Trump urges Christians to vote, says they won't have to again if he wins 2024 election to politics – 389 points –

“I don't care how, but you have to get out and vote,” Trump told the crowd at Turning Point Action’s Believer’s Summit. “Christians get out and vote. Just this time. You won't have to do it anymore.”

“In four more years, you know what? It’ll be fixed. It’ll be fine. You won't have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians,” Trump added during his 70-minute long speech. “We'll have it fixed so good. You're not going to have to vote.”


When people tell you who they are, believe it. Trump is going all in on christofascist authoritarianism. There will be no American democracy if he wins. People really need to set aside minor differences, participate in volunteering for Democrat campaigns, and vote blue. This needs to be spread wide and far via social networks, and any attempts to minimize it should be met with forceful condemnation.

Trump doesn't care about Christians or Republicans. The deal is, he gets to be the center of attention and above the law. In exchange, he does whatever the Republicans want. He's too shallow, entitled and stupid to be passionate about anything except his image.

The only reason he is running is to stay out of jail. He doesn't actually want to do any work.

I'm like 80% sure Trump doesn't want to end democracy. He just wants more attention, power, and to protect himself when he goes out after 4 years. He said what he said here not because democracy will be over, but because he can't serve another term as president anymore, and he literally doesn't care what happens after as long as he's setup well, so "christians don't have to vote anymore", since he'll not be involved anymore.

That said, the people he does favors for or listens to want to end it as much as possible.

No offense, but if you believe that, then your head is planted firmly in your butt.

I think you attribute more intelligence/planning behavior to Trump than he actually possesses. He's an individual solely driven by his personal gain, and there's not a lot to be gained for him by ending (the limited) democracy of the US, it's too hard and dangerous. He might give some favors to people that actually have this plan (as I already said), thus essentially "wanting" to end democracy because he gives people that want to end democracy favors so he gets what he wants, but I don't think that he actually cares about this goal at all.

I think you attribute more intelligence/planning behavior to Trump than he actually possesses.

Stop right there. I attribute NO intelligence or planning behavior to trump. I now no longer harbor any doubts about the placement of your cranium in relation to your sphincter.

If he stopped talking after the first paragraph then there is room for interpretation. The second paragraph about having this things "fixed" makes it pretty clear what he means.

I’m like 80% sure Trump doesn’t want to end democracy.

Hmm. Interesting idea. I'm sure the next sentence won't be completely consistent with Trump wanting to end democracy.

He just wants more attention, power, and to protect himself when he goes out after 4 years.


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I want someone to ask him point blank what he means by that. I'm sure he'll spin some lie, but I'm curious what he'd come up with.

If he'd be smart, he'd say "we'll have done such a good job governing that almost everyone will be convinced and vote republican anyway, so Christians don't need to go out anymore"

This dumbass has made enough career ending faux-pas and declarations as to disgrace a dozen or so Congresses worth of politicians, and yet here we are. The desensitization is complete, he can just flatly announce his intention of ending democracy in the middle of an incoherent tirade, and people will cheer.

It really helps understanding how past autocrats got into power.

Hope for the best but prepare for the worst. There’s a chance Trump just wants to be president and once he’s term limited he doesn’t care anymore….

But the cynic in me says he wants to be a dictator

He's outright saying he's going to "fix" them "needing" to vote. One way or another, he definitely wants to not let someone take office after him.

Look, some part of me is still hoping Trump has a real “come to god” moment in which he realizes that he really needs to take responsibility for what he’s done. I’ve never hoped that Trump had a disastrous presidency, but I was always prepared for it.

And quite honestly, I’m not sure Trump /wants/ to be president so much as he does wants “immunity” for his crimes and he realizes he can become filthy rich abusing his power. I don’t think he wants any of the real responsibility

If Trump ever has "come to God" moment, it will be to try and fire Him for getting the attention Trump feels he deserves.

Could the cynic in you be simply remembering the time he said he’d be a dictator for ‘only the first day’ or something to that effect?

He said "on day one". That doesn't mean ONLY one day, that means it will start immediately.

It means that day one he's a dictator. Day two, project 2025 is enacted, and he's not a dictator anymore, he's an emperor.

Honestly, I can’t remember if he said that. He’s done and said so many terrible things that it all melds together for me.

The way I see it, they think Trump "won" in 2020 so they don't even have to vote right now. Your work here is done, Christians, take a nice vacation on election day.

People on the left, please get a rifle, and learn how to use it…

Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. We’ve got political violence on the horizon regardless of the outcome of the election.

People are taking this as an authoritarianism warning sign--that he'll end democracy--but that's the baby version of events. How do we know he doesn't plan to just end the world by starting WW3? Or by executing everyone he doesn't like (e.g. evangelical Christians who he has said in private to many people that he can't stand them)?

He says he only needs to be a dictator for one day. There's only so much you can do in one day. Starting WW3 by sending out the nukes is one of those things.

He doesn’t have the authority to send out nukes. Nor does he have the authority to end voting. This is “Mexico will pay for the wall” all over again.

He knows his dumbass base eats this shit up. So he says it.

This is where Project 2025 enters the chat. They plan to use Schedule F to change the classification of civil servants and make them political appointments. Then instead of just top people that swap out to help the new administration meet goals, they swap out thousands (or hundreds of thousands) of civil servants with fascist friendly bodies looking to rubber stamp anything Trump wants to do.

So they could replace prosecutors all over the country with no "appetite" for prosecuting anyone aligned with Trump. Good luck bringing anything about voting rights before a court, unless it's how Republicans should have won despite a complete lack of evidence. They plan to dismantle the EPA, NOAA, education and on and on. He will have the power to do anything his dementia riddled brain can think up. And taking power back after handing it over to a fascist regime using Project 2025 as the play book is going to involve another civil war.

DING DING DING! This is the intended trajectory. It's also why they're so desperately trying to distance themselves from P2025, they wrote out all down in explicit language.

He already tried a coup once. He's incompetent, but give him four years...

(Of course, very possible he just keels over dead by then, but Vance is more competent. Or at least, he'll listen to Daddy Peter Thiel who'll tell him what to do.)

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Big gov will choose for them after that.