Lemmy World SysOplocked

lwadmin@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy.World Announcements@lemmy.world – 1343 points –

Lemmy.World is looking for 4 new Systems operators to help with our growing community.

Volunteers will assist our existing systems team with monitoring and maintenance.

We’re ideally looking for chill folks that want to give back to their community and work on our back-end infrastructure. Must have 4+ years of professional experience working in systems administration. We are not looking for junior admins at this time. Please keep in mind that, while this is a volunteer gig, we would ask you to be able to help at least 5-10 hours a week. We also understand this is a hobby and that family and work comes first.

Applicants must be okay with providing their CV and/or LinkedIn profile AND sitting for a video interview. This is due to the sensitivity of the infrastructure you will have access to.

We are an international team that works from both North America EST time (-4) and Europe CEST (+2) so we would ask that candidates be flexible with their availability.

If you are in AEST (+10) or JST (+9) please let us know, as we are looking for at least one Sysadmin to help out during our overnight.

You may be asked to participate in an on-call pool. Please keep in mind that this is a round-robin style pool, so it's alright if you're busy as it will just move along the chain.

If you're interested and want to apply, click here.


I have the experience, but not the energy nor passion as I am almost burned out already. I hope you find some awesome people.

If it was a paying gig would you consider it? 5 to 10 hours a week, let's say 10. What kind of salary would you expect?

Just curious.

I also have the desired skill set and experience far surpassing what they’re asking for but not the time or energy to do this since my work already demands 60+ hours a week and on-call from me. Yes I’m American.

To answer your pay question; around 4-500 would be the average pay for 10 hours this position in the working world. Since the fediverse instances have next to zero reliable income (donations can’t be counted as reliable) I understand this is a difficult if not impossible bill to pay. This is why they’re asking for volunteers whose work schedule is more sane and therefore have the energy and time to commit. I wish I was available to do so, maybe if my current job search is successful at finding something more chill.

Knowing this is a volunteer project, I'd never request renumeration. If I were contracting with a large company, I guess I'd charge 300-500 per day. That's just based on quotes I get on LinkedIn, as I've never worked as a contractor. Also I couldn't have it interfere with my main job, where I'm also on call, so it would be lower priority.

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So I'm a systems engineer in the real world for an (almost) unicorn (current valuation might even have tossed us over that magic number). My salary is on the lower end of the spectrum but I'm happy with it because normally the work life balances is dandy. My total comp is well into 6 figures USD. Oh and I'm fully remote.

Now, this is not something you can get out of highschool. I've been working with Linux for 10+ years, built (and maintained) entire AD forests, have a fairly deep understanding of networking and containerization, etc.

Again. You don't start like me. You start getting a gig in front line help desk and answer questions. In your free time at work you learn (that's never going to stop). Eventually your outgrow help desk and move into some other role (and keep learning). The people who are successful in this field A) can always be learning, B) have a means to destress/avoid burnout and C) have customer service skills.

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oof its like you're either me or i'm you. hope you find your way past the burn out or out of it if you end up sinking into it. i'm going on like 3.5 years of battling it and there are better days and worse days, but i have no idea what else to even do. managing infra and writing code have been my entire career up to now.

I'm about 1.5 years into it. Lost most passion for the job, but there are flashes of motivation here and there. Considering trying to move into full time development, but that would take a lot of effort. Tired of keeping up with the kubernetes ecosystem too.

Ah, alright, not quite me - I'll be 14 years deep in November. Honestly, one of the things that kept me motivated over the years was moving around - I stayed at the same company, but I started out doing QA (by hand, no automation), then got moved to handle release management, then moved to IT as a general Linux admin and spent a few years doing that, made friends with an infosec manager and he offered me a spot on his team working remote and doing container/docker security which morphed into a cloud security thing after he left the company (I hated the cloud). A couple years back I moved back to non-cloud/non-infosec work doing automation stuff with Ansible mainly, and for the time being only for our on-prem infrastructure (this may change in the future and I'm not really looking forward to it all that much).

At this point, nothing is really helping get my head back into the game 100% but I can still put out work and I'm just trying to find the joy in small victories and chasing the high you get when the code you wrote works flawlessly. I'm blessed to have a solid management structure above me who a) know me, b) like me (and the feeling is mutual, they're all great people), and c) are happy with my output.

I don't envy you working with kubernetes - my time in container security came during the early days of large companies trying to move to turning everything into microservices. It was a wild west kind of vibe and I basically had free reign... nowadays, I don't think I'd enjoy any of that in its current form.

I have great soft skills and I write pretty well, but outside of that my skillset is basically a degraded/decayed technology one because I've been treading water for a while now and not actively keeping up with all the shit in our sector that changes on a constant basis.

I've also seriously weighed moving into development, but I'm not sure if that's just going to fix anything for me. I like writing Python, but I don't know how that would feel full-time. Sucks, man.

14 years deep in November.

Since July 1996 here, amateur/volunteer since ~93.

not actively keeping up with all the shit in our sector that changes on a constant basis

Learn the stuff that doesn't change as fast for a foundation, and go from there into stuff that tickles the coding fancy. Let the mayfly tech be handled by caffeine-addled thrill-chasers, while you just build stuff and sleep well.

That's basically where I'm wedging myself in now. Ansible and Python, higher value but lower stress projects. Bigger wins, but ones that are able take the time needed to put them together, test, and refine.

It's almost a back-to-my-roots kind of thing for me, but with a fresh twist in terms of approach. I'm basically writing automations that make life easier for ops guys, to boil it down to it's essence.

Tired of keeping up with the kubernetes ecosystem

Yep. You can either do the work, or spend many times that on people to do the work in kubes.

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In my opinion Lemmy.world should start selling a bit of merchandising (t-shirt and so on), just to add a little on the donation side.

BTW. the donation links are in the group info.

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A CTO of 5 years with many more years of experience here. I would be really glad to help, but not in scenario where I have to prepare a CV for international readers and have no pay at all as this looks to me like a job application with no job.

Considering you are running on Digitalocean infrastructure, I am completely unsure why you would ever need Ansible and Terraform as it just adds complexity without certain benefit, especially if you mention Kubernetes which DO already provides with two clicks.

I'd personally suggest trying out ArgoCD for declarative clusters. With this thing, I've seen 2 companies maintained by a single DevOps engineer with no problems. Huge timesaver and makes everything transparent.

In case this process changes and becomes less corporate-y and more transparent, I'll be ready to apply. Hope you're going to find the right people! Long live Lemmy World!

Ansible/Teraform are portable. I don't see it's usage as a failing, rather as avoiding DO lock in.

Agreed with the rest though. This is quite the ask.

I'm a big fan of Kubernetes, and for larger projects the flexibility and power it brings is unrivalled. But for smaller projects, assuming equal levels of competence, delivery teams using managed Kubernetes are almost universally later and have more issues than teams that use simpler solutions. Container-as-a-service solutions like GCP CloudRun or AWS FarGate help somewhat, but are not cheap for a given amount of compute time.

Terraform (or IaC in general) absolutely has a place, because even if you use Kubernetes, most projects have more infrastructure to manage than just the cluster - at the very least, lemmy.world has a CloudFlare proxy to manage - and clicking buttons in a management portal is not a repeatable way of deploying that, or deploying the Kubernetes clusters themselves.

Ansible also has a place, particularly if you're deploying onto bare metal. I wouldn't use it for new deployments unless I had bare metal to configure and maintain, but lemmy.world is deployed onto a bare metal server as I understand it. Plus, the most effective tooling is generally the one your team understands.

IaC is the right move. It transfers complexity, it necessarilt doesn't add it. It makes your deployments reproduceable and automated.

Which is a baseline to having highly available infrastructure. Not everyone will be familiar, or have the right mindset for that sort of DevOps.

I read it as Lemmy World PsyOp at first and thought there’s some conspiracy bullshit happening on the instance. lol. Good luck on your search!

Lemmy World psychological operations, the secret communist agenda of the administration team!!! leaked!

Senior Network engineer with lots of experience in the field (servers + network), 15+ years if you need help let me know I'm happy to lend a hand.

4 applicants x 5-10 hours is .5 to 1 full time employees. Very generously speaking the ask here is for 100k/yr in free labor. The stringent interview process is going to be very limiting on potential candidates.

The experience isn't going to be a learning experience since you're looking for people that already know it all and I wouldn't even put it on a resume, it just advertises to employers you're ok being lowballed.

Perhaps this is a necessity for an instance of this size, but to me that seems to indicate that lemmy.world has reached the upper end of reasonable scalability, which given the workings of the fediverse would be fine.

Yeah, I agree. I really doubt they're going to find anyone with these conditions

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Out of curiosity, will you be able to weed out bad faith volunteers? I am sure there are a variety of interests that would be more than willing to pay a junior admin to be a Lemmy Sysop and it’s not like the candidate will volunteer that information.

I think they'll be fine, the form asks for a CV + video call + lemmy user name and optional github profile.

I'd be surprised if a bad faith candidate got through that. A probation period could work here, where their access is a bit restricted at first

Hum, I hate to be that guy, but the good (experienced) bad actors have multiple profiles curated exactly for this reason. There's a reason why companies require proof of identity and a background security check.

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How about another approach?

There is no good reason for Lemmyworld to keep on growing to an extent that this kind of overhead is necessary. The idea of Lemmy is decentralization and not creating a new reddit instance. Close your registration, limit your amount of communities and let Lemmy grow in other directions.

The thing is. Not to grow. LW wants to get stable.

Understandable, but aren't growth and instability related in this case? There are many instances with capacity that are already run by capable people. Just spread the load (ahem) across the Lemmy verse and only handle as much as you can. But maybe I'm missing a point, I just think that this would be the best for Lemmy in the long run.

I mean is that even up to them? People gravitate to the places with the most content, and right now that's lemmy world. I think the only way they could combat that is to make lemmy world private, but it might lead to people not using lemmy at all instead of spreading out to other instances.

The other option I see is to make the instances more specialized and basically do away with generalist instances like lemmy world. So you have an instance focused on news with its own subcommunities, one for gaming, one for politics etc. But that could hurt usability. It's not an easy problem to solve.

I agree with your points and like the idea of more specialized instances and also country related instances. I think it's solvable if the different admins work together.

Lemmy.world doesn't have to go private, they could just not accept more users and communities for a while. It wouldn't change much since everyone will still be able to post and comment on Lemmy.world from all instances. New users would just have to choose a different instance that's all.

For me that's the whole point, I don't see any benefit of a big instance, the Lemmyverse doesn't need one.

You may be asked to participate in an on-call pool

Unfortunately, this is where I noped out. But I ditch most paid positions where I can't avoid standby-time.

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Get rid of TLS 1.0 and 1.1 - good luck 👍

I spent 4-5 years running a high traffic server using Linux, nginx, apache, php and whatever we did with Python, and would be glad to help. This was in 2010 though, so….

I know, I meet all of the Soft skills, like four of the Systems knowledge, and maybe 0.5 of the Ideal Devops skills. But I have certifications, love 90s cartoons, and hate oatmeal raisin cookies - so I’m thinking I’m perfect.

Very cool! Would be nice to have folks from different timezones to help with outages that currently occur mostly when everyone in the team is sleeping. Good luck!

Sysop... reminds of the good ol' BBS days. What a great time that was.

I operated a few in the nineties. Sacred Grounds running pcboard BBS software. Kinda miss those days, it was great 😃

Lol. I read the header as "Lemmy World PsyOp" and was like "well, that's disappointing," lol.

Do you get paid in Recognition Bucks?

They cant currently afford like another 4k expenses for a dedicated sysop engineer. It will destroy their savings for the instance and lw would get shut down in 3 months. The server costs are high too.

I'm a noobie sysadmin so I don't have enough experience yet. Hope you guys find some people to help out!

No offense but you're asking for some crazy free labor. This would only make sense for college students or new grads trying to get experience. Why would I add another on-call shift to my existing career?

Everyone involved is a volunteer. If it's not for you it's not for you. All good!

It's a FOSS project, of course they're asking for volunteers. They're all volunteers themselves. It's not like the lemmy devs are making gobs of money from it.

You do know that lemmy.world is a non-profit volunteer project, right?

I'd love to help out one day but right now my experience is just hosting random things for fun that I find on github

I totally hope you'll get enough admins to help out. Alas, I'm way to short on time to commit to this now. After 28y sysadmin and developing on Unix and Linux, I could use some project that is useful, but alas, no time to spare now. (Maybe later)

I'm curious what the backend looks like based on your requirements here... Ansible is always a red flag for me that your servers are pets not cattle. Just maintain a golden image, especially since you mention kubernetes. And if you're using self managed kubernetes USE REMOTE ETCD. Trust me, it will save you so much time and drama.

I wouldn't be interested unless it's paid so I am just throwing that out there for y'all to consider.

If you need a janitor I can help but back end stuff is over my head.

wow nice, hope you get some qualified folks! regrettably I dont have time or I'd toss my hat in the ring

I'm like a junior in experience but would love to help and especially learn how to help. I also have a lot of free time

Christ this is a stupid fucking battle. YOU 👏 CANNOT 👏 REPLICATE 👏 AN OPS 👏 TEAM 👏 FOR 👏 FREE. You dumb twats. I fucking would love to see this place succeed but none of you want to grasp reality and the costs of making a service highly available and the privacy costs.

Start a fucking non profit, publish your costs, require subscriptions from heavy users, hire a team of devs and ops and publish your fucking sheets at the end of the year to show you aren't hoarding it. e.g. Mozilla.

Grow the fuck up. If you want to power a tech revolution do the fucking work. ./ End rant

On anti work this would be a request for 1/4th FTE with no benefits. I'm sure you'll get there best of the best.