good, no willies of any kind were had.

No "hey let's split rent and I'll get you all these free drugs" before eventually they come out with their expectations? Congrats. You don't wanna be there. You especially don't wanna share a jail cell with a dude who got himself moved in because you helped him with a phone call once and eventually he scratches the hell out of your glasses while you're in the shower because you turned him down.

Sorry for the run on sentences. I'm typing in the bathroom at work.

You bartered for drugs and were then surprised that this individual wasn't completely honest?

I didn't barter. They were pretty well framed as gifts.

It's the "drugs" part, dude.

Look, I smoke weed in an illegal state. I don't invite my plugs to my house, and I sure as hell don't agree to split rent with them.

This is so extremely specific dude. You okay? Genuinely man I've been in shitty drug situations and if it would help I'm happy to chat here or elsewhere.

I'm much better now, but I see a big crowd here invalidating others experiences because they think it's the right thing. I can't be silent about it.

I think maybe there was a misunderstanding, your comment sounds like it's implying all gays are at fault

No. I'm just saying that homophobes aren't necessarily homophobes because they're bigoted. Plenty of them are that way because they've had a bad experience, or at least I was for a while. I'm good now, but my general approach with people is different and I get pretty triggered about people on the Internet who throw shit instead of trying to push for understanding. Nobody is going to achieve peace by attacking.

Here's a very relevant new Louis Rossmann video!

That is really specific. You okay, buddy?

Yeah, but I've written off all personal relationships/sex and I make that very clear to everyone I have any involvement with. I won't give creeps a leg to stand on.

You should talk to a woman sometime. They’ve dealt with getting the willies from “normal straight men” hitting on them since time immemorial.

It's not so bad when it's just hitting on me, but it's been so so much worse than that.

Ho-leee fuck bud, you have lost the plot

Whatever that means.

It means your whining about some gay guys acting inappropriately towards you

  1. doesn't somehow justify saying absolutely vile homophobic shit like "normal straight people get the willies when gay guys hit on them",

  2. does not somehow justify homophobia in general nor its conservative apologists and therefore

  3. is incredibly tone deaf in this precise context.

First of all, I'm gonna call bullshit on people hitting on you. Hateful attitudes aren't attractive.

Second of all, if a gay person hits on me, I'd be surprised and flattered, and politely turn them down.

Third (and more comedically), as a straight man, I would try NOT to get the willies, because I am not attracted to willies.

You presume everything and attach the things you presume. I bet you could talk with a wall all day.

Not sure what I presumed. I called your statement bullshit, but also justified my point of view. Meanwhile, you presumed that being creeped out by someone thinking you're attractive is normal.

Something tells me the wall would be a more productive conversation than you.

You know how there's some women who won't have anything to do with men because they've had a traumatic experience? Well that shit happens to men too, and going after them like they're evil filth is no fucking good for anyone. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. I won't have shit to do with Gary people because the fact of the matter is that 80% of them I've known haven't approached me to "just hit on me". They've tried embedding themselves in my life first so that rejection comes with repercussions financially or socially. I won't let them near me anymore and people like you wanna go around thinking gayness makes people saints.

Explains their bigotry then says they're not bigoted... Genius.

Sorry, did you mean to reply to me? Because nothing you wrote had anything to do with what I said. I never went after anyone, and I never said anyone was good or bad. Morality and sexuality are entirely unrelated. All I did is doubt how popular you claim to be, given your attitude. Not sure why that's causing so much hostility.

You've never met me.

Yes, so all I have to go on is your hateful attitude, which is a deeply unattractive trait. And given the stream of vitriol that you gave upon someone doubting how much men want to bone you, I'm pretty confident in that.

Hateful attitude? I'm literally defending people you're all bashing over their fears. Get fucked. YOU are hateful.

What people? Why are you trying to make yourself plural? It is just you. You're only defending yourself. And the only way you can think you defend yourself is to claim everyone else is doing what you're doing, but you're not.

It's so ironic you call me hateful when you tell me to get fucked one sentence before, and it's not the only time you've said "fuck you" this comment thread.

That’s not normal.

Normal straight dude here. I can't tell you how crazy often I have gay dudes creeping their way into my life just to eventually say they're trying to get in my pants.

Oh no you know what it feels like yo be a woman for 5 minutes, the horror

5 minutes? Try my whole goddamn life, and if it's too bad for you it's too bad for me. Otherwise go fuck yourself and your crocodile sentiment. The problem isn't men. The problem is creeps.

Do you genuinely not realize how incredibly oblivious and tone deaf you’re being here? It’s actually kind of darkly magnificent to observe.

You're all sitting in here literally gaslighting me because your experience is not the same as mine. I don't care about your groupthink bullshit or if the crowd isn't happy that my bad experiences don't paint the homophobes as evil.

You clearly got some kinda messed up toxic shit going on.

Not to mention, you’re trying to use your personal anecdotal experiences to justify and/or downplay prejudice against entire categories of humans - here, homosexual people, but in other comments in this thread, you’re categorically dismissing the fact that in comparison to what women have had to deal with since the dawn of society, youre basically just having a Tuesday.

So yeah - I’m hostile to your worldview because your worldview is deeply caustic and offensive, and you’re using it to justify prejudice. You’re just being a fragile, egotistical, prejudicial snowflake.

I have a theory that the reason you “can’t tell” how often it happens is because it isn’t happening at all. It’s clear you’re just a troll looking for attention. I hope you are able to find some happiness in life so you can stop being so obsessed.

Ah yeah, classic "discredit people who's experiences don't align with your motivations". Real big of you. You don't know SHIT. Holy goddamn victim blaming.

lol ok bud. It’s obvious just looking at your comment history that you’re a just an attention seeker. I guess I’ll stop engaging with you and block you.

Btw everyone it’s super easy to block people on lemmy. I highly recommend it for people like this.

There's you go with the double down like you don't have anything better than insults to discredit.

How can it be a victim blaming when there is no victim here? Being hit on is not being made a victim.

That's not what I said. I'm not spelling it all out again. Scroll around and figure it out yourself.

Oh I've read what you've had to say. You sure do like the attention. Go on then and enjoy it.

What the fuck, be a grown up person and just say you're not interested.

How fragile are you?!

I'm a fellow straight person who has had a gay person hit on me. Here's the thing: the problem wasn't his gayness. The problem was his persistence. If he had hit on me respectfully, and backed off when I showed disinterest, everything would have been fine.

His persistence wasn't due to his gayness. There are gay people who are not persistent.

A lot of straight people are persistent too, and it's just as much of a problem in straight people as it is in gay people, it just doesn't bother you specifically, because you're straight.

lol this thread is apparently filled with Brad Pitts who get hit on, and are then relentlessly pursuit 😂 despite the rejection

And when you’re just a normal straight person who gets the willies when gay people hit on you, fuck you right?

Yes. Maybe you need to wear your adult undies and realize that icky feelings are ok, and doesn't justify being a bigot or a fascist.

That would be bigotry, accept it. Everyone is bigoted in some way, stop crying because people treat you the way you act.

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Tolerating the intolerant is what you are asking for. It's the same story with someone saying you should tolerate someone burning books. Them not tolerating peoples thoughts or beliefs and then being upset people call them terrible people for burning books.

That's just stupidity

Tolerate people and then you deserve to be tolerated.

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