What is your favorite internet mystery?

thynecaptain@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 90 points –

John Titor

Ooh strong throwback here. I can’t remember most of his predictions but I recall he had strong reference in that Steins;Gate visual novel game.

He was the reference for the anime, a bunch of the plot hinged on him

'Everyone Knows That' was recently found and it was a really funny situation

How so?

edit: /gen

Some dude was mid goon session and found it. It was in some deep 80s sexy tape and was made just for that video

Where is the writer of My Immortal now?

I hope they're living their best life. I hope they see how far their writing has come, and feel at least a little pride at how much of an impact their work has had.

I wonder what ever happened to that Boxy kid.

At first I thought she was shoeonhead, since she looks similar and the name tracks from the era Boxxy was active, but apparently it's a different person.

Man, i've been on the Internet since the mid-90s, and ive never heard of ANY of these.

Guess I'm just old.

We mostly know these from YouTubers that are big enough to have terminally online fans that send them the juicy but relatively unknown mysteries, or are themselves terminally online.

I can provide you with a list of channels if you wish.

Took me 20 min :

Way to high quality for YouTube videos :


Relatively small channels : 





The really Big  :








Japan specific:


Okay, I know it has been concluded that it was just a story that evolved and became this legend, based on some very simple and non-mysterious incident or maybe none at all, but I was really intrigued by The Man From Taured. It was a really chilling story, regardless.

How the cylinder situation from that reddit post was resolved.

I remember that the Pokemon Creepypastas were all the rage in the early '00s

What happened with that blue eyed weeaboo girl with a nice rack? Forgot her name, Hanna?

Fuck, I actually know who you are talking about. I forgot what internet story was made up for her. I think it was "got married and quit YT," but I'm not sure how true it is.

I remember watching her Japanese Word of the Day videos. Misshannahminx was her whole name. I had to look it up.

Yeah that one, I remember her work out video the most, best push ups I've seen.