Look what we're building at the center of r/place!

ChaoticNeutralCzech@feddit.de to Reddit@lemmy.world – 1001 points –

Edit: we’ve made it! Timelapse

Template: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ChaoticNeutralCzech/myRandomImages/main/jlemmybig.json
To use the template, install the r/place userscript (guide) and click the above link. If you already have the userscript, just add https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ChaoticNeutralCzech/myRandomImages/main/jlemmybig.json into the "Always Load" list.

Discord invite

Also, please no "tHiS iS eNgAgEmEnT fOr rEdDiT" comments. Would you rather have no such banner? As I'm not pushing anyone to become a long-term active user on Reddit, I don't see any benefit for the company from this. If you have a spare account, this may be a good cause to fire it up for a few hours.


For anyone concerned about traffic to reddit, the absolute best thing you can do is find ads next to "offensive" content and e-mail the CEOs and marketing departments of those companies saying you won't use those products due to their ad placement on reddit. Literally nothing else will hurt them faster.

I'm fairly sure leaving the platform will hurt more. I left June 30th. Haven't looked back.

If you use an ad blocker and don't buy premium then reddit doesn't benefit from you outside of any content you post

You increase the daily/monthly active users count if they count only visiting people as well. Only by 1, but still. If they are using that number in any kind of negotiation with other companies to persuade them to do business with them (ad-related or otherwise), you probably wouldn't want to increase that number.
Not much, but it's honest work.

Edit: I'm not talking about this message in r/place in particular. I think this is awesome!

Wow, we were allowed a few pixels for a few minutes, granted by our corporate overlords whom valiantly watch over every pixel to ensure they get the maximum IPO value! Just kidding, the bots decided to make it another flag or osu image or some stupid shit.

The message has been there since day 1 surprisingly they haven't tried censoring it yet.

edit: sorry should have fact checked it's being overwritten by shitstains with some W1 poster whatever thats supposed to be (bots of course)

edit2: TIL its the logo for KICK of course that explains everything

edit3: they're mostly back now 😎👍

Nobody will come to lemmy if they don't know it exists so it's worth it even if it gives reddit so engagement

Sadly this message is already being overwritten by bots

Edit: the message about 3rd party apps is also being overwritten

Luckily the group doing the message about third-party apps is very coordinated so they have so far been able to protect it for a few days now

So it didn't take long for Reddit to turn into bots interacting with other bots

Dead Internet theory

I was going to ask if anyone was using bots to keep their messages up. That's cool!

Love that our text has anti-aliasing lol

Yeah, I think we’re unique in that other than a few logos, Touhou, the Vista taskbar and the “Gotcha - anything else?” meme. Other than the Horalky bar (-660, -150, which I redesigned to include antialiasing), it’s likely the only manually antialiased text in the canvas. I imitated the DIN (aka Bahnschrift) Condensed font, used widely for signage in Europe, for legibility at limited width.

I love how it's kind of anti-aliased with the gray pixels

I like it too, it's a genius detail tbh

Thanks! I tried to replicate the famous DIN (aka Bahnschrift) font. The anti-aliasing was neccessary to fit into such a cramped space while keeping a slick font. Some say that this is the first antialiased text on this year's Place - it's not: other examples include 東方 (Touhou) (where Bad Apple!! was), the "osu!" logo, the "Gotcha anything else?" meme, the entire Charizard card, parts of the Vista UI, the Olympia logo (main German flag above Starry Night) and one I also drew: the Horalky wafer. Antialiasing is worth it if the community is well coordinated and will help against vandalism - it is harder to change one letter into another. This is why we avoided amogusification of the A.

A big problem with the design is the J touching the logo. I have removed the leftmost two pixels to fix it but copies of my template were left unpatched so IDK if I get to change it.

Yeah, I had to use it for legibility at limited width. The font is DIN/Bahnschrift Condensed, used widely for signage in Europe.

I'm using the script now thanks for sharing is it only for the join-lemmy message?

it's better to spend your time just not participating

That's a crazy thing to say as someone who doesn't know me! It's 1:40 am for me and I don't have to work tomorrow. I am playing a game and tab to Reddit on my second monitor every few minutes to place that thing down. I'm just trying to fight the good fight, sorry to break it to you.

But it doesn't matter what you put on the canvas - the point is that you are driving up engagement and that's exactly what Reddit wants

I learned about Lemmy by finding a Reddit alternatives post on Reddit. People need to find out somehow. This can also get covered by blogs and other social media network posts. I think the net effect will cause more people to find out about Lemmy and leave Reddit, so it's a temporary one off engagement that leads to much more disengagement from users who leave after finding an equivalent alternative.

Especially considering the note is in the literal middle of place and has been there for most of the timelapse so far. People undervalue that position HEAVILY.

I agree. I never would have heard of Lemmy if it wasn't for posts about it on Reddit.

Same here, found out about Lemmy on Reddit, but some time ago in discussion about where to go if Reddit bans a sub. Didn't actually start using Lemmy until shit hit the fan.

Yes. I am going around my town telling everyone to go to Reddit and do that. I am SO driving up engagement. Because compared to the bots replacing the Marocco school and the flags every 5 seconds are a minority compared to my block that I placed to advertise another website. Yes.

That's awesome! I still don't need to know anything about you to still say it's not worth your time going on Reddit lol.

But posting to say so was worth your time...?

Yes because I'm on Lemmy and not Reddit, and this is literally half a second of typing

2 more...
2 more...
2 more...

You can tell reddit sucks now cuz r/place doesn't have gay and trans rainbows shooting all over

I'm just not interested in Reddit anymore. Haven't logged in since July 1st. Deleted the app and, I'm just lurking to see how this shitshow will end up. My 2 cents is that Reddit will gradually fall since a lot of the content creators, moderators and engaged people have left and a lot more will leave. It will take a lot of time but it will.

Great work guys. Now let's keep lemmy on there

I actually feel a little sad seeing the BaconReader logo there. I had been using it for so long, and for the last 4 or so years it was the only way I used Reddit.

When I signed out of BaconReader that was the only place I was signed in, and I was pretty sad when I uninstalled it. Seeing the logo there brought that emotion back.

I honestly kinda don't want the general population of Reddit to join. I like that this place feels like pre-redesign Reddit.

The culture of the community massively started shifting around the time Alien Blue got bought out.

eh maybe, I thought each server would have it's own little community culture unlike reddit. if you want to see less people and enjoy a more specific culture you could join a server akin to what u want, was hoping it'd be less one place than the many interterting places i was sold

Federation makes it feel like one big site. I'm not saying I want to exclude people though. I just selfishly like the vibe right now

but we need lemmy to grow! I would say that the benefits on Lemmy growing outweighs a few members being "bad." (couldn't think of a better word)


Anyway, what were we saying?...

Oh yeah you're really sticking it to them by continuing to use their platform!

Your engagement is more important to them than your message. So yeah, I’d rather not have it 🤷

Edit: pretty sure the very large social media company already expected people to create stuff like this before they opened r/place, and they decided it was worth it. So yeah I’m still gonna say that if they let this type of messaging happen it’s not gonna matter in the slightest. I don’t think they’re that stupid like y’all do.

Ah yes, the old "It's still engagement" angle.

Do you really think it would be a major addition to their views if even a whole major instance of lemmy joined? The bot accounts alone being used there would overshadow the number of lemmings that engage there. And that doesn't even count streamers with tens of thousands of minions. Even if 20,000 lemmings went there, it won't make a mark. A lot of people, shockingly, are still ignorant of what happened. Idk how that's even possible but there you go.

They. Will. Get. Their. Views. Regardless.

Might as well get something out of it.

Your engagement is more important to them than your message.

Not if your message would prevent them from using it for advertisers. They've been removing nipples, dicks, piss, guillotines, etc and people still put them there. How do you think advertisers will react to that when they don't want their brands associated with "unsavory" stuff?

Also it is really funny to put a Lemmy advertisement on Reddit's thing

Personally, i enjoy watching people insist on adding nipples and piss to some artwork and watch admins give up on being subtle and erasing it wholesale, but that's just me. But yeah, what you said is hilarious, too.

This is also helpful because Reddit will not be able to brag about the event to investors without FUCK SPEZ or other offensive stuff showing, and any investor who does basic research will realize that their engagement statistics are inflated by bots anyway.

How much is engagement? Is it worth more than exposure? Can I pay you by sharing this art on my 10k-follower Instagram account?


This is a reference to “Exposure does not pay bills”.

Engagement does not pay bills, either. There were more bots than regular users so nobody who does any research will believe Reddit’s numbers, and any visuals of the event show how much people hate Reddit admins, so they’re unlikely to be able to brag about the event’s “success” to investors.