Borderlands 3 Surges In Popularity After Movie Bombs At Box Office

nanoUFO@sh.itjust.worksmod to – 161 points –
Borderlands 3 Surges In Popularity After Movie Bombs At Box Office

Had nothing to do with the 90% off price on Steam, I’m sure.

Seeing a bad movie makes you nostalgic for the game, it makes sense

Not even seeing the movie, just media talking about it catches people's attention.

Borderlands 2 is such a good game that one of its DLCs (Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep) is also one of the best games ever made, in its own right.

Man. 2010-2015 were some STRONG years in gaming. Portal 2 and its DLCs, Borderlands 2 and its DLCs, Skyrim, Shadow of Mordor, Hearthstone, The Last Of Us, Pokemon X & Y...

Edit: this comment appears to have lost its parent, so now it just seems like a non sequitur, but you folks are smart.

BL2 still works on Linux, too. I can't play BL3, which I hear is the better game (albeit with worse plot).

I tried the Epic Version of BL3 (when they gave it away) via Heroic Launcher and that works flawlessly. However I did not yet try online coop.

Hmm, maybe next time I'm buying games, I'll pick up BL3 hoping it works on my Debian system through Proton or something.

Thanks for the info.

I think it might have better QOL features, but honestly the gameplay loop in BL2 is better. And I think the engine might be more robust, too.

I'm only playing 3 because it's the only game in the series I didn't finish. The villains are so god awful and the writing is so cringe that I've had to step away from playing it several times over the years.

2 is still the best game by far.

The writing is really awful but boy the gameplay is fun. It's certainly the step up from Borderlands 2 that was needed (even though I love BL2 more in every other way)

The gameplay is great when they leave the fucking balance alone. "Nice build you just finished, too bad it sucks now! Farm more!"

You are right. I just can't get myself to finish nr3

Agreed. Had a ton of time in others (minus tps) probably 1k hours in 2

Been playing 3 with dialogue muted and no subtitles. Becomes a good youtube/ tv game as the gameplay is pretty fun

2 > 1 > 3 > TPS

Are the 3rd and TPS that bad? I'm a massive fan of the first 2

I agree with this order. TPS is a slog. It is almost entirely comprised of traveling across the map and then traveling back the way you came except everything just respawned. Over and over again.

The 3rd game makes item drops boring. 'Legendary' gear is ludicrously common which makes anything sub-Legendary pointless. There's no excitement when a legendary item drops because they always drop. The story also does not compare with the second, which was awesome, or even the first, which was pretty good.

Borderlands 2 also has a pretty good VR port that I highly recommend.

I agree with the 2>1>3>TPS, however

While there are many things to enjoy in borderlands 2, some of the design choices are so questionable to me.

The splitting of backpack space with bank space and giving 'a little more' between the two felt horrible when compared to just having up to 72 backpack slots from the first game, which was compounded by the added slag element, enemies using the good strength/weakness body type from the armory of general Knox dlc from bl1, and horrible ammo economy for nearly all weapons.

They removed the entire guardian series of legendary weapons and most forms of ammo regen from class mods, making it either mandatory to run multiple weapon types with no class supports (generally each character has 2 supported types), playing (with) salvador, or enjoying the shopping interface quite often. The extra ammo spending weapons really didn't help this at all.

Aside from a few other smaller picks, these generally made the gameplay less enjoyable than the first for me, but the story, enemies (especially bosses), and locations/lore were leagues better than the first. I'm split on the dlcs, but both games did have at least one great dlc.

The Oz kits in TPS were a great addition, but there were way too many repeated trips down the same corridors.

Have you played Tiny Tina's Wonderlands? It's pretty similar to 3, but I loved the hell out of the setting and meta jokes

I played two hours of it and hated the gameplay.

Dang really? I liked how they decided to not even attempt to call them grenades and just made it magic. I haven't played all the classes yet, but they all did seem more barebones than BL2 and 3, likely because you multiclass.

I have had this game on EGS for I don't even remember how long since they gave it away for free. Never actually played it because my brother, who is the biggest Borderlands fan I know, says it's absolute fucking garbage.

I bet it's still better than the movie, though.

It's the worst of the mainline games story-wise, for sure. The mechanics are fine.

Most likely. Better off replaying 2 or even the Pre-Sequel. The low-grav butt stomp feature is fun.

The gameplay is really well done I think. As much as I love 2, the way you move in 3 makes 2 feel old and kinda slow. As long as you play solo it’s really fun, it’s the story that’s utter garbage but everything else is good.

I did an all achivs marathon of 1,2 and 3. 3 was such a damn slog that I couldn't bring myself to play pre sequel. The characters were all given so much extra cringe in an unenjoyable way. Ava and the twins are particularly bad to the point that they make god of war's rebellious phase atreus pleasant. I should have played pre sequel before, but I didn't have it so I went on to 3 and I think I'll be fine never playing a borderlands game again.

The previews made the movie look nonsensical and confusing.

From the reviews I've seen (Outside Xbox), that's the most you'll get out of it. It's mostly a nothing burger, "bad" is the best thing you can say about it.

The story and dialogue is really cringe. The worst part is they straight up disrespect old characters, reducing them down into jokes. Axton and sal come to mind,

But the gameplay and atmosphere are top notch, some really talented people put their souls into the game. I find myself stopping and looking when I find some beautiful scenery, and just having a moment.