Reddit's largest subreddit, r/funny, has opened back up. to Reddit – 130 points –

Their post announcing it, has comments disabled. I have been going on reddit looking for polls to vote "yes" to continue to participate in the blackout. This was kind of a bummer.

Edit: Looking at the mods most recent post, they're still putting up a fight! And all new posts have 0 upvotes and I can't see comments from RiF anyway. Can anyone else see anything from other reddit apps?


June 30th is gonna be real interesting once the reality of the situation sets in. I encourage everyone here to be the change you want to see - don't be afraid to participate here and create a new magazines for any niche interest you may have!

June 30th

I predict a huge drop once the aps stop working. Anyone using RiF and having to switch to the Reddit ap is going to have a hard time. It's really bad. I just opened it up because I haven't used it in a while... Boom. 2nd entry down. Big fat ad. Took up the whole page. Awful looking ad too.

I’ve never used the official app (used Relay on Android then more recently Apollo when I switched to iOS) and this is horrible.

I'm glad to see another Relay user! It's underrated - it seems like a bunch of other apps get the spotlight, but Relay is still my favourite reddit app.

There is no way I'll be using it. I tried it once when RiF was down. Uninstalled within a few minutes. I'm so used to RiF, when I'm playing a game on my pc, I would still prefer browsing reddit via RiF over the web browser.

Since it seems that Reddit admins will eventually just replace mods that refuse to open their subs back up and force them back open anyway, maybe actually opening subs back up would be best thing to do. NOT opening back up to business as usual though. r/videos, for example, could reopen and change their rules to allow only discussions about the best VHS camcorders from the 80s for recording videos, just not actual videos. r/Funny could change their rules and only allow text posts of knock-knock jokes.

This would ensure that those mods aren’t officially breaking any “rules” and the mods that are willing to actually stand up wont risk being ousted in favor of installed mods that are favorable to Reddit’s views. Reddit can have all their subs reopened, but they dont have to remotely resemble anything that they once were. I didn’t see them say anything about that. They could create a sticky that says something like, “Until Reddit reconsiders, this sub is now about X” (just more eloquently said). Make the content so dumb and ridiculous and maybe it’ll get more attention than continuing the blackouts (since they think it’s all going to fizzle out anyway), and keep the good mods in control. They said reopen, but they didnt say it had to be good. Malicious compliance.

Just thinking of ways to stay one step ahead, and it would be absolutely hilarious too. The great rebranding!

I love this! Agitation and frustration while following the terms and conditions and reddiquette

You're thinking like a r/maliciouscompliance mod, and I love it!

Reminds me of stories I've heard of dictatorships where newspapers would replace censored articles with random things, so you'd see in the economy section a full page with a cookie recipe, stuff like that.

Unfortunately the protest seems to basically be done. I think Mods should have had a plan to come back but to “quiet quit” and allow communities to go to shit to prove that what they do has value. Plus it would be much harder for Reddit to control that or identify where it’s being done.

Unfortunately it seems there was no real plan beyond the 2 day blackout, which should have been a starting point not a finish line.

I'd bet when the 3rd party apps are actually gone, we'll get a second wind. People haven't been forced to use the shitty app yet.

My thought too. Having every 3rd post be an ad gets old, and the realities of how shitty a platform it is will set in quick. Plus old.reddit is next. Many people in the browser still use that. The future of RES is also in question.

Can you imagine having to use new Reddit and not having RES? only thing that'll be missing is the popup that says to turn your ad blocker off...

I'm about to go on vacation until the end of the month, but I'm probably just gonna try to step away from social media in general and just read books more instead. These ghouls are just taking a note from Twitter not completely tanking after Elon did evil anti-competitive shit and figuring they can do the same, so the only way to show them otherwise is to withdraw any support or attention you give them.

I have read 3 books since the blackout. I didn't realize how much space and time Reddit was taking from me, considering I'm also using kbin and beehaw now.

What is going on? I've seen this comment five times in the thread but I go to your profile I only see one?

Not the person you're talking to, but I see the same issue with your comment (the one I'm replying to now) being duplicated, but not showing on your profile.

Probably just ongoing growth issues causing a glitch or four.

According to Reddark this morning more than half of all subreddits are still dark, so I wouldn’t call the protest done. It’s still having a substantial impact.

To clarify, reddark is not showing all subreddits, just subreddits that committed to going dark. There's greater than 100k active subreddits.

Big subs like r/funny coming back online is a big deal though. Plus the general sentiment in the comments has seemingly shifted away from “fuck Reddit” to “fuck the mods” which is exactly what the admins want.

But all the people who actually provide good content and care about reddit being good have been alienated, so the people that are left in for a fun surprise. Hey, why isn't anybody posting good content anymore? But, but.... but... I'm entitled to good content... what do you mean I actually have to participate?

June 30th is the big day, maybe they’ll make another attempt. On an app that’s all about just shooting the shit, and not giving too many shits about others due to anyonmity, Reddit/Spez were counting on the “I don’t give a shit” mentality to stick around on Reddit.

So with that said, I’d rather not give a shit about Reddit and have this just be a catalyst for people who even give a few shits about the internet or just decency, to head here.. then feel better about not giving a shit about a lot of shit except whatever shit you’re into, on a platform that promotes better, less greedy, less out-to-get-you type shit.

Is it funny yet?

Only if you like seeing the same content and comments regurgitated ad nauseam.

I was on Reddit for 15 years and r/funny was never funny IMO. Reddit has always had pretty cringe attempts at culture/humour, the ‘narwhal bacons at midnight’ attempts at 4chan-lite culture was lame over a decade ago.

I honestly miss the "narwhal bacons at midnight" era. Things were simpler then.

It is what it is, and it was expected. Curious to see what happens around the 30th, all we can do right now is throw it a downvote. I'm finally finding my footing around kbin so there's the silver lining.

As bummed as I am (10 years of lurking for cat pics and rocks is a long time), I'm really excited for what kbin and everything else has in store!

Yeah, I might have to fast forward my full departure from Reddit if they're going to be so agressively anti-consumer.

Yeah, I'm basically done. I log in every couple of days to just kind of keep tabs on things and then log back out - it's gotten particularly unpleasant as it feels like the active users on bigger subs are now largely trollish and inflammatory. (Obviously running the risk of being trollish and inflammatory myself by saying that.) I've deleted Apollo from my phone, and am mostly focused on figuring our Kbin and the Fediverse.

Does anyone give a shit? Oh no the horror! The users who browse r/funny won't emigrate to another platform.

The users who browse r/funny won't even migrate to a subreddit that has funny content.

Yes, some people obviously give a shit or it wouldn't have been posted here.

I think they don't really understand what they wish for.

Personally I don't care if the users of r/funny emigrate, but the largest sub in the blackout continuing to be down would continue to hurt Reddit, which I wanted to see.

Unfortunately reddit was never going to allow that. I'm sure spez genuinely thought that mods would throw their little fit and then it would be business as usual. Once he realized that this wasn't a flash in the pan he was more than ready to put his boot on some necks. At this point the mods should just abandon their posts and move on to greener pastures. They don't owe reddit anything much less a two week notice. It's not like they're on Reddit's payroll or anything.

There is something going on though, as posts show more comments than I’m seeing loading in Apollo, and also new posts/threads are locked for comments. Dissenting mods in the team who have yet to be removed?

Iirc, the entire team is dissenting. No one wanted to open back up, they were forced to by Reddit threatening their kneecaps.

More subs are opening up now. It was nice when it lasted.

so basically reddit lost its useful side and is now a zombie?

Signaling their desire for users to remain on the platform?