Kremlin's favorite candidate Jill Stein refuses to call Putin a war criminal during interview

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It’s not just Jill Stein, it’s a lot of people you see talking about Gaza as some blood curdling atrocity, but they don’t have the same level of empathy or consideration for Ukrainians. The anti-Israel propaganda is just being used to drive the Muslim and progressive vote away from Dems. I think it’s turning out to be successful.

And other lies you tell yourself.

I’ve never met a Palestinian supporter that isn’t also a Ukrainian supporter.

The entirety of would like a word.

I signed up to Lemmy without knowing much about instances, can't remember exactly why I picked but it wasn't politics.

Is this really a generalisation people have? Should I move...?

your admins also run lemmygrad. only you can decide if you should leave. personally, i like beehaw, slrpnk, dbzero, and blahaj. one important aspect to understand about the fediverse is that your instance is part of the identity you present to others

It has nothing to do with your identity. They all have different rules and different communities. Its more like which hotel chain you prefer to stay at. Its a preference for sure, but one that doesnt matter much.

People who judge based on instance are only outing themselves anyways. Churlish.

it does say something though about what style of moderation you prefer and who you associate yourself with. that's why it's literally part of the identity you present. it's embedded in your username. it's like your fediverse last name.

I've been on Lemmy for a year and only now I'm learning about instances. I've read a few threads about being "tankies" and that hexbear is the worst, but haven't had any negative interactions with either. Shit, I don't know the majority of the time which instance I'm interacting with.

Sort of, at best it means that instance hasnt banned that person, yet.

You could argue it means something more than nothing, I'd argue its not enough to matter.

People really want to be allowed to be bigots and currently Communism is "safe" to hate, so they let a few interactions color their opinion of an entire, loosely-affiliated group.

There does seem to be a lot of regional competition I'll call it, between posters. Some really get a kick out of figuring out which country someone is from so they can quickly throw out their argument.

Kind of a wild place. Still lots of different perspectives abound, if you cast a wide enough net.

Hey I've been looking for someone to ask, and you seem to know, is cool?

It's the most 'mainstream', for better and for worse.

Probably best to use a smaller instance instead of .world. The less centralized Lemmy is, the better.

theyve been concerning me lately

Ugh. Yeah I've heard that "it isn't the best. It was the easiest to sign up for when the reddit exodus happened. I'm anti Israel and pro Ukraine and I'm always busy with real life/my own hobbies. I just don't have the bandwidth for finding the best instance. C

I would put some effort into switching when you have a weekend. There isn't necessarily a best, just best for you. The ones quill mentioned up the thread are all solid though. I'm a dbzero guy myself but blahaj is cool and I haven't had issues with people from any of the other servers he's mentioned. .ml, .hexbear, .grad, and .vegan whatever that instance is are all no go in my book for various reasons.

exactly! every instance represents an imperfect vision of their admins perfect instance. the trick is finding or founding the instance that most closely reflects what you want to see and experience on the fediverse

I'm already planning on making a new account eventually, I'm just lazy and have a hard time letting go. Any details on why I should expedite the process? Aside from being mainstream, the only argument I have heard is that it has a hard time federating with the other instances due to its size

You don't have to switch, its like email, you can just have multiple. The phone apps for lemmy have an account switch feature so you can use more than one. The sign ups aren't much more difficult than worlds in most cases. Some require a manual approval which can take some time.

Personally I left world because of how antagonistic they are towards vegans. I don't mind a good debate but its crazy to me that the majority opinion there is that veganism is about as taboo as child rape.

No. Unless you're a power-tripping mod or admin, they seem to be cool with that. Not so much toward average users. I've seen no drama here on

Personally, I'm fine with seeing differing opinions. On the political side, they get a bit obsessed with dunking and all these in-group memes for my tastes.

Ah, see I realized they were either all bad faith actors, bots, or idiots ages ago and don't federate with them.

There are 20 Israel stories to every 1 Ukraine story on Lemmy.

Regardless of your opinion on the matter, this platform is being heavily astroturfed, and so are many other "liberal" platforms. It's actually way worse here than on Reddit.

Probably something to do with my country financing the underdog in one of these fights and the war criminals in the other.

Do yourself a favor block grad and ml it cleans up a lot of bad faith arguments.

It's actually way worse here than on Reddit.

Because after r/ChapoTraphouse was kicked out from Reddit for inciting violence, the tankies moved to create

CTH was kicked out for saying "John Brown was right actually, killing slavers is good" and made an example of, along with thedonald way after it had been abandoned. Full "antifa is as bad as fascists" garbage but it's what the shareholders want.

And it wasn't all tankies, there were a lot of LateStageCapitalism refugees that git kicked because LSC was just straight tankie. I got kicked for suggesting that North Korea isn't good just because the West says it's bad.

Of course there are, and I probably post 3 of the 20.

Other than the alt-right, you’re not going to find any support for Russia in the West.

Why would we need to raise awareness and keep posting about Ukraine to the same level as Palestine?

Bruh I literally got banned from .ml twice just for mentioning the fact that Russia shot down a civilian airliner in Ukraine. You are completely delusional if you don't see that a significant portion of these idiots are up Putin's ass.

Why do you think it's your job to do so? That's the literal definition of astroturfing.

You absolute little liar.

the deceptive practice of presenting an orchestrated marketing or public relations campaign in the guise of unsolicited comments from members of the public.

I am a real person, with an ethical obligation to stand up against genocide. There is no deception, I am a member of the public, and what I am doing is called activism (or slacktivism for the pessimists in the world).

Honest question : do you also stand up for the white people who are victims of white genocide being conducted by zionists in america?

Do you believe former Republican state representative and KKK grand wizard David Duke when he claims White America is being genocided just like the Palestinians?

Or can you only see through fascist bullshit when it's conservative christian americans spouting the lies?

So, you admit that you are flooding this platform to deliberately present one story as more dominant in the news cycle than others in order to misrepresent its relevancy to current events?

You can argue definitions and semantics all day, but that is what you're doing - and it's dishonest at best.

You are saying posting on aggregate media sites is dishonest?

That is just ridiculous.

It is Alexander Dugin's red-brown-green alliance.

Far left tankie red fascists, christian nationalist brownshirt fascists, and islamo-fascists, joined together to destroy 'liberalism'.

we're also numb to what's happening in ukraine. people got tired around when it hit the one year mark

By “people” I assume you don’t mean Ukrainians.

i mean westerners. it's been very frustrating because it means i have to find out what's going on by seeking firsthand perspectives because journalistic fervor is guided by what will sell ads. my bet is sometime around october seventh people start tuning out again because the novelty will have worn off. i'd love to be wrong, but every single outrage decays as we mistake novelty for news

I haven't met any in real life as far as I'm aware, but I've seen plenty on here.

I think they're talking about the people on TV talking about it, not the protestors themselves.

It’s not just Jill Stein, it’s a lot of people you see talking about Gaza as some blood curdling atrocity, but they don’t have the same level of empathy or consideration for Ukrainians.

I don't want the US government selling weapons to Russia to use against Ukrainians. I'm glad we aren't.

Not yet, anyway. That's absolutely Trump's plan though. You want to help prevent that?

You want to quit calling me a trumper every time I speak out against genocide?

Why can’t they? You accuse everyone you talk to of supporting genocide. Quit playing the victim of the exact same shit you do to everyone here.

Avoiding the question.

Putting a question mark at the end of a lie doesn't make it a question. I'm already voting for Harris, and you will never care because all you want in this world is total unquestioning loving support for Netanyahu and the genocide he's committing for you.

You can put "but I'm voting for Harris" in tiny font at the end of one of your countless attacks on Democrats, it doesn't absolve you of the damage you do.

Also I'm starting to worry you're getting high on your own supply here - you do recall that I don't actually support Netanyahu and your accusing me of it is just a rhetorical device, right?

Since you keep ignoring that I'm not a trump supporter and keep lying about me, there's no reason for me to take anything you say at face value either.

edit: Elsewhere in the thread, there's someone outright denying genocide. You've chosen to focus your attention on someone who objects to genocide instead.

Okay, cool, just checking

No. You decided to confront me and call me a Trump supporter. You ignored the genocide denier because his cause is your cause.

Well there's a difference between "you are a Trump supporter" and "you are supporting Trump". I accuse you of the latter.

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Do you believe Putin when he claims Ukraine is committing genocide against Russia in the Donbas region, or are you aware that fascist regimes are liars and routinely accuse their opponents of genocide?

Do you believe Putin when he claims Ukraine is committing genocide against Russia in the Donbas region,

Of course I don't. It's why I'm glad that we're not selling him weapons.

Do you really think the klepto fascist billionaire dictators that rule palestine are not using the same tactics as Putin?

Back when Putin was the head of the KGB, the current president of palestine attended a KGB run university in moscow where he was hand selected by the chief of the soviet active measures program to lead the PLO. His doctorial dissertation was about how he thought jews faked the holocaust in order to build international support for israel.

He literally studied how to fake genocide against your own people at KGB school.

We're not selling Palestine weapons, either. Netanyahu is committing genocide. We should stop selling him weapons.

70% of aid sent to gaza is taken by hamas and used to buy weapons.

Palestinians have been claiming israel has been committing genocide ever since the KGB wrote the PLO charter in moscow in 1967.

As of this date no Israeli has ever been charged with committing genocide in a court of law.

Genocide denial is disgusting and you should stop.

Weren’t you in another thread crying because you were being accused of something you claim not to be true?

You just can’t not hypocrite, can you?

No surprise that you're standing up for a genocide denier.

Whatever you say, trumper.

I'm not a trumper. But the guy you just stood up for was plainly denying genocide.

Were you in such a hurry to spam my inbox with abuse that you didn't even notice?

Whatever you say, trumper. I’ve seen your posts/comments here. You’re not fooling very many people- I hope you understand this.

And I’m not spamming your inbox, I’m responding to comments in a thread about a single topic. That’s how social media works.

I’ve seen how you act bud. You falsely accuse people of dumb shit so you can feel like a victim. Like trumpers do.

You’re not a victim.

Get over yourself.

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If there was really genocide then why has it never been proven in a court of law?

I submit that the Holocaust happened regardless of the outcome of the Nuremberg trials. Would you like to disagree and maintain your argument's internal consistency?

Would you like to answer the question and tell me exactly why you think no Israeli has ever been charged with genocide in the entire 75 years since palestine first claimed genocide during the nakba?

Or would answering that question that reveal too much about your ideology?

So you'll be denying two genocides, then? Ok. At least you're consistent.

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