Teamsters President — Who Spoke at RNC — Slams Trump’s Position on Firing Striking Workers: ‘Economic Terrorism’ to politics – 349 points –
Teamsters President — Who Spoke at RNC — Slams Trump’s Position on Firing Striking Workers: ‘Economic Terrorism’

Maybe next time don't support someone that tried to overthrow the government.

Did they support Trump though? He spoke at the RNC but his speech was vehemently anti-Republican.

Yeah - I was the first to criticize him for thing there, but the speech was very pro-union and a slap in the face to the GOP. He walked into the lion's den giving double-fingers.

Honestly, as someone who lost their job, in part, thanks to Sean O'Brien, I really applauded his speech to the RNC. It was great.

If he cost you your job, you were on borrowed time anyway.

I definitely won't go into it in details for obvious reasons, it's mostly management failing to negotiate in good faith, just trying to say while I've plenty of personal reason to have beef with him, but really appreciate what he has to say

He praised Trump, Vance, and other anti-union politicians in his speech. So, yes?

And ya know is vehemently anti-labor. This guy was a fucking clown for deciding to make that speech at that venue.

You need to go where people are to speak to them - I can't speak to their personal motivations but they ended up delivering a good message to a bunch of folks that would never normally hear it because unions are "lib'ruhl".

He was stage managed and ended up simply giving bona fides to Trump's "working man" schtick. It didn't go well, it helped Trump, hurt democrats, and generally showed a hubris that ended up hurting the interests of labor unions.

Want evidence? Look how many people in this thread took exactly the opposite message from his appearance at the RNC. Whatever his intentions, the actuality of the situation harmed the cause of organized labor.

Politics is pragmatics. He got beat.

Dude tried to play both sides against the middle as the GOP was fumbling the ball.

Blue collar union dipshits are a majority Trump supporters and don't think they're voting against their interests. Its not surprising he went to the RNC.

He never supported Trump. His speech was phenomenal. Maybe you should go listen to it.

blue collar union dipshits

Why ever won't they flock to our cause?

I recommend actually listening to the speech, he was very much not playing both sides

In this thread: "bothering to reach half the country who tends not to agree (or understand) your positions is icky".

Y'all need to get on board with diversity of tactics. Memeing on your ass isn't going to cut it alone.

The union's job is to empower the workers, like it or not, by getting inserted at the RNC, it will have a lasting impact.

Case in point, is it more impactful to hear a criticism of Trump from a DNC speaker or an RNC speaker? Wtf is the actual complaint here?

His presence gives the Republicans standing to claim (however falsely) that they're the party of working people.

I get the argument, but it seems to me that the RNC took advantage of him much more than the other way around.

That may be true, but he also got a different kind of message out to a large variety of viewers that was different from the rest of the convention.

Lol if you think the bozo who is in a union and votes Republican will ever change their minds about anything. News flash buddy it's ain't logic they are running on. You might as well preach to a wall.

This comment chain has illustrated how effective control over corporate media is. All I knew before was that he spoke at the RNC, and assumed the worst, which I'm sure was the intention. The content of his speech is definitely not widely distributed.

Alternative Headline: Union boss who sold out for power flip-flops after angering its paying members and realizing he will likely lose current position next union election cycle. This and more at 11....

Did you watch his speech? He wasn't there cause he sold out. He was there to give a message. Your kneejerk reaction shows you didn't even watch his speech.

No shit right?

Most lemmings don't seem to be able to get past a sophmore level of analysis on politics.

To Lemmy users who just don't get it: The headline was "Headline speaker at night one of RNC refuses to endorse Trump"

Sean O’Brien used the RNC as a platform to deliver the most pro-labor, pro-progressive, anti-capitalist speech of ALL TIME. As in, hands down, the most progressive speech, at ANY major party political convention EVER.

He took the platform, and didnt endorse the candidate. Do you have any idea how big of a fucking deal that is?

If you are mad that Sean O'Brien took the opportunity to use a platform he was offered to speak truth to power, this is you:

Full disclosure I haven't watched the speech, but I can believe it was in good faith, no doubt pro-labor/anti-capitalist. (btw, it's crazy how bad the Democratic party has alienated the working class)

What I can't believe is these disturbing-ass memes you're posting lmao...I hate them very much and wish I could unsee. Good job!

Full disclosure I haven’t watched the speech i have no fucking clue what I'm talking about.


I'm literally agreeing with you. Not sure what you're fixing about my phrasing -- I didn't watch the speech, so yes, I am ignorant, but am willing to guess that your comment was totally correct.

I'm also saying your meme-game disturbs my meme-less brain.

But I guess according to you, I have no idea what I'm talking about so in that're wrong? Idk what youre trying to say dude all I know is that just because O'Brien spoke at the RNC doesn't somehow automatically make him a Trump supporter

just go watch the speech before commenting dude.

it's like 4 minutes

To be fair it hasn't paid dividends weeding through mountains of vitriolic, bigotry and small-mindedness for a literal diamond in the rough. It's not too far fetched to see how many could think speaking at a party convention for fascist asshats is a tacit endorsement.

Did media ask him when he is going to rescind his endorsement?

He explicitly didn't endorse a candidate.

I don't think he implicitly endorced anyone either

Reading comprehension fail on my part

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