What is the most popular thing in the world?

elboyoloco@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 51 points –



Breathing has gotta be right up there.

Language is pretty good. Almost everyone uses that.

Food. Food is very popular. Nearly everyone eats food.

I'd say water, but some folks seem to get by on beer instead.

Food. Everyone needs it, everyone loves it.

There's always debate about the best food though

an amazing poop

i mean, everyone poops, but when you have an amazing poop it is probably the most popular thing

Do people with a colostomy bag “poop”? They defecate but it’s not what you describe

Similarly a lot of the other base human experiences in this thread are not experienced by a small subset of the disabled. Like food - I’ve worked with people who cannot eat food and have to have nutrients and water pumped directly into their stomach or intestines. Breathing has people on ventilators but that’s typically a “not much time left” situation whereas the food and poop situation can last decades. Sleep disorders can make sleeping a nightmare task that is dreadful night after night. Etc

I don’t know if there’s a universal positive experience, is my point

Despite the high cost of living it remains popular.

Everyone has things. Most westerners have too many things.

Outside of necessities I would say it’s art, if that’s too broad and you’re looking for a specific medium i would say you’re probably into something with music but drawing/painting/visual arts and storytelling are probably both up there too. Those are the things we’ve always done, still do, and innovate new ways of doing them