Trump adviser Rudy Giuliani on tape in civil sex assault case tells accuser he wants to ‘own’ her breasts, talks about penis size, disparages Jews to politics – 514 points –
Trump adviser Giuliani on tape in civil sex assault case tells accuser he wants to ‘own’ her breasts, mocks Jews

Conservatives: “It didn’t happen.”

Everyone: “it’s on tape.”

Conservatives: “Fake news, it didn’t happen.”

[assume this to be their reasoning in every argument moving forward]

"That's just locker room talk." Also, Jesus and Christian values... while electing literal villains.

It’s because reality has a liberal bias. So you can’t trust that either. And if you admit that, then you’re on the side of Harris, which is almost as bad as being a satanist.

Rudy was caught doing something revolting and vile? Must be a day ending in 'y.'

Florida man on tape in civil sex assault case tells accuser he wants to ‘own’ her breasts, talks about penis size, disparages Jews.

Does it hit any different?

Florida Man joke is lazy and Giuliani is neither from nor a resident of Florida, so yea?

Found the Florida man

Hurr durr you got me... hey btw did your mom have any kids that lived?

"Florida man jokes are lazy," says man who attempts mom jokes

Just doing my part to help lower the discourse since we're just recycling Reddit jokes here. Glad you care.

uh oh they madde a popculuture refence go get em chammp

Surprising no one.

Sincerely, it surprises me on a basic literary level. That’s a remarkable distance to meander through to reach “those tits are mine” from ‘Jews have smol pp.’

Unrelated, did that site heat up anyone else’s device? It causes my fan to blast.

So my question is, how did this guy come to power in the first place? Was he always like this and it was just hidden from view for 70 years? Or is he going senile and just became crazy and stupid in the last few years? I mean, he's a lawyer and was mayor of New York during 9-11. At least at a distance he seemed to have his shit together for a while.

There was a window of time where this guy was the frontrunner for the GOP nomination for president.

Not surprising that he would say this, but still surprising that people out there like this guy.

Bad article. The link to the court filings didn’t even work

Very crap article:

There’s more ads popping up than on a porn site. You’re not missing anything

I might suggest a browser like Brave. I didn't get served a single add mobile. I can check if the court docs link worked.

Edit: initially the link didn't work for me either. I needed to turn off my VPN so it could work.

Ah, must be the VPN then. Thanks for doing the due diligence!

and that is politics , ladies and gentlemen!