Democrats Abandoned Their Anti-Death Penalty Stance. Those on Federal Death Row May Pay the Price. to politics – 52 points –
Democrats Abandoned Their Anti-Death Penalty Stance. Those on Federal Death Row May Pay the Price.

That's a weird claim, when the Central Park Five were speakes at the DNC, probably the most well known symbol against death penalty.
And the democrats have both a presidential candidate and VP candidate that are clearly against the death penalty.

Download the party program pdf:
Link to page:

Direct link to download:

Page 38 of the party program:
>And Democrats continue to support abolishing the death penalty.

Article is bullshit because the claim in the headline:

Democrats Abandoned Their Anti-Death Penalty Stance.

Is easily refuted by the facts of the policies of their candidates.

And the claim below the headline:

remove death penalty opposition from their party platform.

Is evidently false. It's right there on page 38 of their official program!!!

Here's a link to the 2024 platform. It does not include the quoted line from the 2020 platform document, or any other reference to "death penalty".

Imagine how wonderful it would be, if journalists linked sources that are essential to their story.
That said, this is not their official program, it's based heavily on Biden policies, not Kamala Harris.
I imagine with Harris as their new candidate, democrats will make a new program. As it is, this program is basically meaningless. Both Harris and Walz strongly oppose death penalty.
So I maintain the story is grossly misleading. As is evident by the invitation of one of the Exonerated Five to the DNC.

I was unable to find any mention of it in the 2024 platform. But then they didn't even have time to change the names in it. So I'm not sure what, if anything, it actually signifies.

They step right, we meet them in the new middle.

I think the Intercept is junk. Jeremy left to make another org btw so yea this is propaganda for whomever paid the bill.

They keep bragging about many Republicans they had on stage. Great, I guess the Democrats are just the Republicans from 10-20 years ago if those speakers find the current Democratic party palatable. I'm sure that will rally people to vote blue like they did in 2008. Was it caving on immigration, peace, and crime what made Obama so popular?

This is why I think it's not impossible that we'll have a party swap where these right wing politicians all become the new democratic party and the progressives fuck off to form a new left wing.

They're not even Republicans from 10-20 years ago. They're Republicans from five years ago.

Yes because Republicans from five years ago would definitely have all the largest union leaders and several socialists speaking at their convention.

If they were speaking at the DNC, they were not socialists. They had more Republicans and cops speaking at that convention than marginalized communities.

If they were speaking at the DNC, they were not socialists.

So Bernie and AOC aren't socialists now?

They had more Republicans and cops speaking at that convention than marginalized communities.

Uh? No they didn't? Did you even watch the convention? They had a few Republicans and cops who spoke for less than ten minutes each. Meanwhile they had dozens of women of color, and women's rights were one of the main themes of the entire convention.

Why would they watch the conversation when you can just make up what you feel probably happened based on emotion?

Lemmy has a real feelings = facts problem and it's sad.

Bernie and AOC have never been socialists.

Lol, he literally argues for the means of production being owned by workers.

I mean, he does argue for worker co-ops, yes.

Yes, he also supports forcefully cooperativizing companies over time. He wanted to create a program to gradually have a federally backed buyout of the largest 1000 U.S companies, with mandatory partial worker ownership of any company over a certain number of employees, and mandatory votes for the corporate boards for workers.

Here was the plan from the campaign.

Sounds like a great idea.

It also sounds like socialism.

I mean I agree it's a good idea of course. I just wanted to make the point that Bernie and AOC are, in fact, socialists. Way too many people from all sides of the political spectrum think "Oh he just wants to be like Denmark he's not really socialist" or "Bernie would be right wing in Europe" just because the media didn't really ever cover his cooperativization plan or talk of workplace democracy.

Is anyone surprised after hearing her acceptance speech?

Her acceptance speech was bog standard for a democratic nominee, she played to both conservatives and progressives. Don't act like she's suddenly now a conservative because she pandered to the military and veterans.

She was pandering to moderate to more right wing conservatives.

because the campaign knows any relatively sane person is already not voting for trump. the campaign is try to pull in a few of the "stupid" / "distracted" / "both sides bad" / "only voted republican before but they are weird now" people.

we wont really know anything about a harris administration until she starts selecting appointments. so far her VP selection is tentatively 'opefull.

We know that blackrock is driving her economic policy, you know, the same people that have made housing unaffordable for most of the nation. And the rest of the cabinet will be handpicked by Citibank.

The ticket is pandering to progressives as well, there's no way in hell Tim Walz would be going up there and saying Healthcare and Housing are human rights otherwise.

Yeah, but he's not arguing for a bloody revolution followed by mass executions, therefore he's a Nazi.

They may be human rights, but those are rights that we will never get in the US.

I think it's fine. I'm tired of the 2 parties and the checklists for each.

So your problem is that there are checklists?

Yep. It's normal for someone's views to be divergent. Obviously my opinion isn't popular (oh well) but it's common for folks to hold views from each party.

For example, I'm on the left but enjoy my 2nd amendment rights. Does that mean I'm pro-gun? No way. I think we should be limited to handguns for home protection and hunting rifles for hunting, also to include mandatory licensing and membership in a regulated militia as requirements for ownership. That doesn't put me squarely in either party.

The examples go on an on, but overall I'm tired of having 2 parties and a neat little list that we should subscribe to so that we "belong."

The only stance Democrats won't abandon is their support for Netanyahu's genocide.

There we go, took 23 minutes longer to get there than I thought. You guys are getting lazy.

Sure is tiresome, people bringing up how the very first time that centrists decided to stand for anything, it was the wholesale slaughter of Palestinians.

Pretty sure the centrists stood for abortion access before making their stance on Palestine clear - remember that time a few days after Biden stepped down when even yall downvoted anything critical of Harris?

Politicians aren't a matter of black and white... Harris is a mixed bag... And her election would result in the least number of dead Palestinians out of any of the options. Vote for her if you don't want to continue advocating for genocide.

Pretty sure the centrists stood for abortion access

Which is why they codified roe when they had the chance.

Vote for her if you don't want to continue advocating for genocide.

I AM ALREADY VOTING FOR HER. I get that you just want everyone to shut up while we support genocide, but some of us have misgivings about the only thing that any centrist can be counted on to actually stand for.

Oh hey, as long as we're all voting for her and not advocating for a different candidate then I have no objections to protesting events or otherwise advocating to push her further to the left. I just object to advocates for a third party candidate (simply due to America's voting system).

Oh hey, don't accuse people of being trumpists or third party advocates just because they're not 100% on board with genocide like you are.

Nobody is on board with genocide and posting it in direct reply to people who are advocating the less genocide-hungry candidate just makes you look like an attention seeking idiot. Nobody is going to know you're a centrist when it appears you are equating the obviously less genocide-intent candidate with the vocally genocidal one. You are not brave for doing the bare minimum.

Nobody is on board with genocide

I've seen people opposed to genocide referred to as "jihadi cheerleading Jew haters" . One person I spoke with recently said that they hope all Palestinians die in agony.

It seems to me that you're fine with the assumption that everyone who has even the slightest misgivings about genocide must be a trump supporter, but draw the line at the assumption that anyone who jumps to that conclusion only does so because they support genocide.

You are not brave for doing the bare minimum.

And you aren't brave for going along with lemmy's pro-genocide consensus.

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So one of you didn't want to use the genocide as political tool and the other of you just wanted to let everyone know that genocide is bad and its all the dems fault? Not the nutjob known as nethanyahu

Not the nutjob known as nethanyahu

I know this is blasphemy, but we don't have to sell weapons to Netanyahu.

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Hey, I’m sorry people are treating you like shit because they assume being against genocide means you’re not on their side.

If you decide to actually not be on their side, PSL is running De La Cruz on a platform of Palestinian statehood and an end to weapons shipments to Israel.

Don’t let this get you down. It’s the same thing as Iraq and Iraq 2.

I’m sorry people are treating you like shit because they assume being against genocide means you’re not on their side.

Me being against genocide means I'm not on their side. I'm in their party and voting for their candidate, but I'm against the only thing any centrist will ever love.

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I remember 20 years ago when y'all wanted every Arab/Muslim including Palestinians dead and tore through a continent to do it. Now you take the moral high ground after killing thousands

There was a widespread and very active resistance to the wars at that time.

Not to mention, many protesters for Palestinian liberation were children or not even born at that time.


Americans. Every one of you who backed post 9/11 invasions which was pretty much the whole country except the Dixie chicks

You see, this is part of why I'm so opposed to the current genocide. A casual observer of history might assume that because no politicians were against it, no citizens were.

Were you even around in 2001? I never hung out with politicians. Just regular people, and I remember their reactions and vengeful anger.

I find a lot of young people who weren't around in 2001 love to take the moral high ground on global affairs, and as a non American that shit makes me angry. You guys don't get to take the moral high ground after what you did to my country and people and many others, and never even made amends or apologies

I was, and almost everyone I knew was against the wars. I’m not going to claim it was a majority but there was substantial resistance that grew over time. I think initially after 9/11, people were too shocked to really mount an organized resistance right away. A lesson I hope we’ve learned from, since the Bush administration capitalized on this paralysis immediately.

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