Coup attempt in Bolivia reportedly under way as army and police storm palace to World – 249 points –
Coup attempt underway in Bolivia as president urges people to mobilize against it

There is a reason left wing groups must be militant in their operation. The capitalist class will never willingly allow another option to their complete and unyielding control.

No? The coup was stopped through non-violent resistance and diplomatic pressure. That's the opposite of what you're saying.

There's also a reason most of those militant groups end up with authoritarian leadership... because that capitalist class is usually bankrolling them.

If you want to rule, you are gonna need to done violence.

Nothing to do with left or right, this is how power works. Ideology is there to get peasants to die for your "cause" aka desire to rule.

While I agree, the issue is the very moment we become militant we get labeled as "terrorists". The far-right just gets ignored.

We will always be labeled as terrorists, no matter what we do. The far right is kept as both agents of division to keep the populous separated and as a last ditch ally when society comes together to free itself from the yolk of capital exploitation

Yeah what the fuck is happening here? Anyone have any more context, whether or not you’re from the region?

"...after making disparaging remarks in a local newspaper article"

Looks like the general got fired and he came back to shoot up the place.

Couldn't find it in English since lets be honest western media lies about what happens in South America, but here's El Pais in Spanish about it.

Basically he was dismissed since he threatened to arrest Evo Morales who is the former president and a possible future canidate for the president. Morales is a very popular left wing leader who was forced out in 2019, but all western media will tell you is that he is corrupt while denying the legitimacy of the elections he won. Morales is also the first indigenous leader of Bolivia the only majority indigenous South American country I believe which has a lot to do with the opposition to him.

Couldn't find it in English since lets be honest western media lies about what happens in South America, but here's El Pais in Spanish about it.

I'd be interested to know what kind of media El Pais is by your judgement.

He sounds a bit like those advocates that say only Russian/Chinese/Saudi Arabian news are telling the truth, when it is all state controlled outlets.

This is El Pais America, separate from the outlet in Spain.

Who are the funder of this coup?

I would be looking closely at the CIA

Kenya invades Haiti

Coup in Bolivia

Reported as misinformation by someone who didn't see the news:

"Invasion"? Probably too strong a word... but it's a weird event...

Just gets weirder with that picture of those Kenians holding their eggs

Haitians wary as Kenyan police arrive on latest US-backed mission

Hundreds of Kenyan police officers have arrived in Haiti as part of a US-backed security intervention aiming to rescue the Caribbean country from a criminal insurrection that toppled the prime minister and brought death and chaos to the streets.

Haiti already warned of America wanting to use Kenya's military to invade Haiti before they did it. At least 1 month ago I recall seeing articles about it. Haiti is trying to gain independence and America is not a fan.

Haiti already warned of America wanting to use Kenya's military to invade Haiti before they did it.

What? The government of Haiti literally requested support from Kenya, which was approved by the UN. What you're saying is almost the complete opposite of what actually happened.

At least 1 month ago I recall seeing articles about it.

Maybe stop reading articles that are for some reason supportive of the drug and sex trafficking gangs that have caused the most recent collapse of Haiti?

The government that did a coup with American assistance requests American assistance after being ousted?

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