CEO, real estate investor says Democratic Party he grew up with no longer about regular people to Not The – 148 points –
CEO, real estate investor says Democratic Party he grew up with no longer about regular people: All a 'sham'

I’m in the south of France, and people from France, England, Dubai, Serbia, Canada and Colombia have come up to tell me they can’t believe what is happening in America… They want Trump.

Fuck this guy with every square foot of housing he is hoarding.

Everywhere I go people randomly come up to me to tell me exactly what political candidate they want in my country.

Me too! I walk out the door and the paper boy hits me in the head with a paper while yelling Trump. You just can't escape it anywhere in the world!

There's no possible way this jack head started forcing his policies onto others and then started badgering them to say they were pro Trump. It's not like they'd just say something so they could quickly make him go away and get back to their lives. That just doesn't happen.

I'm in the south of France and this guy is talking nonsense

"regular people" no longer give a fuck what some rando CEO land hoarder thinks, or what he "grew up with"

He's an American CEO vacationing on a different continent, how much more regular do you want it?

The fucker's worth between $600 mil and $2.5 bil, just to put his opinion into context. I mean, what kind of regular person isn't worth at least half a billion?

Ah, c'mon! I'm sure you have a few billion laying around the house. Try checking the couch cushions.

Have you tried asking your parents for a modest $1bil loan?

Just need to make coffee at home and stop eating avocados. You'll be a billionaire in no time!

Let me guess - He considers himself "regular people" despite hoarding the very properties needed by actual regular people.

EDIT: Gramar and spleling hard is

Oooh a Fox Business link! Man that’s still got Putin juice on it. Yuk!

These parasites are really getting brazen...

Like Democratic party already panders to corpo clowns, what else do they want them do? Bind to the slaves to the property and make us work for the "landlord"

Oh, Grant Cardone? The fake-billionaire scientologist grifter who got his ass handed to him by T Mobile's CEO? The one whose inner circle reeks of fraud?

THAT Grant Cardone?

Wanna listen to that grifter get called out and embarrassed? (Video includes background info on who Grant Cardone is)

he means not white

I want to create an account on whatever social media they're on and agree with them loudly and adding "What are they planning on doing for the white man?" or something similar to every statement.

The Democrats aren't about regular people anymore! What are they planning on doing for the white man?!?

Except I'm pretty sure a whole shit pile of them would agree with me and nominate me for something or other. Then I'd just be sad.

It's true guys, when he grew up, Democrats were the ones with the KKK in the group. Due to the south being pissed about Republicans ending their tantrum. Now all those racists have moved to the R side, and allowed the dems to push for social progress.

I'm a Working Class American and I ONLY DO what Billionaires tell me too because they OBVIOUSLY have my Best Interest in mind! That's why I think Minimum Wage and Healthcare and Affordable Groceries and Affordable Rent and FEEDING STARVING CHILDREN is BAD! But giving this Billionaire Tax Cuts is GOOD!