'I was given a choice of bosses to sleep with': Life as a female paramedic in the UK

ByteOnBikes@slrpnk.net to News@lemmy.world – 382 points –
'I was given a choice of bosses to sleep with': Life as a female paramedic

Katie* is one of three female paramedics who have shared their experiences of being "hounded" for sexual favours in return for passing training, getting a promotion or simply keeping their jobs.

Although these remarks were often dismissed as "jokes" or "banter", Katie says, occasionally it shifted into a "monumental" abuse of power.

"Handjobs. Blowjobs. They were obsessed with blowjobs," she says.

Once I made a mistake with a patient, and a colleague tried to blackmail me into having sex with him. It was horrendous. When I told him no, he said, "watch your back, because I could rape you".

I don't know how you change this culture. When posters saying "We Do Not Tolerate Sexual Harassment" were put on the doors in the ladies toilets, a man crossed out the "Not" and drew a penis next to a woman's mouth.


In 1999 I had to work on site at a client's London offices in order to prep them for Y2K. Never before or since have I seen such blatant misogyny nad sexual harassment at the workplace. Every office and every location I went to it was the same.

That experience deeply influenced my decisions when I decided to open satellite offices in London and Ireland and we have never had an incident.

Culture starts from the top.

Male colleagues would even walk around the crew room with their penis sticking through the zip of their trousers and their pockets turned out. They'd swing it and sing Nelly The Elephant.

Holy shit is there a word for when you recognize that something is completely and undeniably reprehensible, but also completely fucking hilarious if you remove the problematic context?

Like, I would do this to my wife. Scratch that, I'm gonna do this to my wife and she's gonna think it's funny.

But, obviously, don't do this to your co-workers, or really anyone that hasn't given you prior consent to swing your dick around...

My gender sucks.

The number of arsehole men is too damn high. Whenever I see or hear these stories my blood boils.

I honestly think the world would be better off without 90% of us.

I find that unfair. To you, and to millions of equally trash women.

Call me when a majority of women are voting for fascists. Or when every day there are at least ten stories coming out just like this or when women are terrify men just for being there. There is no place for us in the future. There is hardly a place for us now.

Call me when a majority of women are voting for fascists.

Hi-yo from Russia, lol. I'm in a permanent state of shock from what people around me say and support. And with women it's sometimes even more insane since they don't have much to lose in the ongoing war.

It's good that you've started to dig into sex\gender problems, but that's not the final stage of your journey. There are a lot of intersections between societal, political, biological issues coming into play, that many you would lose yourself at least a dozen of times trying to put them together in your thoughts. Yet, you should remember that you are valid, and that by Occams' razor you shall not see an evil intent in others where it could've been just a plain stupidity.

This is the real reason that women were brought into the general work force.

No... Real reason is so they are making the rich money and families have to consume more.

This is just poorly socialized likely older "men" being sex pests.

Idk, the whole "crossing out the word 'no' on an anti-rape poster and drawing a dick next to the woman's mouth" doesn't exactly scream "old fart" to me.

This is the kind of shit that happens when citizens don't have the right to self defense. In the USA a woman could kill a man in self defense if they started a rape attempt. Without legal access to some kind of weapons for self defense a woman will almost always be at a significant disadvantage in a physical confrontation with a man. I support every woman's inherent right to self-defense against rapists, and governments should too.

Wow there are so many downvoters on here, it's sad that you all want those poor women to have no protection from being raped. Where I'm from the things this article describes are unheard of, because rapists know they will face consequences.

This may shock you, but sexual assault happens in America

That may be true, but at least the women have a fighting chance.

So you're saying that the appropriate response to office sexual harassment is to start shooting lecherous coworkers? I'm not saying it's a bad idea, but I don't think you've thought this through.

Slow down Judge Dredd, having people killi each other with no need to provide proof or due process is not the happy world your brain is conjuring.

You should have gone with the Punisher. The Punisher is a vigilante, Dredd is literally the "due process."

He says it a lot... Like a lot a lot. It's kind of his whole deal? Being the law? And a literal fascist.

Well, let's discuss the meaning of due process... if you mean an established procedure then yes, but if you mean a procedure that is also fair and can account for mistakes I'm in disagreement. Once Dredd has unilaterally decided on a sentence and shot you right there and then, there is no appeal.

That's the fun thing about Dredd: he can always find some crime to execute you for because Megacity One has outlawed everything but licking their boots the exact way they like.

Absolutely. Spot on. Rape doesn't exist in America and no American organizations could ever have a culture of abuse as described in this story.

Out of curiosity , what did you wear to Bill Cosby's funeral? The same outfit you wore to Harvey Weinstein's funeral?

I actually heard that people really believe that Hollywood is a haven for sexual predators and sexual abuse, including rape, is rampant throughout the American entertainment industry. Can you believe that?

Don't they know the 2nd Amendment has eliminated both individual cases of rape and systemic sexual abuse?

Anywho, do you have any plans on watching USA Gymnastics this year?

Cosby and Weinstein are both still alive.

That's impossible, which you would know if you had read the comment I was replying to.

If you had read it, you would have learned that in America the 2nd amendment has prevented if not all, then the overwhelming majority, of all sexual assaults and rapes.

Which means that both men are dead.

The rapist can get a weapon too and being raped at gunpoint isn't quite an improvement. You'll likely get shot before you can draw a gun of your own.

Pepper sprays and tasers exist and can also equalize the playing field with far fewer people dying.

How about we teach boys to not treat women as less than instead of forcing women to have to defend themselves from sexual abusers?

Nip that shit in the bud.

We could, but it's so much easier to just keep blaming women for being temptresses. /s

It's absolutely fucking ridiculous that there are still large workplaces with this kind of culture.

We’d have to dismantle most religions before we can ever see that change.